Thursday, August 9, 2018

Conquering the Mountains

Conquering the mountains.

A stray thought, may be not worth echoing but still disturbing.

Why would humans conquer the mountains? Why would it be called a great feat? Well I have nothing against adventures but conquering mountains!

Sherpas of Nepal went up and down the Everest many times, without glory or claim of ownership for their livelihood and still continue doing  For them the mountains are sacred and should not be sullied. But there is no choice.  Governments allow this in the  name of tourism for a  few bucks.

If Edmond could do it , me too can. And this 'me too' phenomena has created havoc. What happens to the sacredness of these mountains  which is buried unfer tons of plastic and other disposables scattered all over?

Mountains have started their revenge.  Watch out.

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