Xenophobia- fear of strangers
Do humans suffer from xenophobia-hatred for 'strangers' ? I think not, otherwise they would not be living in harmony with different groups of people of strange in color, creed and community. Over time they have learnt to live with diversity around them. It took a long long time. Historically humans fought lethal wars with those they thought were not like them. It might be on looks, color, faith, language, rituals, eating habits, dress habits and many more such issues but ultimately learnt to live together. The fear of 'others' persisted but they were few are far in between. I may say battles continued but wars were averted.
Left to us, we would like to be left alone in an island with our family and friends. This would not guarantee peace but at least it will be within family and friends only and chances of reconciliations will be maximum. But this is not possible in modern times.
We will be remembering the 100 years of the end of World War I in 2019 and then we will do the same for World War II in 2045. Reams and reams of paper will be filled with vows not to repeat the same.
But we have not learnt the lessons, nor will we.
Brexit has already caused a wide divide between nations and those supporting them. Recent US presidential election has divided the nation as was done by elections in India in 2014. Islamic terrorism is a threat which is taxing the minds of the opposite sides.
And all this is happening for fear of and hatred for the strangers- the others. The poet said something like:
सदियों से इंसान ने जीने के कुछ तरीक़े सीखे,
जीने के तरीक़े सीख लिये तो जीने के इरादे छोड़ दिये।
(For centuries humans learnt the ways of survival. Having learnt that they have now decided not to live).
Greek xenos means stranger Phobos means fear or panic
Fear of otherness
Fear or hatred of foreigners like brexit, Seria crisis, us presidential election
Majority Hindus
Islamic terrorism
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