Monday, October 9, 2017

Have our Gods failed us?

Have our Gods failed us?

"Will God survive science?All the gods of our past have fallen.  So the question now is: Are we naive to think the gods of today won't suffer the same fate."
Dan Brown
(Author of The Da Vinci Code and other philosophical-religious thrillers.)

I will not use falling as Dan did but failing is what I think is closer. The theory of evolution has contradicted the story of Adam  and Eve. Old testaments are becoming vernrable.

Well nice people do not ask questions. And I am a nice man, I think so. Christianity, Judaism and Islam share a gospel but Hinduism, i grew up with is so different, a religion of many Gods. But questions have to be asked, will be asked.

But when it is said God is one, I am inclined to think that He is failing, if not totally failed already, in protecting His children irrespective of cast, creed or color.

Dan is optimistic in saying that "we have plenty of technologies we could use to destroy the planet but we don't.  There is more love and creativity on this planet than hate destructive power".

The mass shooting in Las Vegas does not suggest so. Race, religion and politics is giving birth to terrorism and He is meekly watching. North Korea is up in arms, sorry nuclear arms. People are killing each other. And He is watching!

To add to human miseries there are floods, hurricanes, earth quacks , hunger and fires that kill mercilessly. He is watching!

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