Thursday, January 13, 2011


Humans have a penchant towards their past. It never ever stops following the present, try whatever one may. It is almost futile to even make an effort. It is possibly because he cannot make any amends.
We have some sort of love hate relationship with our past. We love the good part of and hate the bad of it. For most of the good parts we give credit to ourselves and for most of the bad parts, we blame others. We fail to apportion credit and blame in equal measure. In our quest to acquire various objects of desires, we did hurt some and pleased some.
Then there are always some ‘ifs’. If only I had done/not done this or that. If only I had said/not said this or that. It is often suggested that we should dump our past somewhere and move on. There is always something to remind you even if you have really forgotten about it.
There is another type of ‘was’. The united joint family now replaced by nuclear families. The cultural heritage now degraded by modern values. The neighborly brotherhood now shadowed by strangers surrounding you.
Modern technology has made some of our past not to be so proud of. Telephones, televisions, computers, digital cameras, digital or quartz watches, motor cars, scooters, shopping, travel and the list is endless. Still we do remember that ‘was’ and so will present generation will remember their ’is’ when it becomes ‘was’.
There is always a tendency to compare the present with the past. Recounting the days in school or college or office comes easily. In most cases the past seems to be better than the present. At what stage of life does this really happen? When do we start realizing this ‘was’? What became our “was’ and from what age? Not many of us remember the very early stage of in life say when we were under 5 or 6 year old.

Does it have to do something with the stage in our life when we are no more active like post retirement age? This ‘was’ is a great pass time of elders depreciating all that is present in order to appreciate what was ‘was’.

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