My Dear Children,
I am taking the liberty of addressing you as ‘children’
because that is what you think you are. As far as I know you are the children
of the creation. I do not claim to be the Creator of the creation. The world
has been trying to solve this mystery. The Big Bang theory or the Black Hole or
the God particles have been making rounds for long enough.
So far you have tried
to find me everywhere. Unable to find me anywhere and be face to face with me
you used imagination and created me with a face and body of your imagination
and gave it a name. As a result of your imagination running riots, you have
created over 330 millions of God and Goddesses in my name.
You were good enough to find a place for me to live in. You
built Temples, Mosques, Churches, Gurdwaras and synagogues for me. It served
twin purposes –one- you could come and meet me whenever you wanted to and two-
I could not escape as you locked me in when you were away and there was no
security guard around. You appointed a man called priest to keep a close watch
on me and take home all the offerings you game me.
Since no one saw me in person, each one of you made up stories
of your personal experience and narrated them to those who cared to listen. You
described yourself as theist. Some were confused and called themselves as
agnostics. Still some like Richard Dawkins totally debunked your theory of god
and called themselves as atheist. Some became atheists for political reasons
like the communists.
It is really strange that I was never threatened by atheists
or agnostics as much as I was scared of the theists. All wars have been fought
between and among theists of different paths only.
Now that you have found my (God) Particles, it will not be
far when you will find me also. Before that becomes a reality I think I must
take leave so that you may install him in the houses you have built for me.
There comes a time in the life of every person to call it a
day. The head of the family or the founder of an organization has to hand over
charge to the next in the line and retire respectfully. In my case I do not
really know who the next in the line is. In fact if I have to raise this point
there will be many claimants. I do not want a bloodbath before I go. I do not
want a bloodbath at all. I want you to settle the matter amicably. May be a
system of rotational head will help.
With these few words, I hereby announce my retirement.
Yours lovingly,
(By whatever name you know me.)