Humans are broadly divided between rich and poor irrespective of cast, creed and color. There is however one thing in common. Both need peace but for different reasons
Poor people need food and shelter for peace. Food and shelter is the basic problem of the poor. They will go to any extent to have these basic requirements even at the cost of disturbing peace. Peace has little meaning for them if their basic requirements are not met. For them peace is food and shelter. Peace for them starts with food and shelter and ends up with food and shelter. They are at peace once these basic requirements are met till their aspirations climb up to ask for more. It will be hard to expect peaceful behavior from them if they are hungry and without a roof on their heads. In order to maintain peace it is therefore the responsibility of the Governments to ensure that these basic requirements of each citizen are met in full and in time at a reasonable cost. The recent disturbances in Britain are the clear indicators of poor people disturbing peace for food and shelter. When poor people are dragged to deprivation, desperation takes over and desperation leads to destruction.
On the contrary, rich people need peace despite having no problem on account of food and shelter. They need peace to protect their food riches. They have everything but crave for peace. For them food and shelter only are not enough. They need more and therefore disturb others’ peace. Probably they are under constant fear of losing everything what they have and thus peace deludes them. Most of their time and energy goes into adding more to their riches and protecting the same. The fear of falling from the top brings the worst in them. The typical examples are wars between nations engineered by the rich and the powerful to fill in their coffers. Many wars have been fought and many more will be fought for the oil fields of the Middle East or for the natural resources of African nations
The rich use all methods of exploitation of the poor and hope that peace will prevail. They live in a fancy notion of having peace for themselves and believing that if they are at peace the whole world is at peace. They forget that outside every big mansion are scattered slums ready to pounce any time for their basic requirements of food and shelter.
And this is only the beginning. Peoples’ aspirations rise once their basic requirements are met. A poor sales person manning the cash register at Wall Mart or any other Shopping Mall will aspire to have those very items he sells. He/she will try to get them with honest ways but if opportunity provides will not hesitate to loot and thus disturb peace. This is what exactly disintegrated Soviet Russia. The power to be there thought of peace was guaranteed because they had ensured food and shelter and clothing for everybody and nothing more is required to be done. They forgot that people aspirations are rising and they want to have all those things what others are having.
It therefore appears that peace is the need for all but for different reasons. Poor people need food and shelter for peace and rich people need peace despite having food and shelter. It is equally necessary to bridge the poor –rich divide so that the person on the lower floor is not apprehensive of the person on the upper floor and vise versa.
It is difficult to define life. It has different meanings for different individuals. To me experience is life.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Whenever I see a Sea of humans moving for a cause it reminds me of the saying:
We have seen such human oceans in our recent past. We have still not forgotten or will possibly never forget the Satyagrah movements of Mahatma Gandhi that forced the British Empire to come to its knees and grant freedom to India. Similar movements influenced by Gandhi’s Satyagrah were equally successful elsewhere too. Gandhi took care that not only the end be justified but the means to achieve that end should also be justified. Martin Luther King in USA and Nelson Mandella I South Africa used these tools of non cooperation and non violence with success.
It is said that when intentions are good and means are justified, the whole creation comes to your help. We have seen similar movements in the past. We saw J. P. Narayan’s well intentioned movement culminating into that infamous imposition of emergency from 25/06/1975 to 21/03/1977 by then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi. The aftermath of the movement however was not as rosy as promised as the new leaders were not any better.
We saw protests against Prime Minister V. P. Singh’s implementation of Mandal Commission Report in 1990 which subsequently opened the flood gates of reservations for socially weaker sections of our society. If the four Varnas were not already enough, the fourth Verna-Sudras factored into many sub groups called Other Backward Classes. We are still and will continue to struggle with the sad outcome of this misguided adventurism for the sole purpose of remaining in power.
We also saw the ‘Kamandal’- Rath Yatra of BJP leader L. K. Advani with full support from RSS, VHP and many such fundamentalist outfits. It aimed at constructing Ram Mandir at Ayodhya but sadly turned into the demolition of Babri Masjid on December 6, 1992. This too was aimed at the sole objective of gaining power at the centre by BJP and they partly succeeded. However India has not had a peaceful sleep since then. There has been so much of destruction of human life and worst it has totally destroyed our social fabric of mutual tolerance and co-existence. We have now many terrorist groups and sub groups between the two communities.
Presently we are witnessing the Anna Hazare Movement against corruption. His Lopkpal and that of the Government both aiming at fighting corruption are in a logjam. Neither side is ready to accept each other’s version. The opposition is watching the Government’s discomfort from a distance. Not that they fully agree with Anna but simply because it gives them sadistic pleasure, they are not coming out with their views in the open. General Election in 2014 is due and opposition is determined to keep the fire burning.
No one will disagree with Anna that corruption is eating into our very concept of Independence and unless it is checked and checked immediately we are bound to become another banana republic because our corrupt politicians, bearcats and judiciary will not hesitate to mortgage this country for their own personal gains. Anna like all of us also knows that his Lokpal is not the only remedy and it alone will not wipe out corruption.
The question is does the end justify the means? In present context the answer seems to be in a yes. However the all important question still lingers in our minds and that is in a Democracy it is for the Constitutional Institutions like Parliament to enact a law after taking view of all stake holders. Will Anna Hazare’s insistence on ‘my way or high way’ not undermine the importance of these institutions?
Will this movement be equated with Gandhi’s Quit India movement or will it open the floodgates for other groups with some following to ask for ‘my way or highway’? We are a community of communities with different interests groups based on caste, creed, languages, and regions and somehow have been in a position to keep the federal character of our country intact after Independence. I see a danger here because tomorrow someone with fellow thinkers may sit on indefinite fast to have his/her way.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
There were times when something extraordinary had to be done to become a celebrity. Right Brothers had to literally risk their lives to give us the pleasure of flying. Graham Bell had to spend sleepless nights to make communication become so easy by inventing telephone. Mohandas karamchand Gandhi had to abandon legal practice and let the whole world know that freedom could be earned by non-violence and Satyagrah. History is full of such celebrities who did something special for humanity. These celebrities are in all fields: Art, Science, Culture, Literature, Politics, Industry, Education, Administration etc.
Presently one takes out her bra and becomes celebrity. Other one paints herself nude and becomes celebrity. Next one announces to run nude if India wins the Cricket World Cup. Men are not behind. There are many cases of controversial rouges that have made it big in reality shows just because their nuisance value increases the TRP of the channels. Rakhi Sawant and Rahul Mahajan come to my mind instantly who were the darling of the channels who aired Swayambers for them. Rakhi made her known by daring outfits and Rahul by his drug addiction. Nonetheless they claim to be celebrity and media promotes them as such.
We now live in times of showmanship or show-woman-ship. The more vocal, unconventional and arrogant you are the more the chances of your being a celebrity. True such celebrity status may be short lived but it is enough for raw young minds to be motivated and imitate them. Thousands of boys and girls are rushing to Film centers to try their luck in acting, singing, dancing and anything that can be claimed entertainment. A very few of them do make it big but most end up in abject depression due to rejection and failure.
The mushrooming teaching institutes in all neighborhoods in the field of dance, music and acting and the ever increasing ambitions of parents are further fueling these phenomena. Children in the age group of 3 to 12 are being pushed to extreme limits to learn and perform. A peek at the crowd gathered during the auditioning competitions will prove the point.
It is not that in future we will be deprived of true celebrities. There always will be some genuinely hard working men and women who will do something to benefit the society. It is the role of media to present healthy trends and promote them rather than gaining cheap publicity.
There were times when something extraordinary had to be done to become a celebrity. Right Brothers had to literally risk their lives to give us the pleasure of flying. Graham Bell had to spend sleepless nights to make communication become so easy by inventing telephone. Mohandas karamchand Gandhi had to abandon legal practice and let the whole world know that freedom could be earned by non-violence and Satyagrah. History is full of such celebrities who did something special for humanity. These celebrities are in all fields: Art, Science, Culture, Literature, Politics, Industry, Education, Administration etc.
Presently one takes out her bra and becomes celebrity. Other one paints herself nude and becomes celebrity. Next one announces to run nude if India wins the Cricket World Cup. Men are not behind. There are many cases of controversial rouges that have made it big in reality shows just because their nuisance value increases the TRP of the channels. Rakhi Sawant and Rahul Mahajan come to my mind instantly who were the darling of the channels who aired Swayambers for them. Rakhi made her known by daring outfits and Rahul by his drug addiction. Nonetheless they claim to be celebrity and media promotes them as such.
We now live in times of showmanship or show-woman-ship. The more vocal, unconventional and arrogant you are the more the chances of your being a celebrity. True such celebrity status may be short lived but it is enough for raw young minds to be motivated and imitate them. Thousands of boys and girls are rushing to Film centers to try their luck in acting, singing, dancing and anything that can be claimed entertainment. A very few of them do make it big but most end up in abject depression due to rejection and failure.
The mushrooming teaching institutes in all neighborhoods in the field of dance, music and acting and the ever increasing ambitions of parents are further fueling these phenomena. Children in the age group of 3 to 12 are being pushed to extreme limits to learn and perform. A peek at the crowd gathered during the auditioning competitions will prove the point.
It is not that in future we will be deprived of true celebrities. There always will be some genuinely hard working men and women who will do something to benefit the society. It is the role of media to present healthy trends and promote them rather than gaining cheap publicity.
Friday, August 12, 2011
There days both print and electronic media is abuzz with stories of mega steals. Internet is digging deep into history of scams. Bofors scam of RS 64 Crores seems to be insignificant as compared to present 2 G scam of Rs 176000 crores. In fact I had to freshen up my math to find out how many zeros are in a lac crore. My twelve digit calculator showed error when I tried to type the amount. Thankfully y most of the offenders are behind the bars.
Manipulating Stocks and stealing someone’s hard earned money is almost everyday occurrence. We have heard of Harsh Mudra Harshad Mehata, Ketan Parekh, and Unit 64 where crores and crores of public money was swindled off. There were cases where retired people invested their entire Provident Fund amount in Unit 64 when the Fund was posting very high returns. And then somewhere in 2003 it went burst. Fortunately on public pressure Government help came to the rescue but not to full extent. In any case Government itself was responsible for the collapse of the Fund.
There are other scams that are played every day in the Stock Exchanges and Corporate head Quarters world over. Companies both Financial and manufacturing reward their CEOS who increases the stake holders’ wealth. He may not necessarily do so by increasing the efficiency of the company, by cutting costs, by improving customer satisfaction. He might have done so by fudging the company accounts to show profits and assets that were not there. Nonetheless he succeeded in holstering the image of the company and by clever manipulation in the share market saw to it that company stocks are rated and traded high. And then one fine morning when the top has been achieved, the owners sell off their stocks, make huge profits and simply vanish.
One thing is common among these steals. Most of the culprits get scot free. On the contrary they get promoted in their respective field of operation. Some become CEOs in Government, some in corporate world and some in Social Sector.
Compare these steals with the petty thieves of cell phones, laptops, ladies purses, bicycles, motor cycles, cars and all such personal effects. Most of these people go to jail. These types of steals are not worth the trouble.
Premier Management Institutes all over the world are churning out thousands of Management Graduates and most of them are recruited at huge pay packets and stock options. It is obvious that these so called management experts will enrich their organizations with equally huge profits. There is nothing wrong in earning profits but do these management institutes teach some ethics and if yes do these management experts follow them? We seem to be living in a mad -mad world where by hook or by crook one has to climb up, no matter how many have been crushed underneath.
Educational Institutes in any field have miserably failed to impart the need for professional ethics and therefore the end result too is foggy. These very pass-outs one day manage business and industry, schools, colleges, hospitals, Governments and other arms and wings of our social structure. IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient or Ethical Quotient) are o be balance in such a way the society at large is benefited.
There days both print and electronic media is abuzz with stories of mega steals. Internet is digging deep into history of scams. Bofors scam of RS 64 Crores seems to be insignificant as compared to present 2 G scam of Rs 176000 crores. In fact I had to freshen up my math to find out how many zeros are in a lac crore. My twelve digit calculator showed error when I tried to type the amount. Thankfully y most of the offenders are behind the bars.
Manipulating Stocks and stealing someone’s hard earned money is almost everyday occurrence. We have heard of Harsh Mudra Harshad Mehata, Ketan Parekh, and Unit 64 where crores and crores of public money was swindled off. There were cases where retired people invested their entire Provident Fund amount in Unit 64 when the Fund was posting very high returns. And then somewhere in 2003 it went burst. Fortunately on public pressure Government help came to the rescue but not to full extent. In any case Government itself was responsible for the collapse of the Fund.
There are other scams that are played every day in the Stock Exchanges and Corporate head Quarters world over. Companies both Financial and manufacturing reward their CEOS who increases the stake holders’ wealth. He may not necessarily do so by increasing the efficiency of the company, by cutting costs, by improving customer satisfaction. He might have done so by fudging the company accounts to show profits and assets that were not there. Nonetheless he succeeded in holstering the image of the company and by clever manipulation in the share market saw to it that company stocks are rated and traded high. And then one fine morning when the top has been achieved, the owners sell off their stocks, make huge profits and simply vanish.
One thing is common among these steals. Most of the culprits get scot free. On the contrary they get promoted in their respective field of operation. Some become CEOs in Government, some in corporate world and some in Social Sector.
Compare these steals with the petty thieves of cell phones, laptops, ladies purses, bicycles, motor cycles, cars and all such personal effects. Most of these people go to jail. These types of steals are not worth the trouble.
Premier Management Institutes all over the world are churning out thousands of Management Graduates and most of them are recruited at huge pay packets and stock options. It is obvious that these so called management experts will enrich their organizations with equally huge profits. There is nothing wrong in earning profits but do these management institutes teach some ethics and if yes do these management experts follow them? We seem to be living in a mad -mad world where by hook or by crook one has to climb up, no matter how many have been crushed underneath.
Educational Institutes in any field have miserably failed to impart the need for professional ethics and therefore the end result too is foggy. These very pass-outs one day manage business and industry, schools, colleges, hospitals, Governments and other arms and wings of our social structure. IQ (Intelligence Quotient) and EQ (Emotional Quotient or Ethical Quotient) are o be balance in such a way the society at large is benefited.
(As narrated by a friend)
Family feuds can play havoc with the lives of not only the elders but also with the lives of children.
Our two families were neighbors for years and had very good relations. We grew up together as children and we did everything that comes naturally to children. We played together, ate together and at times slept together. We had our dozes of fights, swearing, not talking to each other but it lasted for a few hours only.
And then we saw some ugly things happening between our two families. Initially there were some small fights on small issues but finally resulted into court cases. It was beyond our understanding why the elders have stopped talking to each other. All what we could understand was that it was something to do with a plot of land both families have purchased jointly.
Court cases continued and so did the enmity. We were no more allowed to play together. I was taken out from the school and admitted in some other school. Our doors now closed on them and theirs on us. No more joint tea sessions or festivals.
The dooms day came. Police was at our door step. They arrested my father and charged him with the murder of our once friendly neighbor. He had shot him dead outside the court. He was sentenced to life imprisonment.
He lost his father to death and I lost my father to Jail for being the cause of it. As a result we both became orphans. Our bread earners had gone.
We sold our house and settled in a rented house in far away locality. Life was tough but my mother somehow managed to see me though college. I landed in a good job and there were no worries on account of finances now. I do not know why but I wanted to know about my friend. Deep down I felt guilty.
I went to the old locality which was completely changed by now. They had also left the locality and few enquiries revealed that they were living in abject poverty as his mother could not make both ends meet for the family of 4 children. Further enquiries proved futile.
My father is due to come home after completing his Jail term. I am not in a position to face him and forgive him for all what he did.
(As narrated by a friend)
Family feuds can play havoc with the lives of not only the elders but also with the lives of children.
Our two families were neighbors for years and had very good relations. We grew up together as children and we did everything that comes naturally to children. We played together, ate together and at times slept together. We had our dozes of fights, swearing, not talking to each other but it lasted for a few hours only.
And then we saw some ugly things happening between our two families. Initially there were some small fights on small issues but finally resulted into court cases. It was beyond our understanding why the elders have stopped talking to each other. All what we could understand was that it was something to do with a plot of land both families have purchased jointly.
Court cases continued and so did the enmity. We were no more allowed to play together. I was taken out from the school and admitted in some other school. Our doors now closed on them and theirs on us. No more joint tea sessions or festivals.
The dooms day came. Police was at our door step. They arrested my father and charged him with the murder of our once friendly neighbor. He had shot him dead outside the court. He was sentenced to life imprisonment.
He lost his father to death and I lost my father to Jail for being the cause of it. As a result we both became orphans. Our bread earners had gone.
We sold our house and settled in a rented house in far away locality. Life was tough but my mother somehow managed to see me though college. I landed in a good job and there were no worries on account of finances now. I do not know why but I wanted to know about my friend. Deep down I felt guilty.
I went to the old locality which was completely changed by now. They had also left the locality and few enquiries revealed that they were living in abject poverty as his mother could not make both ends meet for the family of 4 children. Further enquiries proved futile.
My father is due to come home after completing his Jail term. I am not in a position to face him and forgive him for all what he did.
These words echo into my ears whenever I watch urchins collecting rags from the garbage dumps or some beggar biting on the leftover thrown in after the party is over or a frail teenage mother holding a child and asking for alms at the crossings. All such scenes are enacted daily on the streets of our Metros.
Hunger can be demeaning. Hunger does not know humiliation. Hunger can drag a person to unimaginable limits. It is hunger that forces a mother to sell her child. It is hunger that drives a girl child or a woman to prostitution.
For centuries mankind has fought this demon named hunger without success. It raises its heads every now and then. No country is unaffected by it. The third world countries can blame the ever increasing population, lack of resources, corruption and what ever but the Developed countries has no such compulsions. The back streets of all flourishing big cities in the world are the home of poor and hungry. What is Dharavi for Mumbai , Queens and Bronx are for New York, may be slightly better cousions. What is Bihar for India , Mississipi is for America.
Whatever has happened to the promise of wiping the tears from the eyes of every poor? It is not that we have not enough. World food production of main food grains like wheat and rice is estimated to be more than the actual demand. In fact there has been a time when the excess production in USA and Canada was dumped into the sea in order to stop the fall in prices. A big part of African continent faces acute food shortage and starvation deaths.
Closer home we are self sufficient in Food grains. 2001-02 production of wheat was 65.13 MT and that of rice was 93.8 MT... The figures must have crossed 100 MT mark by now considering the average 2 to 3 % annual growth in food grain production. Thousands of grains were allowed to decay in the open for paucity of proper storage space. Governments come up Employment Guarantee Schemes, Subsidized Food for the BPL families and what not. In Twenty First Centaury it is difficult to comprehend that people can die of hunger. True we do not have famine like situations but it is also true that people die of hunger and malnutrition.
Could it be that the people are themselves to be blamed for their sorry state of affairs? They do not want to work. Begging is easy. It is their fate.
These words echo into my ears whenever I watch urchins collecting rags from the garbage dumps or some beggar biting on the leftover thrown in after the party is over or a frail teenage mother holding a child and asking for alms at the crossings. All such scenes are enacted daily on the streets of our Metros.
Hunger can be demeaning. Hunger does not know humiliation. Hunger can drag a person to unimaginable limits. It is hunger that forces a mother to sell her child. It is hunger that drives a girl child or a woman to prostitution.
For centuries mankind has fought this demon named hunger without success. It raises its heads every now and then. No country is unaffected by it. The third world countries can blame the ever increasing population, lack of resources, corruption and what ever but the Developed countries has no such compulsions. The back streets of all flourishing big cities in the world are the home of poor and hungry. What is Dharavi for Mumbai , Queens and Bronx are for New York, may be slightly better cousions. What is Bihar for India , Mississipi is for America.
Whatever has happened to the promise of wiping the tears from the eyes of every poor? It is not that we have not enough. World food production of main food grains like wheat and rice is estimated to be more than the actual demand. In fact there has been a time when the excess production in USA and Canada was dumped into the sea in order to stop the fall in prices. A big part of African continent faces acute food shortage and starvation deaths.
Closer home we are self sufficient in Food grains. 2001-02 production of wheat was 65.13 MT and that of rice was 93.8 MT... The figures must have crossed 100 MT mark by now considering the average 2 to 3 % annual growth in food grain production. Thousands of grains were allowed to decay in the open for paucity of proper storage space. Governments come up Employment Guarantee Schemes, Subsidized Food for the BPL families and what not. In Twenty First Centaury it is difficult to comprehend that people can die of hunger. True we do not have famine like situations but it is also true that people die of hunger and malnutrition.
Could it be that the people are themselves to be blamed for their sorry state of affairs? They do not want to work. Begging is easy. It is their fate.
This story dates back to the days not many decades ago. It was a period when my 6 or 7 years young mind was trying to comprehend things around me. Some of the traditions were complicated and harsh enough to leave an imprint for life. This one is one of such traditions.
I was one of the many who belonged to an upper cast. There were some who belonged to lower cast. What that actually meant was beyond the understanding of kids of my age. To us all it meant was that one, the lower cast people are those who are born in lower cast and upper cast people are those who are born in upper cast. Secondly, since they were born in lower cast they were not allowed to mix up with upper cast people. Thirdly, they were not allowed to visit our temple, draw water from our wells, touch us when we were having our food and play with us.
Lower cast people lived in their huts a little away from the pucca houses of the upper cast people. Lower cast people were required to serve the upper cast people as blacksmiths, weavers, cobblers, drum beaters, barbers and so on. In return they were doled out some food grains after every crop, used clothes and left over food. They were called to drag the dead domestic animal out of the village limits as upper cast people were not supposed to touch a dead cow or bull. Surprisingly, a goat or a sheep was mercilessly killed by upper cast people and eaten with relish. But why this and why not that was alien for our young minds. We were supposed to obey as our elders told us.
Badru was the head of the lower cast community and a cobbler by profession. He also doubled as a healer. He was called to cure the ailing animals and at times humans of any injury turning into egzima. His home made lotion was highly effective. In such cases, the tag of lower cast did not hold any weight. This also was beyond my comprehension.
I was probably some 10 years old. For months some hoofing cough was troubling the young ones in the village. Children in the age group of one and four were badly affected. These kids could not sleep the whole night. All sorts of drugs given by the village doctor (Ayurvedic Vaid) had little or no effect. The disease was contagious and almost all kids in the village in that age group were suffering.
The disease spread in the lower cast hutment also but was soon controlled and cured, thanks to the water used for the treatment of leather by Badru. Badru had a large container in which he used to keep the raw animal hide to soak for a month or so before he used it for shoe making. It was difficult to reason out but one spoon full of that water was good enough to cure the nagging cough. Upper cast people were reluctant to try it because firstly it was contaminated by raw animal hide and secondly touched by Badru, the low cast.
Unable to find a better solution upper cast people were obliged to let their children suffer as the tradition demanded. Moreover who could make the first move? It so happened that in the darkness of the night some beleaguered upper cast people went to Badru’s hut with the sick children and asked him to oblige which he readily did. And why not? Above all, it was after centuries that upper cast children were drinking water at his place and that too contaminated with animal hide! He must have felt highly elated.
There were some mumbling sounds of dissent in the upper cast community but it soon died down when Badru’s miracle started working. Upper cast people openly started to go to Badru’s and get their children a spoonful of heavenly water. The logic extended was medicines have no cast.
Gandhiji’s Quit India movement had come to a fruitful end and India had gained Independence in 1947. His mission of equality for every person irrespective of cast and creed had just touched our village and the lower cast started had calling themselves Harijan (God’s own people), the word coined by Gandhiji for all lower cast people. This was a bitter pill for the upper cast people which they were not ready to stomach.
This story dates back to the days not many decades ago. It was a period when my 6 or 7 years young mind was trying to comprehend things around me. Some of the traditions were complicated and harsh enough to leave an imprint for life. This one is one of such traditions.
I was one of the many who belonged to an upper cast. There were some who belonged to lower cast. What that actually meant was beyond the understanding of kids of my age. To us all it meant was that one, the lower cast people are those who are born in lower cast and upper cast people are those who are born in upper cast. Secondly, since they were born in lower cast they were not allowed to mix up with upper cast people. Thirdly, they were not allowed to visit our temple, draw water from our wells, touch us when we were having our food and play with us.
Lower cast people lived in their huts a little away from the pucca houses of the upper cast people. Lower cast people were required to serve the upper cast people as blacksmiths, weavers, cobblers, drum beaters, barbers and so on. In return they were doled out some food grains after every crop, used clothes and left over food. They were called to drag the dead domestic animal out of the village limits as upper cast people were not supposed to touch a dead cow or bull. Surprisingly, a goat or a sheep was mercilessly killed by upper cast people and eaten with relish. But why this and why not that was alien for our young minds. We were supposed to obey as our elders told us.
Badru was the head of the lower cast community and a cobbler by profession. He also doubled as a healer. He was called to cure the ailing animals and at times humans of any injury turning into egzima. His home made lotion was highly effective. In such cases, the tag of lower cast did not hold any weight. This also was beyond my comprehension.
I was probably some 10 years old. For months some hoofing cough was troubling the young ones in the village. Children in the age group of one and four were badly affected. These kids could not sleep the whole night. All sorts of drugs given by the village doctor (Ayurvedic Vaid) had little or no effect. The disease was contagious and almost all kids in the village in that age group were suffering.
The disease spread in the lower cast hutment also but was soon controlled and cured, thanks to the water used for the treatment of leather by Badru. Badru had a large container in which he used to keep the raw animal hide to soak for a month or so before he used it for shoe making. It was difficult to reason out but one spoon full of that water was good enough to cure the nagging cough. Upper cast people were reluctant to try it because firstly it was contaminated by raw animal hide and secondly touched by Badru, the low cast.
Unable to find a better solution upper cast people were obliged to let their children suffer as the tradition demanded. Moreover who could make the first move? It so happened that in the darkness of the night some beleaguered upper cast people went to Badru’s hut with the sick children and asked him to oblige which he readily did. And why not? Above all, it was after centuries that upper cast children were drinking water at his place and that too contaminated with animal hide! He must have felt highly elated.
There were some mumbling sounds of dissent in the upper cast community but it soon died down when Badru’s miracle started working. Upper cast people openly started to go to Badru’s and get their children a spoonful of heavenly water. The logic extended was medicines have no cast.
Gandhiji’s Quit India movement had come to a fruitful end and India had gained Independence in 1947. His mission of equality for every person irrespective of cast and creed had just touched our village and the lower cast started had calling themselves Harijan (God’s own people), the word coined by Gandhiji for all lower cast people. This was a bitter pill for the upper cast people which they were not ready to stomach.
Early in childhood e were told about our Kul Devata/Kul Devi (Family God/Goddess) and on every auspicious occasion, the family worshipped the same with elaborate arrangements and whole village was invited. In addition the village folks worshipped , in our case, the Village Devi (Shakti) on anuual basis like on Durga Asthami .
According to nau- grahs, each day of the week is assigned to a particular God or Goddess. Monday for Lord Shiva, Tuesday for Lord Hanuman, Wednesday for Lord Krishna, Thursday for Lord Vishnu. Friday for Shakti (Goddess Durga, Kali or Santoshi mata),Saturday for Lord Shani and Sunday is for Lord Surya (Sun).Accordingly, the long queues in front of temples are indicative of the popularity of a particular God. With a huge population of believers, the faithful throng the temples on each day of the week.
However faithful seem to be navigating from one God and Goddess to another and to another depending on the delivery mechanism of each of them. There is enough completion and now some modern day Gods and Goddesses have also been made part of the race. Since the revenues of the temples depend on the offerings of the faithful, there is no room for complacency. It is no wonder that temples of Lord Shiva or Lord Hanuman as others have to accommodate other gods and goddesses within their complex to ward off the completion. The idea is not only to retain their Bhakts but also to attract as, many more as possible. Huge Statues of Lords Shiva, Hanuman, Shani and others are being put up to attract visitors. These statues can be seen from miles on the highways.
Current favorite in North India are Lord Shani and Shirdi ke Sai Baba. Even a smallest temple has put up the Murties of Lord Shani and Shirdi Ke Sai Baba to retain their visitorship.
I think it all has to do with the results, who can deliver fast and for sure. Most of time it is based on hearsay, words of mouth... Such and such person did this and was blessed with a son or a child. Such and such did that and were blessed with success in job or business or litigation or just about everything. More the success stories more the faithful and more the offerings.
Are these the signs of changing times in FAITH or just a passing phase?
Early in childhood e were told about our Kul Devata/Kul Devi (Family God/Goddess) and on every auspicious occasion, the family worshipped the same with elaborate arrangements and whole village was invited. In addition the village folks worshipped , in our case, the Village Devi (Shakti) on anuual basis like on Durga Asthami .
According to nau- grahs, each day of the week is assigned to a particular God or Goddess. Monday for Lord Shiva, Tuesday for Lord Hanuman, Wednesday for Lord Krishna, Thursday for Lord Vishnu. Friday for Shakti (Goddess Durga, Kali or Santoshi mata),Saturday for Lord Shani and Sunday is for Lord Surya (Sun).Accordingly, the long queues in front of temples are indicative of the popularity of a particular God. With a huge population of believers, the faithful throng the temples on each day of the week.
However faithful seem to be navigating from one God and Goddess to another and to another depending on the delivery mechanism of each of them. There is enough completion and now some modern day Gods and Goddesses have also been made part of the race. Since the revenues of the temples depend on the offerings of the faithful, there is no room for complacency. It is no wonder that temples of Lord Shiva or Lord Hanuman as others have to accommodate other gods and goddesses within their complex to ward off the completion. The idea is not only to retain their Bhakts but also to attract as, many more as possible. Huge Statues of Lords Shiva, Hanuman, Shani and others are being put up to attract visitors. These statues can be seen from miles on the highways.
Current favorite in North India are Lord Shani and Shirdi ke Sai Baba. Even a smallest temple has put up the Murties of Lord Shani and Shirdi Ke Sai Baba to retain their visitorship.
I think it all has to do with the results, who can deliver fast and for sure. Most of time it is based on hearsay, words of mouth... Such and such person did this and was blessed with a son or a child. Such and such did that and were blessed with success in job or business or litigation or just about everything. More the success stories more the faithful and more the offerings.
Are these the signs of changing times in FAITH or just a passing phase?
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
At every stage of life, in all situations we crave for freedom, freedom from obligations, freedom from oppression, freedom from commitments, freedom from any type of restrictions and on a much higher plane freedom from birth, death and rebirth.
Look at the child. The moments he/she learns to walk, the craving for freedom to run away takes over. The pleasure of running away becomes a game both for the child and the parents. The teenagers want no restrictions. They ask for freedom to live their dreams. As grown- ups the individuals want to be free from any sort of dominance. The employees turn to entrepreneurs as a mark of freedom from day to day harassment from employers. As a family person, in spite of all the love and attention, the craving for freedom exists.
The journey in life is aimed at being free. We want freedom of choice, freedom of speech, freedom of action and freedom of living our life the way we want. Left to us, we do not want any sort of restrictions. In fact we hate restrictions in any form. This is possibly why our scriptures talk about the four stages life namely Brahmacharya Ashram, Grihastha Ashram, Banprastha Ashram and Sanyas. It appears the journey of life starts with the sole purpose of getting free and ends with achieving that goal in death.
It is because we were free. It is because we were free before and we will be free after. It is because the soul in our body was and is eternally free from all and everything that our body suffers from. Atma (soul) is unborn, dies never. (Na jayate mriyate wa kadachin naayam bhoota bhavita wan a bhuyah) This soul which lives in our body constantly reminds us of our intrinsic nature.
This is possibly the reason why we crave for freedom.
At every stage of life, in all situations we crave for freedom, freedom from obligations, freedom from oppression, freedom from commitments, freedom from any type of restrictions and on a much higher plane freedom from birth, death and rebirth.
Look at the child. The moments he/she learns to walk, the craving for freedom to run away takes over. The pleasure of running away becomes a game both for the child and the parents. The teenagers want no restrictions. They ask for freedom to live their dreams. As grown- ups the individuals want to be free from any sort of dominance. The employees turn to entrepreneurs as a mark of freedom from day to day harassment from employers. As a family person, in spite of all the love and attention, the craving for freedom exists.
The journey in life is aimed at being free. We want freedom of choice, freedom of speech, freedom of action and freedom of living our life the way we want. Left to us, we do not want any sort of restrictions. In fact we hate restrictions in any form. This is possibly why our scriptures talk about the four stages life namely Brahmacharya Ashram, Grihastha Ashram, Banprastha Ashram and Sanyas. It appears the journey of life starts with the sole purpose of getting free and ends with achieving that goal in death.
It is because we were free. It is because we were free before and we will be free after. It is because the soul in our body was and is eternally free from all and everything that our body suffers from. Atma (soul) is unborn, dies never. (Na jayate mriyate wa kadachin naayam bhoota bhavita wan a bhuyah) This soul which lives in our body constantly reminds us of our intrinsic nature.
This is possibly the reason why we crave for freedom.
Divine Life Society, Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh organized Sadhana Week from 15th of July 2011 to 22nd of July 2011 on the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima. The program was in four sessions namely 1. Brahma Muhurta from 5 a. m. to 7 a.m. 2. Forenoon from 8.15 a.m. to 11.15 a.m. 3. Afternoon from 3.15 p. m. to 6.15 p. m. and 4. Night from 7.30 p. m. to 10 p.m. The program included Japas, Bhajans, Kirtans, Discourses, and Meditation.
The Punyatithi of Swami Sivananda Saraswati, the founder of DLS also falls on 14th of July. Sadhana Week is therefore organized every year at this time of the year. For more on DLS please log on to
The Sadhana Sivir (Practice Camp) was attended by more than 1000 Sadhaks from all over the country and abroad. The arrangement for food and stay was made by DLS within its sprawling complex in clean environment free from pollution and noise. Though we are life member of DLS since 1991 and have been visiting the Ashram regularly but it was the first time we attended the Sadhana week.
The enlightening aspect of the program was the discourses by various saints that included:
1. Kailahpeethadhiswar Mahamandleswar 1008 Sri Swami Divyanand Saraswati Ji Maharaj.
2. Dandi Swami 1008 Sri Swami Hansanand Saraswati Ji Maharaj, of Swargashram.
3. Mahamandleswar 1008 Sri Swami Ashanganand Saraswati Ji Maharaj, of Parmarth Niketan.
4. Sri Geetha-Vigyanpeethadhiswar Mahamandleswar 1008 Sri Swami Vigyanand Saraswasti Ji Maharaj, Kankhal, Hardwar.
5. Mahamandleswar 1008 Sri Swami Bhagwatswaroop JI Maharaj (Darshancharya) Sri Gurumandal Ashram, Mayapur Hardwar.
6. Paramadarsh Mahamandleswar 1008 Sri Swami Vishwatmanand Puri Ji Maharaj, Sadhana Sadan Kankhal, Hardwar.
7. H. H. Sri Swami Vimalanandji Maharaj, H. H. Sri Swami Nirliptanandji Maharaj, H. H. Sri Swami Padmanabhanandji Maharaj, H. H. Sri swami Yogaswarupanandji Maharaj, and others from DLS.
It’s beyond my capacity to expound the real purport of Vedas and Upnishads but as the saints said the best way is to accept the truth of our scriptures rather than going round and round in our heads. They too were not saying anything new. They were only trying to explain the meaning of our scriptures is simple words for the benefit of the common masses. Hereunder I will try to put the message in simple sentences much for my own benefit and if in the process of sharing I have done some good it is all HIS:
1. It is essential to have Guru Kripa to succeed in Sadhana. He is your guide.
2. Sadhana is difficult but with practice and dispassion, one can succeed.
3. Tat Twam Asi. God is all pervading.
4. Like ocean in every drop of water, gold in every ornament and clay in every clay-pot, so is God in every Jeeva (living being.)
5. The main objective of Dharma is God realization. Human birth is meant to do Sadhana to reach that goal.
6. The different stages of life are birth, growth, change, decay, death and disappearance and we should always remember that.
7. World is made up of opposites-happiness-unhappiness, success-failure, love- hate, respect –disrespect etc. Do Sadhana to be happy in all circumstances.
8. Among body, senses, soul, mind and intellect, mind is the most dangerous of all. It drags us to the worldly pleasures and separates us from God. Control this by practice and dispassion.
9. Passion, anger, greed, attachment, pride and jealousy are our enemies. Keep away from them by practice and dispassion.
10. Among the senses-Rasana-taste buds, is the most dangerous. Control it.
11. Just as we cannot see the sun when covered by clouds, similarly we cannot see God because of Maya.
12. We should do Sadhana appropriate to our stages Brahamcharya, Grihastha, Vanprastha and Sanyasa.
13. It is difficult not to expect results of your Karma but it is possible to maintain balance in both favorable and unfavorable results.
14. The 24 hours of our daily life comprise of Jagrat (awake), Swapnil (Dreaming) and Sushupti(Deep sleep). It is in deep sleep stage that we are close to God. Our body is the temple of God and He is watching every action of ours. We cannot see him because He is Nrgun-Nirakar but He can see us.
15. Sadhana purifies the heart. A purified heart develops love for God and finally realizes Him.
16. Empty and alone we came; empty and alone shall we go. In between is all our imagination.
17. Saints do not take, they give and even if they take they pass on.
18. “Do hi baaten hain bafa ki, ajam kar dekh lo, Ya to mere bano, ya mujhe apana ban kar dekh lo”(There are only two things in being faithful, try if you wish, Either become mine or make me yours.)
19. It is necessary to be humble in Sadhana.
20. There was a saint who used to brag about kicking his riches and become a Sanyasi. One day his Guru called him and said ‘it looks the kick was not good enough”. Our ego prevents us from realising God.
Divine Life Society, Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh organized Sadhana Week from 15th of July 2011 to 22nd of July 2011 on the auspicious occasion of Guru Purnima. The program was in four sessions namely 1. Brahma Muhurta from 5 a. m. to 7 a.m. 2. Forenoon from 8.15 a.m. to 11.15 a.m. 3. Afternoon from 3.15 p. m. to 6.15 p. m. and 4. Night from 7.30 p. m. to 10 p.m. The program included Japas, Bhajans, Kirtans, Discourses, and Meditation.
The Punyatithi of Swami Sivananda Saraswati, the founder of DLS also falls on 14th of July. Sadhana Week is therefore organized every year at this time of the year. For more on DLS please log on to
The Sadhana Sivir (Practice Camp) was attended by more than 1000 Sadhaks from all over the country and abroad. The arrangement for food and stay was made by DLS within its sprawling complex in clean environment free from pollution and noise. Though we are life member of DLS since 1991 and have been visiting the Ashram regularly but it was the first time we attended the Sadhana week.
The enlightening aspect of the program was the discourses by various saints that included:
1. Kailahpeethadhiswar Mahamandleswar 1008 Sri Swami Divyanand Saraswati Ji Maharaj.
2. Dandi Swami 1008 Sri Swami Hansanand Saraswati Ji Maharaj, of Swargashram.
3. Mahamandleswar 1008 Sri Swami Ashanganand Saraswati Ji Maharaj, of Parmarth Niketan.
4. Sri Geetha-Vigyanpeethadhiswar Mahamandleswar 1008 Sri Swami Vigyanand Saraswasti Ji Maharaj, Kankhal, Hardwar.
5. Mahamandleswar 1008 Sri Swami Bhagwatswaroop JI Maharaj (Darshancharya) Sri Gurumandal Ashram, Mayapur Hardwar.
6. Paramadarsh Mahamandleswar 1008 Sri Swami Vishwatmanand Puri Ji Maharaj, Sadhana Sadan Kankhal, Hardwar.
7. H. H. Sri Swami Vimalanandji Maharaj, H. H. Sri Swami Nirliptanandji Maharaj, H. H. Sri Swami Padmanabhanandji Maharaj, H. H. Sri swami Yogaswarupanandji Maharaj, and others from DLS.
It’s beyond my capacity to expound the real purport of Vedas and Upnishads but as the saints said the best way is to accept the truth of our scriptures rather than going round and round in our heads. They too were not saying anything new. They were only trying to explain the meaning of our scriptures is simple words for the benefit of the common masses. Hereunder I will try to put the message in simple sentences much for my own benefit and if in the process of sharing I have done some good it is all HIS:
1. It is essential to have Guru Kripa to succeed in Sadhana. He is your guide.
2. Sadhana is difficult but with practice and dispassion, one can succeed.
3. Tat Twam Asi. God is all pervading.
4. Like ocean in every drop of water, gold in every ornament and clay in every clay-pot, so is God in every Jeeva (living being.)
5. The main objective of Dharma is God realization. Human birth is meant to do Sadhana to reach that goal.
6. The different stages of life are birth, growth, change, decay, death and disappearance and we should always remember that.
7. World is made up of opposites-happiness-unhappiness, success-failure, love- hate, respect –disrespect etc. Do Sadhana to be happy in all circumstances.
8. Among body, senses, soul, mind and intellect, mind is the most dangerous of all. It drags us to the worldly pleasures and separates us from God. Control this by practice and dispassion.
9. Passion, anger, greed, attachment, pride and jealousy are our enemies. Keep away from them by practice and dispassion.
10. Among the senses-Rasana-taste buds, is the most dangerous. Control it.
11. Just as we cannot see the sun when covered by clouds, similarly we cannot see God because of Maya.
12. We should do Sadhana appropriate to our stages Brahamcharya, Grihastha, Vanprastha and Sanyasa.
13. It is difficult not to expect results of your Karma but it is possible to maintain balance in both favorable and unfavorable results.
14. The 24 hours of our daily life comprise of Jagrat (awake), Swapnil (Dreaming) and Sushupti(Deep sleep). It is in deep sleep stage that we are close to God. Our body is the temple of God and He is watching every action of ours. We cannot see him because He is Nrgun-Nirakar but He can see us.
15. Sadhana purifies the heart. A purified heart develops love for God and finally realizes Him.
16. Empty and alone we came; empty and alone shall we go. In between is all our imagination.
17. Saints do not take, they give and even if they take they pass on.
18. “Do hi baaten hain bafa ki, ajam kar dekh lo, Ya to mere bano, ya mujhe apana ban kar dekh lo”(There are only two things in being faithful, try if you wish, Either become mine or make me yours.)
19. It is necessary to be humble in Sadhana.
20. There was a saint who used to brag about kicking his riches and become a Sanyasi. One day his Guru called him and said ‘it looks the kick was not good enough”. Our ego prevents us from realising God.
9 Things I Hate About Everyone
1. People who point at their wrist while asking for the time.... I know where my watch is pal, where the heck is yours?
2 People who are willing to get off their butt to search the entire room for the T.V. remote because they refuse to walk to the T.V. and change the channel manually.
3 When people say 'Oh you just want to have your cake and eat it too'. You got that right! What good is cake if you can't eat it?
4 When people say 'it's always the last place you look'. Of course it is. Why the heck would you keep looking after you've found it? Do people do this?
5 When people say while watching a film 'did you see that?'. No Loser, I paid $12 to come to the cinema and stare at the stupid floor.
6 People who ask 'Can I ask you a question?'.... Didn't really give me a choice there, did ya sunshine?
7. When something is 'new and improved!' Which is it? If it's new, then there has never been anything before it. If it's an improvement, then there must have been something before it, couldn't be new.
8 When people say 'life is short'. What the heck?? Life is the longest thing anyone ever does!! What can you do that's longer?
9 When you are waiting for the bus and someone asks 'Has the bus come yet?'. If the bus came, would I still be standing here?
-- A<3
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