Humans are broadly divided between rich and poor irrespective of cast, creed and color. There is however one thing in common. Both need peace but for different reasons
Poor people need food and shelter for peace. Food and shelter is the basic problem of the poor. They will go to any extent to have these basic requirements even at the cost of disturbing peace. Peace has little meaning for them if their basic requirements are not met. For them peace is food and shelter. Peace for them starts with food and shelter and ends up with food and shelter. They are at peace once these basic requirements are met till their aspirations climb up to ask for more. It will be hard to expect peaceful behavior from them if they are hungry and without a roof on their heads. In order to maintain peace it is therefore the responsibility of the Governments to ensure that these basic requirements of each citizen are met in full and in time at a reasonable cost. The recent disturbances in Britain are the clear indicators of poor people disturbing peace for food and shelter. When poor people are dragged to deprivation, desperation takes over and desperation leads to destruction.
On the contrary, rich people need peace despite having no problem on account of food and shelter. They need peace to protect their food riches. They have everything but crave for peace. For them food and shelter only are not enough. They need more and therefore disturb others’ peace. Probably they are under constant fear of losing everything what they have and thus peace deludes them. Most of their time and energy goes into adding more to their riches and protecting the same. The fear of falling from the top brings the worst in them. The typical examples are wars between nations engineered by the rich and the powerful to fill in their coffers. Many wars have been fought and many more will be fought for the oil fields of the Middle East or for the natural resources of African nations
The rich use all methods of exploitation of the poor and hope that peace will prevail. They live in a fancy notion of having peace for themselves and believing that if they are at peace the whole world is at peace. They forget that outside every big mansion are scattered slums ready to pounce any time for their basic requirements of food and shelter.
And this is only the beginning. Peoples’ aspirations rise once their basic requirements are met. A poor sales person manning the cash register at Wall Mart or any other Shopping Mall will aspire to have those very items he sells. He/she will try to get them with honest ways but if opportunity provides will not hesitate to loot and thus disturb peace. This is what exactly disintegrated Soviet Russia. The power to be there thought of peace was guaranteed because they had ensured food and shelter and clothing for everybody and nothing more is required to be done. They forgot that people aspirations are rising and they want to have all those things what others are having.
It therefore appears that peace is the need for all but for different reasons. Poor people need food and shelter for peace and rich people need peace despite having food and shelter. It is equally necessary to bridge the poor –rich divide so that the person on the lower floor is not apprehensive of the person on the upper floor and vise versa.
It is difficult to define life. It has different meanings for different individuals. To me experience is life.
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