Divine Life Society, Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh organized Sadhana Week from 15th of July 2011 to 22nd of July 2011 on the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima. The program was in four sessions namely 1. Brahma Muhurta from 5 a. m. to 7 a.m. 2. Forenoon from 8.15 a.m. to 11.15 a.m. 3. Afternoon from 3.15 p. m. to 6.15 p. m. and 4. Night from 7.30 p. m. to 10 p.m. The program included Japas, Bhajans, Kirtans, Discourses, and Meditation.
The Punyatithi of Swami Sivananda Saraswati, the founder of DLS also falls on 14th of July. Sadhana Week is therefore organized every year at this time of the year. For more on DLS please log on to www.sivanandaonline.org
The Sadhana Sivir (Practice Camp) was attended by more than 1000 Sadhaks from all over the country and abroad. The arrangement for food and stay was made by DLS within its sprawling complex in clean environment free from pollution and noise. Though we are life member of DLS since 1991 and have been visiting the Ashram regularly but it was the first time we attended the Sadhana week.
The enlightening aspect of the program was the discourses by various saints that included:
1. Kailahpeethadhiswar Mahamandleswar 1008 Sri Swami Divyanand Saraswati Ji Maharaj.
2. Dandi Swami 1008 Sri Swami Hansanand Saraswati Ji Maharaj, of Swargashram.
3. Mahamandleswar 1008 Sri Swami Ashanganand Saraswati Ji Maharaj, of Parmarth Niketan.
4. Sri Geetha-Vigyanpeethadhiswar Mahamandleswar 1008 Sri Swami Vigyanand Saraswasti Ji Maharaj, Kankhal, Hardwar.
5. Mahamandleswar 1008 Sri Swami Bhagwatswaroop JI Maharaj (Darshancharya) Sri Gurumandal Ashram, Mayapur Hardwar.
6. Paramadarsh Mahamandleswar 1008 Sri Swami Vishwatmanand Puri Ji Maharaj, Sadhana Sadan Kankhal, Hardwar.
7. H. H. Sri Swami Vimalanandji Maharaj, H. H. Sri Swami Nirliptanandji Maharaj, H. H. Sri Swami Padmanabhanandji Maharaj, H. H. Sri swami Yogaswarupanandji Maharaj, and others from DLS.
It’s beyond my capacity to expound the real purport of Vedas and Upnishads but as the saints said the best way is to accept the truth of our scriptures rather than going round and round in our heads. They too were not saying anything new. They were only trying to explain the meaning of our scriptures is simple words for the benefit of the common masses. Hereunder I will try to put the message in simple sentences much for my own benefit and if in the process of sharing I have done some good it is all HIS:
1. It is essential to have Guru Kripa to succeed in Sadhana. He is your guide.
2. Sadhana is difficult but with practice and dispassion, one can succeed.
3. Tat Twam Asi. God is all pervading.
4. Like ocean in every drop of water, gold in every ornament and clay in every clay-pot, so is God in every Jeeva (living being.)
5. The main objective of Dharma is God realization. Human birth is meant to do Sadhana to reach that goal.
6. The different stages of life are birth, growth, change, decay, death and disappearance and we should always remember that.
7. World is made up of opposites-happiness-unhappiness, success-failure, love- hate, respect –disrespect etc. Do Sadhana to be happy in all circumstances.
8. Among body, senses, soul, mind and intellect, mind is the most dangerous of all. It drags us to the worldly pleasures and separates us from God. Control this by practice and dispassion.
9. Passion, anger, greed, attachment, pride and jealousy are our enemies. Keep away from them by practice and dispassion.
10. Among the senses-Rasana-taste buds, is the most dangerous. Control it.
11. Just as we cannot see the sun when covered by clouds, similarly we cannot see God because of Maya.
12. We should do Sadhana appropriate to our stages Brahamcharya, Grihastha, Vanprastha and Sanyasa.
13. It is difficult not to expect results of your Karma but it is possible to maintain balance in both favorable and unfavorable results.
14. The 24 hours of our daily life comprise of Jagrat (awake), Swapnil (Dreaming) and Sushupti(Deep sleep). It is in deep sleep stage that we are close to God. Our body is the temple of God and He is watching every action of ours. We cannot see him because He is Nrgun-Nirakar but He can see us.
15. Sadhana purifies the heart. A purified heart develops love for God and finally realizes Him.
16. Empty and alone we came; empty and alone shall we go. In between is all our imagination.
17. Saints do not take, they give and even if they take they pass on.
18. “Do hi baaten hain bafa ki, ajam kar dekh lo, Ya to mere bano, ya mujhe apana ban kar dekh lo”(There are only two things in being faithful, try if you wish, Either become mine or make me yours.)
19. It is necessary to be humble in Sadhana.
20. There was a saint who used to brag about kicking his riches and become a Sanyasi. One day his Guru called him and said ‘it looks the kick was not good enough”. Our ego prevents us from realising God.
It is difficult to define life. It has different meanings for different individuals. To me experience is life.
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