Friday, June 12, 2015


The ‘self’ is not only incorrigible but indomitable also. It neither be corrected nor be dominated by ordinary means. The worst part is it is not even under the control of its holder or owner.  Some of the uses of ‘self’  are  - self- acting, self- command, self- conceit, self- confident, self- contained, self- control, self -denial, self-educated,  self-evident, self-government, self-important, self-imposed, selfish, self-made, self-respect, self-righteous, self-seeking, self-styled, self-sufficient, self-willed. But these are dictionary prompted uses. Some of these are positive and some are negative traits of ‘self’.
The most dangerous traits of self are I, Me and Mine. It is very difficult to control these traits. Try whatever one may, these three words are not within the control of the owner and in time become his/her nature. Not only that these traits control all other organs in our body through our mind. We resort to kicking and slapping any person trying to hurt any of these traits of ours. We become foul -mouthed. We tend to possess more than what we actually need. We are tempted to show off what we have.
It starts early in life, from the very childhood. The toddler trying to grab as many toys as possible even by resorting to snatching from others. The kids take their baby dolls with them in to the bed.  The growing process strengthens these traits. The owner becomes self-centered, self-seeking and self- willed. Self-interest becomes self-righteousness. End justify the means however mean they may be. The interest and well being of other human beings is of no concern of such a person. It is I, Me and Mine.   
It is not that the dangerous effect of these traits has not been recognized or talked about but by very nature these traits are in corrigible and indomitable. The owner becomes the slave of these traits.  On occasions he/she may be doing some contemplation or introspection but the incorrigible and indomitable nature of self under weighs all such self-realizations. Everything comes back to square one.
It is possible to control this ‘self’ but the path is tedious, long winding and most importantly uncertain.  Some say self-denial will help. Some say selfless service will help. Some say self-containment will help. Some say selflessness itself will help. There is no guarantee that even after taking the tedious and long winding journey one will be in a position to control it. There are not many inspiring examples around also.
Did you say what I think?  The answer is I, Me and Mine are not bad above all. The answer is do as much as Is, MEs, MINEs, but just take care that the means justify the end. There is no harm in growing big, having huge material collection and a large and loving family but just take care that no one is mowed down by your caravan.

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