This is what Gita has to say about achieving Nirvana.
Chapter 18
“Ya imam paramam guhyam madbhakteshvabhidhaasyati;
Bhaktim mayi paraam kritwaa maamevaishyatyasamshayah.
68. He who with supreme devotion to Me will teach this
supreme secret to My devotees shall doubtless come to Me.
Na cha tasmaanmanushyeshu kashchinme priyakrittamah;
Bhavitaa na cha me tasmaadanyah priyataro bhuvi.
69. Nor is there any among men who does dearer service to
Me, nor shall there be another on earth dearer to Me than he.
Adhyeshyate cha ya imam dharmyam samvaadamaavayoh;
Jnaanayajnena tenaaham ishtah syaamiti me matih.
70. And he who will study this sacred dialogue of ours, by
him I shall have been worshipped by the sacrifice of wisdom; such is My
Shraddhaavaan anasooyashcha shrinuyaadapi yo narah;
So’pi muktah shubhaamllokaan praapnuyaat punyakarmanaam.
71. The man also who hears this, full of faith and free from
malice, he, too, liberated, shall attain to the happy worlds of those of
righteous deeds”
Not only Gita, even Ramayana and Bhagwat have similar
messages- those who read, those who teach and those who listen with devotion
and faith shall be liberated and reach the Kingdom of the Creator.
Undoubtedly, the intentions were good. The only way to
spread a message is through reading, teaching and listening and God's message
needed an audience for their own good. Our saints and sages who were directly
delivered the message by the Creator understood it in depth and put it down in
writing with explanations and then embarked upon spreading it by teaching and
preaching. Centuries passed. The baton was passed from the Gurus to the
But the rot started when the teachers and preachers turned
materialistic and a sort of competition started among them to amass as much wealth
and following as possible. They started calling themselves, of course through
their disciples, Gods and Goddesses incarnate. The teachers in present context
are so called Religious Preachers (Dharma Gurus) and the listeners are the
Devotees (Bhaktas) of these Gurus. In between are the disciples (Chelas) who
act as intermediaries. These disciples spread the miraculous powers of their
Gurus and the unsuspected, docile and gullible people turn to them for their
healing touch. Some are cured naturally but are made to believe that it was
Guru’s blessings. The cured ones are
exhibited in public during the Satsangas. Some media channels, for money,
broadcast these Satsangas at prime time. Some Gurus have their own TV channels.
And here we are, unable to find a real Dharma Gurus, one
whom we can trust. All of them have come under the shadow of doubt, thanks to
the misdeeds of most of them. It was foretold by the scriptures that in
Kaliyuga devotees will be cheated by false propaganda of the unscrupulous representatives of Religion.