The trigger for this outburst is the never ending parking problems in our housing complex. Delhi Development Authority (DDA) never, in their dreams, conceived that the housing complex they were building for Middle Income Group under Self financing Scheme in 1982 swill one day be dotted by cars How would they imagine that one day there will be automotive boom in India and people will have huge disposable incomes ? Their imagination could not cross beyond providing scooter space for all the 400 flats plus a few sporadic cars both for owners and visitors' .In any case, owning a scooter or car then was rather impossible dream as Bajaj / Lambretta scooters or Fiat/ Ambassador Cars were on more than 10 years’ waiting list). Today almost every household owns at least one car the situation further deteriorated started when households started owning more than one car. It was further complicated by bigger SUVs replacing old Maruti 800/Santro/ iTen or similar small cars. It is time for Scorpio/ Innova, and similar big cars.
Let us examine what went basically wrong and who is responsible for it. Since there are more people who believe in God’s Scheme of Creation and not in Darwin’s Theory of Evolution, we would go by what the scriptures say.
1. Geeta 3.10
Sahayajnaah prajaah srishtwaa purovaacha prajaapatih;
Anena prasavishyadhwam esha vo’stvishtakaamadhuk.
(The Creator, having in the beginning of creation created mankind together with
Sacrifice, said: “By this shall ye propagate; let this be the milch cow of your desires (the cow which yields the desired objects)” First God created Brahma and as asked created mankind and instructed them to re-create till further instructions.
2. Holy Bible. Chapter One.
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. ...........God created man in His own image…man and female……………………………God said to them “Be fruitful and multiply……………………….And on the seventh day God ended His work ….and He rested”.
1. We all know that before taking eternal siesta, God stopped creating land but asked His creation, male and female to multiply. Humans took the command very religiously and engaged in multiplying themselves .The density of population was bound to increase. Coupled with this is the decline in mortality rate due to improved medical treatments. Medical science collaborated against Him. They have added to the chaos by having test tube babies and surrogate mothers. Now there are more births and fewer deaths. Average life span has increased and now men at 80 and women at 60 can become parents. Some religions allow up to 4 wives. This has created imbalance.
2. From the very beginning when humans graduated from nomads and vagabonds to some sort of stability by living in settlements, they also learnt the art and science of marking their territories like other animals. They were fully aware of the paucity of land, at least good land, and grabbed as much as they could for housing and cultivation and later on for every conceivable economic activity.
They built some fencing around it and became the owners with notices like ‘NO TRESSPASSING’ or ‘KEEP AWAY FROM MY PROPERTY’. This was not ordained by God. He had provided them with enough land and food in the hope that it will suffice for a Kalpa or Yuga. His calculations have all gone wrong.
3. Another thing that has gone against His Scheme of Creation is the love of people for big and bigger possessions. Gone are the times when small was beautiful. Now bigger is beautiful. Bigger Cars, TVs, Refrigerators. To accommodate all these possessions humans need bigger houses, which again means more pressure on available land? Though God might have thought about this but He did not do much to stop it. He probably thought his creatures will behave themselves and live in peace with each other. He provided more than enough natural resources for them. How wrong was He?
4. He asked them to multiply and blessed them with Passion(Kama).He should have known that Passion gives rise to desires and more desires, Greed(Lobha) and eventually non fulfillment of desires leads to Krodha ( Anger). He made humans with all these attributes. He could have foreseen the resultant violence. From the very beginning might became right. At that time it was physical supremacy now it is power, money, contacts and many such things. In order to prove his/her supremacy more land was required to be grabbed.
5. Joru (Wife/female partner) has always been the cause of conflicts not only among in humans but in all animals. So has been Jameen( land). For humans one more thing can be added and that is Jar (Jewellary/ material). Thus these three ‘Js’ jointly or severely or in any combination or order became the root cause of human conflicts. Once you have a wife and some possessions you need a house and, your guess is as good as mine, for a house you need land.
6. There were times when humans lived in bigger houses with bigger families. Now people live in smaller houses/flats with smaller families. Families have disintegrated not the job of multiplying. Population is growing at the speed of light but land remains what it was. Humans tried to solve the problem by reclaiming land from the oceans and hills. Houses have gone vertical as there is no scope for horizontal growth. All this too, self destructive as it is, has not and cannot solve the problem of God’s bad planning.
One can possibly go on and on to prove that the Almighty should or could have put a rider(Not that humans would follow volunatrilly) on the order for multiplying when he was sure that no more land can be added. He is trying to balance the population and available land by imposing those natural calamities like floods, draughts, fires, tsunami, food poisoning, AIDS, dengue, chickengunia, mad cow, bird flu and what not. Humans are also contributing by wars, terrorism and the likes. The problem remains THE PROBLEM.