Tuesday, August 11, 2015


What is life devoid of Internet, No Face Book No whatsapp,
No LinkedIn, S/sites, No Tweeter Chit Chat and no Gup-sup.
The whole world seems to have changed. The vast continents that were so close only a few days back have drifted away again. I am marooned in a tiny deserted Island at the remote corner of the limitless Universe. But let me first tell you how it happened. Normally the Cable thieves take away the underground telephone cables, while the Police and other security guys look away and the landlines telephone lines go dead for weeks. This time it is the handiwork of family members.  
The multiple Government agencies are the hands of the same establishment and therefore are supposed to live as a family. But as with humans, it does not happen in practice. The Electricity department does not see eye to eye to Telephone Department.  The Water Supply Department has age old enmity with the Telephone Department. They pretend to co-exist with each other underground by laying their cables and drainage system side by side but deep in their hearts they hate each other like MIL/ DIL/SIL. The PWD and CPWD also disturb the network in the name of improvement. They spare no opportunity to downgrade and humiliate the weakest member- the telephone department. The golden opportunity comes when either of them has to dig the ground for any of their repair or improvement work. This is the once in months time to take revenge for Water Supply Department by cutting the cables of Telephone or Electricity Department. The Telephone and Electricity Department in turn do so by choking the drains with mud and leaving the debris on the sideways after their work is finished. This time PWD has disrupted the telephone service by damaging the cable network of the Telephone Department. Tit for Tat.
My friends on Face Book, Whatsapp, LinkedIn. Tweeter and various other social sites have also forgotten me. They seem to have concluded that I am gone forever. How come, no one has missed me? Some of them had my mobile number with them. They could have at least tried to get in touch with me and enquire about my welfare. All these years they have been swearing in the name of their Gods that our friendship was forever, come what may. I have also decided to keep aloof. If they do not care, why should I.
My body denies stirring. Lethargy has set in.  Life has come to a perfect circle. I am back in the days of boredom. The spice of life is missing. Cannot advertise my ‘status’ anymore. Cannot post my ‘original’ write ups, obligatory likes/ comments on friends’ postings or photos anymore. Food does not taste the same, ‘pegs’ do not uplift the mood. There is so much to boast of, so much to holler about, so much to bitch on, so much to share with friends but damn this internetlessness.   
The only pass time is to read and re-read the daily news paper or surf the TV channels. It is a great revelation. Most of the news and contents are repetitive. This is bound to happen in 24x7 nonstop journeys. Some of the news channels invent news to fill in the promise of ‘100 breaking news in ten minute’.  Reading e-books stored in my laptop legally or otherwise, do not interest me anymore. In fact, the laptop that was once my pampered brat has lost its luster. What use is a laptop if it cannot connect me with my friends?

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