Thursday, March 2, 2017

Buyers and sellers

Xxx There are only two types of people in the world-sellers and buyers.

As a marketing man I see this world as a market place where someone is always looking for something and another one ready to provide it for a price which in business terms is called selling. When there is no one looking for anything this another one will creat someone for his merchandise which in business terms is called marketing. After some time there is little difference between the two.

Starting from commodities of basic needs like food, clothing and shelter to items required for final journey to the crematorium, there are buyers and sellers. 
In religion the smartest salesman was Jesus Christ followed by the followers of prophet Mohammad who spread the faith far and wide mainly my conversion. Even though they  had common origin the Abraham but both religions competed with each other in enrolling as many faithfully as possible. Today they have almost half of world population between themselves.

After religion it was forms of governments where smart selling was seen. While democracy and autocracy existed much before Karl Marx (1818-1883) their  position was challenged only after this great advocate of communalism presented an alternate view. It also changed the way humans conducted business under capitalism because communism provided a different view. The middle path was socialism. In each case there were expert marketeers. 

Today we have not only buyers and sellers for commodities but for everything our imagination will allow us to travel.

An emerging and developing society can not be judged by its religion or government or by its trade practices alone or by combination of all of these. Humans need more than bread, clothing and shelter and there comes the role of many other sellers. They are in the field of:-
Opinion makers- what is good for me.
Happiness- art of living and all that.
Love- straight, gay and all that.
Health- yoga and all that by Baba.
The best part is if I am a buyer here I am a seller at some other place. At odds it becomes difficult to establish if I am a buyer or a seller. It also becomes difficult to know who is more happy and satisfied the buyer or the seller. 

All sellers are peddling their wares and promising heavens. All buyers are wanting maximum for minimum. 
Sellers are creating artificial shortages. Buyers are buying more than what they need. 
Sellers thinking to change trade more profits. Buyers thinking to change trader for better deals. 
Sellers making products to last least for repeat sale. Buyers looking for products to last for a life at least. 
Sellers tempting kids to demand for their products. Buyers as parents either pampering or tempering their kids. 

It is amply proved that the world is inhabited by sellers and buyers. Rest of the classifications like happy or unhappy, honest or dishonest, loyal or disloyal , truthful or liars, capitalists or socialists, democrats or communists, haves and haves not, etc etc are just different names for the same group of people. Human basic character is selling an buying. 

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