On the one hand Hindu religious books tell us “yatra naryastu pujyante, ramante tatra devata” (The land where women are worshipped is the abode of Gods and Goddesses. Our Goddess of education is Saraswathi, Goddess of wealth is Lakshmi and Goddess of Power is Durga. Names of Lord Rama and Lord Krishna are prefixed with the names of their consorts, Sita and Radha.
And here is how Sabari describes herself while showing her gratitude to Lord Rama:
“Adham se adham adham ati nari, tinha mah main mati mand adhari”---Ram Cahrit Manas- Aranya kand. (Means: Woman is at the lowest of creation and on top of that I am stupid and rudderless)
And this is how Ravana describes women:
“Avgun aath sada Ur rahain, sahas, anrit, chapalta, maya, bhaya, avivek, asauch, adaya”---Ram Charit Manas -Lanka kand(Ravana to His wife Mandodari)
(Means: A woman has eight vices namely: 1. Indiscrete. 2. Liar 3. Freckle 4. Deceit. 5. Coward. 6. Foolish. 7. Impure. 8. Unkind)
There are so many instances in Tulsi Ramayana where women have been talked about in degraded terms. A few examples:
“Sati concluded that the omniscient Lord had come to know everything and felt sorry that she had tried to deceive Sambhu. The woman is silly and stupid by nature”--- Ram Charit Manas –Bal Kand- 57
Also in Geetha 9.32 here is how woman is equated with Vaishya (prostitute) and Sudras (Outcasts and is considered of a sinful birth.) It goes:
“For taking refuge in me, they also who, O Arjuna, may be of a sinful birth –woman, vaishayas as well as sudras—attain the Supreme Goal”
It is said that but for his wife Tulsi Das would never have gained the wisdom to write such a beautiful poetic description of Rama’s life “Ram Charitra Manas”. He was passionately in love with her and on one dreadful dark night crossed the flooded river at the cost of his life. His wife was devastated and said “If you would develop for Lord Rama even half of the love that you have for my filthy body, you would certainly cross the ocean of Samsara and attain immortality and eternal bliss”. Kalidas, the famous Sanskrit scholar, Dramatis and poet also had the blessings from his wife in form rebuke and humiliation for his lack of education.
For centuries women have been degraded at every walk of life. The situation is not any better still today in some of the communities.
Also the situation is not any better in Islam or Christianity. Women are not permitted to become Maulvies or Pastors as far as I know.
Inspite of all this degradation and indifference, women have survived and surpassed men in many fields of excellence.
The question still is why our religious books are biased against women and should not we ask for deleting these verses from these books.
It is difficult to define life. It has different meanings for different individuals. To me experience is life.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
India lives in its villages and the vast stretches of slums dotted all around our Metros. A vast majority of our population living in these villages and settlements is much below the poverty line as described by the Government of the day. There are families who find it difficult to afford two square meal round the year. On a rough estimate more than 50% of Indian population lives below poverty line. An UNO survey puts Indian per capita Gross Domestic Product at $1032(RS 46000) per annum.
Coupled with this problem of poverty are the problems of health, education, and employment. Government schemes directed towards improving these areas have failed in implementation. A very small percentage say 15% reaches the intended beneficiaries and balance is pocketed by the shameless people who run these schemes.
On the other hand we find huge sums being spent on the building of new abodes for our Gods and Goddesses and maintenance of the existing ones. Not Hindus alone, other communities are not far behind in building new Mosques, Gurudwaras and Churches.
This reminds me of the following lines by famous Urdu Poet Nida Fazli.
1.बच्चा बोला देखकर मस्जिद अIलिसान ,
अल्लाह तेरे एक को इतना बड़ा मकIन.
(Upon seeing the huge Mosque, the child said “God for you alone such a big house?)
2.घर से बड़ी दूर है मस्जिद. चलो कुछ ऐसा करें ,
सड़क पर रोते हुए इस बच्चे को हसाया जाये.
(Mosque is far away from the house, let us make this crying child laugh)
From time immemorial Kings and Badshahas built huge temples and mosques all over the country. As Indians we are proud of these magnificent structures. Many of these abodes of our Gods, Prophets, and Saints were built during famine times to keep the people fruitfully engaged but the hidden message of wealth and splendor was for the neighboring kings also.
We have enough of these abodes. Some of them are engaged in the field of health and education and are doing commendable job. These structures are our national pride, assets and witness of our rich cultural past. Every effort must be done to protect our heritage.
However, do we really need to build new abodes particularly when these funds could be utilized for the benefit of the poor and marginalized members of our country?
India lives in its villages and the vast stretches of slums dotted all around our Metros. A vast majority of our population living in these villages and settlements is much below the poverty line as described by the Government of the day. There are families who find it difficult to afford two square meal round the year. On a rough estimate more than 50% of Indian population lives below poverty line. An UNO survey puts Indian per capita Gross Domestic Product at $1032(RS 46000) per annum.
Coupled with this problem of poverty are the problems of health, education, and employment. Government schemes directed towards improving these areas have failed in implementation. A very small percentage say 15% reaches the intended beneficiaries and balance is pocketed by the shameless people who run these schemes.
On the other hand we find huge sums being spent on the building of new abodes for our Gods and Goddesses and maintenance of the existing ones. Not Hindus alone, other communities are not far behind in building new Mosques, Gurudwaras and Churches.
This reminds me of the following lines by famous Urdu Poet Nida Fazli.
1.बच्चा बोला देखकर मस्जिद अIलिसान ,
अल्लाह तेरे एक को इतना बड़ा मकIन.
(Upon seeing the huge Mosque, the child said “God for you alone such a big house?)
2.घर से बड़ी दूर है मस्जिद. चलो कुछ ऐसा करें ,
सड़क पर रोते हुए इस बच्चे को हसाया जाये.
(Mosque is far away from the house, let us make this crying child laugh)
From time immemorial Kings and Badshahas built huge temples and mosques all over the country. As Indians we are proud of these magnificent structures. Many of these abodes of our Gods, Prophets, and Saints were built during famine times to keep the people fruitfully engaged but the hidden message of wealth and splendor was for the neighboring kings also.
We have enough of these abodes. Some of them are engaged in the field of health and education and are doing commendable job. These structures are our national pride, assets and witness of our rich cultural past. Every effort must be done to protect our heritage.
However, do we really need to build new abodes particularly when these funds could be utilized for the benefit of the poor and marginalized members of our country?
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Having eaten the forbidden fruit Adam and Eve proceeded on a long journey of procreation. A couple in the beginning of creation is now six and a half billion strong sea of humans. The relationship between man and woman initially was on a might is right mode. Then the institution of marriage evolved. The latest version is live in relationships.
Is procreation is result of love or passion or both? Nature seems to be working in favor of passion. Love is an after- thought. There is that fatal attraction between sexes which brings them closer to each other. The dominant factor, again, is passion, conveniently called love. Society does not believe there can be friendship between a man and a woman without that element of sex, though it is quite possible.
Marriage is also termed as compromise between two humans borne out of basic needs of home, food and clothing, man providing the role of provider and woman the role of care taker. Despite the difference in individuality, both play their roles to the hilt for the sake of their off springs borne out of, again, passion.
Marriage is seen as social permission to procreate. Procreation cannot take place without marriage or social permission; it is far more convenient to have it. When two individuals live together for a long time, they get used to each other which some may like to call love.
Love marriages fail because the so called lovers fail to compromise and get used to each other. Love is not strong enough to hold them together. In fact, it is rather impossible that two individuals will have the same feelings at the same time except possibly the need for a passionate hug.
Marriage is a trick played by nature to make children to guarantee its continuity. Love otherwise is a crazy dream.
Having eaten the forbidden fruit Adam and Eve proceeded on a long journey of procreation. A couple in the beginning of creation is now six and a half billion strong sea of humans. The relationship between man and woman initially was on a might is right mode. Then the institution of marriage evolved. The latest version is live in relationships.
Is procreation is result of love or passion or both? Nature seems to be working in favor of passion. Love is an after- thought. There is that fatal attraction between sexes which brings them closer to each other. The dominant factor, again, is passion, conveniently called love. Society does not believe there can be friendship between a man and a woman without that element of sex, though it is quite possible.
Marriage is also termed as compromise between two humans borne out of basic needs of home, food and clothing, man providing the role of provider and woman the role of care taker. Despite the difference in individuality, both play their roles to the hilt for the sake of their off springs borne out of, again, passion.
Marriage is seen as social permission to procreate. Procreation cannot take place without marriage or social permission; it is far more convenient to have it. When two individuals live together for a long time, they get used to each other which some may like to call love.
Love marriages fail because the so called lovers fail to compromise and get used to each other. Love is not strong enough to hold them together. In fact, it is rather impossible that two individuals will have the same feelings at the same time except possibly the need for a passionate hug.
Marriage is a trick played by nature to make children to guarantee its continuity. Love otherwise is a crazy dream.
Nostalgia can mean home sickness or a desire to revisit the past. It is normally used to remember our past, its sweet memories. It can also include the carefree days within the walls of the college or perhaps the dreams lived with first love.
Some people believe nostalgia is the luxury for the weak and emotional. People made of sterner stuff move on. They carry no baggage on their backs. They simply enjoy the present. They believe nostalgia has a place only in the museum.
Museum is a place where interesting objects of arts and science are displayed . You visit the museum, appreciate the collection and come out. There is no attachment.
People migrate to different lands in search of better opportunities in their youth. The plan is to return as a big and successful man. This seldom happens. Home becomes a thing of nostalgia. Once in a while he revisits his home, stays for a while, and appreciates its soil and returns, just like a visit to the museum.
Sterner people return permanently only if the home can offer them better life with better opportunities. For them any land is good enough it can meet their need and greed.
Some people get uprooted from their lands for political reasons (1947 India –Pakistan Partition) or war or natural calamities. I believe they always long to go back. They are nostalgic about everything of their roots. They may or may not return but will never part with the nostalgia. For them nostalgia does not belong to museum.
Nostalgia can mean home sickness or a desire to revisit the past. It is normally used to remember our past, its sweet memories. It can also include the carefree days within the walls of the college or perhaps the dreams lived with first love.
Some people believe nostalgia is the luxury for the weak and emotional. People made of sterner stuff move on. They carry no baggage on their backs. They simply enjoy the present. They believe nostalgia has a place only in the museum.
Museum is a place where interesting objects of arts and science are displayed . You visit the museum, appreciate the collection and come out. There is no attachment.
People migrate to different lands in search of better opportunities in their youth. The plan is to return as a big and successful man. This seldom happens. Home becomes a thing of nostalgia. Once in a while he revisits his home, stays for a while, and appreciates its soil and returns, just like a visit to the museum.
Sterner people return permanently only if the home can offer them better life with better opportunities. For them any land is good enough it can meet their need and greed.
Some people get uprooted from their lands for political reasons (1947 India –Pakistan Partition) or war or natural calamities. I believe they always long to go back. They are nostalgic about everything of their roots. They may or may not return but will never part with the nostalgia. For them nostalgia does not belong to museum.
The inspiration for this topic is Mr. Lalit Modi’s (IPL Commissioner facing corruption charges) admission that he did do drugs during his student days in USA and he termed it as indiscretion. He is the grandson of Late Gujar Mal Modi, founder of the Modi Group of Industries and must have had right upbringing. There may be so many instances of such indiscretion resulting from weakness, anger, lack of judgment or simply youthful adventure. Youth is aggressive, intolerant, reckless and restless.
There is no denying the fact that our youths are talented and they continue excelling in performing arts, academics, sports, profession, business and every other field. But a good percentage of them fall prey to various temptations in young age. Experimenting drugs, smoke, wine, junk food and all such harmful addictions is a part of their growing up. Reckless driving, road rage, cruel and senseless ragging in educational institutions, disrespect for elders, rape in moving cars, kidnapping for quick money to meet extravagancy, dangerous biking and all such mindless activities are part of this process. It is another issue if it is done because of peer pressure of just for the fun of it. These traits stay for a long time till something drastically alters the course of life. Being casual at best and non believers at worst towards religion can also be attributed to young mind that wants to explore all things before admitting and accepting.
These defects (?) get corrected with time as one grows. Time enables to distinguish between good and bad and the wheels of time make one sober, compromising and eager to adjust and adapt to the circumstances. When one is young nothing seems to be impossible and as he grows older he wants everything to be certain.
Is it therefore correct to say that youth is a defect that is corrected with time?
The inspiration for this topic is Mr. Lalit Modi’s (IPL Commissioner facing corruption charges) admission that he did do drugs during his student days in USA and he termed it as indiscretion. He is the grandson of Late Gujar Mal Modi, founder of the Modi Group of Industries and must have had right upbringing. There may be so many instances of such indiscretion resulting from weakness, anger, lack of judgment or simply youthful adventure. Youth is aggressive, intolerant, reckless and restless.
There is no denying the fact that our youths are talented and they continue excelling in performing arts, academics, sports, profession, business and every other field. But a good percentage of them fall prey to various temptations in young age. Experimenting drugs, smoke, wine, junk food and all such harmful addictions is a part of their growing up. Reckless driving, road rage, cruel and senseless ragging in educational institutions, disrespect for elders, rape in moving cars, kidnapping for quick money to meet extravagancy, dangerous biking and all such mindless activities are part of this process. It is another issue if it is done because of peer pressure of just for the fun of it. These traits stay for a long time till something drastically alters the course of life. Being casual at best and non believers at worst towards religion can also be attributed to young mind that wants to explore all things before admitting and accepting.
These defects (?) get corrected with time as one grows. Time enables to distinguish between good and bad and the wheels of time make one sober, compromising and eager to adjust and adapt to the circumstances. When one is young nothing seems to be impossible and as he grows older he wants everything to be certain.
Is it therefore correct to say that youth is a defect that is corrected with time?
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Most of us Verdurians remember how the Country stood behind the soldiers as a strong wall during the trying times of 1962 war with China, 1965 war with Pakistan and again 1971 war with Pakistan. Irrespective of the results, bad and good both, the whole populace beyond cast and creed cheered the Army Jawans at the Railway stations while being transported to the fronts. Women were present with Rakhies, flowers, and sweets and vermilion to greet the soldiers and wish them luck. People opened their vaults and donated wholeheartedly to the Prime Minister’s Fund. Blackouts were religiously observed. There were long queues to enlist in the Army.
Fortunately the Country has not faced such external threat since then, barring a few disquiet moments on the borders.
The country however is faced with a bigger internal threat in the form of Maoists and several such so called political outfits in different forms that may break the basic thread of the nation. This is addition to terrorist’s threats engineered by our neighboring country. The country seems to be divided over the issue of the internal threat.
More than sixty districts in Bengal, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orrissa and Andhra Pradesh are affected with daily dose of violence in the tribal areas and spreading. The Prime Minister thinks this threat is more dangerous than the external threats and rightly so because here our forces Police and Army have to fight with our own people. Political Parties have different take depending upon the vote bank.
The Nation is not united on the issue of fighting these misguided elements who refuse to come to the negotiation table unless the Government meets their conditions.
Unless the Country as whole has a common approach on the issue we are going to watch more bloodshed.
Most of us Verdurians remember how the Country stood behind the soldiers as a strong wall during the trying times of 1962 war with China, 1965 war with Pakistan and again 1971 war with Pakistan. Irrespective of the results, bad and good both, the whole populace beyond cast and creed cheered the Army Jawans at the Railway stations while being transported to the fronts. Women were present with Rakhies, flowers, and sweets and vermilion to greet the soldiers and wish them luck. People opened their vaults and donated wholeheartedly to the Prime Minister’s Fund. Blackouts were religiously observed. There were long queues to enlist in the Army.
Fortunately the Country has not faced such external threat since then, barring a few disquiet moments on the borders.
The country however is faced with a bigger internal threat in the form of Maoists and several such so called political outfits in different forms that may break the basic thread of the nation. This is addition to terrorist’s threats engineered by our neighboring country. The country seems to be divided over the issue of the internal threat.
More than sixty districts in Bengal, Bihar, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Orrissa and Andhra Pradesh are affected with daily dose of violence in the tribal areas and spreading. The Prime Minister thinks this threat is more dangerous than the external threats and rightly so because here our forces Police and Army have to fight with our own people. Political Parties have different take depending upon the vote bank.
The Nation is not united on the issue of fighting these misguided elements who refuse to come to the negotiation table unless the Government meets their conditions.
Unless the Country as whole has a common approach on the issue we are going to watch more bloodshed.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Leo Tolstoy in his story “How Much land Does a Man Need” seems to convey that a man does not need more than six feet long and may be three feet wide land for his grave. Greed drives a simple peasant to accept a proposal to own as much land as he can cover in a day from day break to sunset with the condition that he has to return to the starting point before sunset. Greed takes him to as far as he thought he can cover but by the time he returns to the starting point he is totally exhausted and falls dead on the ground. He is buried there itself.
Seen in this context, it is rather difficult to understand why people accumulate vast wealth in form of landed properties, stocks, cash, jewellery etc. It is true that a man needs only six feet by six feet land if to be burried and not even that if to be cremated after his death but the issue is not that simple during his life time. In some communities burial/cremation expenses have become so exhorbitant that even death seems to be a very costly proposition. Some guys make financial arrangements for all such expenses before their death. It is not however of little consequence after one is dead be it prestige or peace or heavenly journey or any which name we would like to call it. Thousands of people die and get buried /cremated without any rites whatsoever.
The question, therefore is how much is enough? I officially retired at the age of 58 as per company rules and was given 8 six monthly extentions and finally allowed to retire at the age of 62. My employers wanted me to continue as long as my health permitted but I had different take and they had to accept my request. The CMD remarked “you seem to have enough savings” to which I replied “Sir, ‘enough’ has different meaning for different people. I think I have enough to sail through for rest of my life. I want to visit various places which I would not be in a position to do with all the official work to attend to. I would not like to make commitments that I can not fulfill. We have equally efficient people in our team who can take over anytime. One of them must get the opportunity.” He smiled and we shook hands.
Well I have no regrets. I have been in a position to maintain the same standard of living I was used to . In fact, during the last 7 years after retirement I have been in a position to visit various places of tourist and religious importance . I have been in a position to visit my grand children 4 times in the USA and stayed with them for as long as six months in a very carefree environment. It would not have been possible if I had official commitments staring at me from a distance.
This may be okay for me but not for many. Some may have unmarried sons or daughters. Some may have no roof over their heads. Some may have no savings at all. Some may be facing health problems. People take up jobs after retirement to supplement their income in order to live a comfortable life and meet other obligations.
There are people for whom enough is never enough when it comes to wealth and comforts. A friend of mine has a Maruti Swift but he is worried that he does not have money to buy a Toyota Innova. The other friend wants a large house with a swimming pool. This satisfies their ego. They also want to secure the future of their nextr generation.
Then there are people who never feel secure and are always under constant fear of losing their wealth and power and therefore continue grabbing more and more. The very fresh case is that of Ms Mayawati, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, India. An ordinary school teacher has reached to this position which by itself is very commendable and is possible in a Democracy only. What is disturbing is the fact that she has amassed huge wealth and does not stop multiplying it by all means, fair or faul. She claims that all her wealth is legal gifts from her Party workers and admirers. She spends huge monies from Public exchequer to build her statues and that of her mentor Mr Kansi Ram., the founder of her Party ,Bahujan Samaj Party. She collects money for allotting tickets for election, for her Birth days and she does it with all pomp and show least caring about the people or the media or the law.
So we have three categories of people who accumulate wealth :
1. For their genuine needs.
2. For their inflated egos and for their next generation.
3. For the fear of losing wealth or power.
“Sai itna dijiye, ja me dowoo smaya,
Ghar bhi bhooka na rahe, panthi na bhooka jaye”
(God ! give me so much as to satisfy the hunger of both,
my family and any passerby)
It is only fair that anything over and above the above should be used for public good. One should act as a custodian of the wealth he has earned by fair means and not the squanderer. We should thank God for having granted the capabilities to be more fortunate than many. You will be the sole decider of how much is enough for you.
H. P. Lakhera
Delhi, March 18, 2010.
Leo Tolstoy in his story “How Much land Does a Man Need” seems to convey that a man does not need more than six feet long and may be three feet wide land for his grave. Greed drives a simple peasant to accept a proposal to own as much land as he can cover in a day from day break to sunset with the condition that he has to return to the starting point before sunset. Greed takes him to as far as he thought he can cover but by the time he returns to the starting point he is totally exhausted and falls dead on the ground. He is buried there itself.
Seen in this context, it is rather difficult to understand why people accumulate vast wealth in form of landed properties, stocks, cash, jewellery etc. It is true that a man needs only six feet by six feet land if to be burried and not even that if to be cremated after his death but the issue is not that simple during his life time. In some communities burial/cremation expenses have become so exhorbitant that even death seems to be a very costly proposition. Some guys make financial arrangements for all such expenses before their death. It is not however of little consequence after one is dead be it prestige or peace or heavenly journey or any which name we would like to call it. Thousands of people die and get buried /cremated without any rites whatsoever.
The question, therefore is how much is enough? I officially retired at the age of 58 as per company rules and was given 8 six monthly extentions and finally allowed to retire at the age of 62. My employers wanted me to continue as long as my health permitted but I had different take and they had to accept my request. The CMD remarked “you seem to have enough savings” to which I replied “Sir, ‘enough’ has different meaning for different people. I think I have enough to sail through for rest of my life. I want to visit various places which I would not be in a position to do with all the official work to attend to. I would not like to make commitments that I can not fulfill. We have equally efficient people in our team who can take over anytime. One of them must get the opportunity.” He smiled and we shook hands.
Well I have no regrets. I have been in a position to maintain the same standard of living I was used to . In fact, during the last 7 years after retirement I have been in a position to visit various places of tourist and religious importance . I have been in a position to visit my grand children 4 times in the USA and stayed with them for as long as six months in a very carefree environment. It would not have been possible if I had official commitments staring at me from a distance.
This may be okay for me but not for many. Some may have unmarried sons or daughters. Some may have no roof over their heads. Some may have no savings at all. Some may be facing health problems. People take up jobs after retirement to supplement their income in order to live a comfortable life and meet other obligations.
There are people for whom enough is never enough when it comes to wealth and comforts. A friend of mine has a Maruti Swift but he is worried that he does not have money to buy a Toyota Innova. The other friend wants a large house with a swimming pool. This satisfies their ego. They also want to secure the future of their nextr generation.
Then there are people who never feel secure and are always under constant fear of losing their wealth and power and therefore continue grabbing more and more. The very fresh case is that of Ms Mayawati, Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, India. An ordinary school teacher has reached to this position which by itself is very commendable and is possible in a Democracy only. What is disturbing is the fact that she has amassed huge wealth and does not stop multiplying it by all means, fair or faul. She claims that all her wealth is legal gifts from her Party workers and admirers. She spends huge monies from Public exchequer to build her statues and that of her mentor Mr Kansi Ram., the founder of her Party ,Bahujan Samaj Party. She collects money for allotting tickets for election, for her Birth days and she does it with all pomp and show least caring about the people or the media or the law.
So we have three categories of people who accumulate wealth :
1. For their genuine needs.
2. For their inflated egos and for their next generation.
3. For the fear of losing wealth or power.
“Sai itna dijiye, ja me dowoo smaya,
Ghar bhi bhooka na rahe, panthi na bhooka jaye”
(God ! give me so much as to satisfy the hunger of both,
my family and any passerby)
It is only fair that anything over and above the above should be used for public good. One should act as a custodian of the wealth he has earned by fair means and not the squanderer. We should thank God for having granted the capabilities to be more fortunate than many. You will be the sole decider of how much is enough for you.
H. P. Lakhera
Delhi, March 18, 2010.
A few weeks from now India will be hosting at Delhi the Commonwealth Games 2010. The event is already marred with the allegations of financial irregularities involving the high and mighty of the Organizing Committee.
The scam seems to be too huge. Names of some foreigners, connected with Commonwealth Games Federation have sprung up giving it an international dimension. Millions of dollars seem to have changed hands and many more people may be unduly benefited from the loot
I t is a delicate issue. On the one hand we have this enormous job in hand to organize the games successfully and for that removing the people at the helm of the affairs at this stage may prove fatal as any replacement at such a short notice may not be possible or may not deliver the goods. National prestige will get a beating. Already there are reports of games tickets not finding buyers and Hotel and Guesthouses getting little response. Thousands of crores of Rupees have already been spent for the event.
There seems to be a valid reason for a thorough enquiry into the whole issue and exemplary punishment to the people found guilty. The question is should the enquiry be held now or it can be postponed till the games are over. There have been some efforts by the authorities blaming the media for making hue and cry and thus lowering the prestige of the Country in the eyes of world community. Some have even gone to the extent of calling them unpatriotic
On the other hand, punishing the culprits is much bigger issue than the games. Games will come and go but if the culprits go scot free, in future too organizers will be tempted to do bigger loot. . Giving time to these culprits will only help them to falsify records further and find some scapegoats. It seems the Govt. too is soft peddling the issue and trying to shield the Chairman of the Organizing Committee.
A few weeks from now India will be hosting at Delhi the Commonwealth Games 2010. The event is already marred with the allegations of financial irregularities involving the high and mighty of the Organizing Committee.
The scam seems to be too huge. Names of some foreigners, connected with Commonwealth Games Federation have sprung up giving it an international dimension. Millions of dollars seem to have changed hands and many more people may be unduly benefited from the loot
I t is a delicate issue. On the one hand we have this enormous job in hand to organize the games successfully and for that removing the people at the helm of the affairs at this stage may prove fatal as any replacement at such a short notice may not be possible or may not deliver the goods. National prestige will get a beating. Already there are reports of games tickets not finding buyers and Hotel and Guesthouses getting little response. Thousands of crores of Rupees have already been spent for the event.
There seems to be a valid reason for a thorough enquiry into the whole issue and exemplary punishment to the people found guilty. The question is should the enquiry be held now or it can be postponed till the games are over. There have been some efforts by the authorities blaming the media for making hue and cry and thus lowering the prestige of the Country in the eyes of world community. Some have even gone to the extent of calling them unpatriotic
On the other hand, punishing the culprits is much bigger issue than the games. Games will come and go but if the culprits go scot free, in future too organizers will be tempted to do bigger loot. . Giving time to these culprits will only help them to falsify records further and find some scapegoats. It seems the Govt. too is soft peddling the issue and trying to shield the Chairman of the Organizing Committee.
India celebrates a number of festivals round the year but some of our very important festivals fall during the months from August to November namely Ganapathi in Western India, Durga Pooja in Eastern India and Deshera in North India, Diwali in whole if In India. There are many other regional festivals round the year like Baishakhi, Onam, Pongal, Bihu, and Holi.
I would however like to limit discussions on the subject of idol immersion in the rivers and sea. It is common knowledge that thousands of Ganesa idols are immersed on the Mumbai beaches and various rivers in Maharashtra every year. Similarly thousands of Durga idols are immersed in River Hooghly in Kolkata and other rivers of West Bengal. There may other such festivals.
The soil and colors not only pollute the water but the silt deposit also increases the risk of river flooding the villages, towns and cities on its way. It is rather impossible to desilt the riverbed of Hooghly in Kolkata, Yamuna in Delhi and Ganga in Kanpur.
We are a Nation of Idol worshippers and we are proud of our traditions. Idol worshipping is considered much effective for the purpose of concentration. It was probably okay when the population of the Country was no so huge and our rivers and seas were not so highly clogged with all sorts of refuse and garbage into them. Situation today is much different. We are a population of over 1.3 billion and almost 85% of it worships idols in one form or the other. Tons of waste material is already dumped into the rivers and seas.
Immersing the idols after the festivals are over only aggravates the already worsening situation. Tons of soil and harmful industrial colors are used for the making of the idols and eventually dumped into the rivers.
Would it not be more prudent to conserve the idols for as many years as possible rather than worship and throw. The idols can be made to last longer and can be used in coming year/years. This way we may help reduce the menace of silt deposit in the rivers and sea banks. I know a few friends who have installed Gold, Silver of cheaper metallic idols in their homes and not need to immerse them anymore. This may be a small step but if all of us who install Ganesha or Durga or any other idol at homes during festival times and immerse them after the festival is over, follow this practice, it will make a lot of difference.
Friends in Verdurez may have more effective solutions.
India celebrates a number of festivals round the year but some of our very important festivals fall during the months from August to November namely Ganapathi in Western India, Durga Pooja in Eastern India and Deshera in North India, Diwali in whole if In India. There are many other regional festivals round the year like Baishakhi, Onam, Pongal, Bihu, and Holi.
I would however like to limit discussions on the subject of idol immersion in the rivers and sea. It is common knowledge that thousands of Ganesa idols are immersed on the Mumbai beaches and various rivers in Maharashtra every year. Similarly thousands of Durga idols are immersed in River Hooghly in Kolkata and other rivers of West Bengal. There may other such festivals.
The soil and colors not only pollute the water but the silt deposit also increases the risk of river flooding the villages, towns and cities on its way. It is rather impossible to desilt the riverbed of Hooghly in Kolkata, Yamuna in Delhi and Ganga in Kanpur.
We are a Nation of Idol worshippers and we are proud of our traditions. Idol worshipping is considered much effective for the purpose of concentration. It was probably okay when the population of the Country was no so huge and our rivers and seas were not so highly clogged with all sorts of refuse and garbage into them. Situation today is much different. We are a population of over 1.3 billion and almost 85% of it worships idols in one form or the other. Tons of waste material is already dumped into the rivers and seas.
Immersing the idols after the festivals are over only aggravates the already worsening situation. Tons of soil and harmful industrial colors are used for the making of the idols and eventually dumped into the rivers.
Would it not be more prudent to conserve the idols for as many years as possible rather than worship and throw. The idols can be made to last longer and can be used in coming year/years. This way we may help reduce the menace of silt deposit in the rivers and sea banks. I know a few friends who have installed Gold, Silver of cheaper metallic idols in their homes and not need to immerse them anymore. This may be a small step but if all of us who install Ganesha or Durga or any other idol at homes during festival times and immerse them after the festival is over, follow this practice, it will make a lot of difference.
Friends in Verdurez may have more effective solutions.
There are two types of individuals in our society who react in the following ways:
1.”they say, what they say? Ok I will take care”
2. ‘They say, what they say? Let them say”
Basically we are always conscious of what others think about the way we talk or behave. The very foundations of our society are standing on the values systems we choose for ourselves and that include respect for each other. We willingly or unwillingly do not want to hurt anybody’s feelings. We do not speak a spade a spade just because we feel it may hurt someone and our relations with that person might be constrained forever. We try to be politically correct with our friends, relations, collogue and even with our family members.
Such people are very cautious in their personal life also. They do not, at least in public, do or talk what is not acceptable in a civilized society. If someone tells them about what others think about him, particular negative, they promise to be careful in future.
Then there are people who speak their mind out least bothered about the feelings of others. They think it is better to speak in front of rather behind the person concerned. In personal life also they are not bothered about what others think about them. Their stock reply is ‘let them say’.
The ratio of the second category of individuals is on the increase. Have a look around and we find boys and girls dressed up in a way that was not acceptable a few years back. They talk loudly, they are indifferent if not rude to others and family values are no more sacrosanct. They do not vacate seats reserved for ladies or seniors or handicapped. They openly float traffic rules. There is frequent road rage, fights in discotheques. The worst part is they do not what others say.
People of the first category are considered impractical if not stupid.
There are two types of individuals in our society who react in the following ways:
1.”they say, what they say? Ok I will take care”
2. ‘They say, what they say? Let them say”
Basically we are always conscious of what others think about the way we talk or behave. The very foundations of our society are standing on the values systems we choose for ourselves and that include respect for each other. We willingly or unwillingly do not want to hurt anybody’s feelings. We do not speak a spade a spade just because we feel it may hurt someone and our relations with that person might be constrained forever. We try to be politically correct with our friends, relations, collogue and even with our family members.
Such people are very cautious in their personal life also. They do not, at least in public, do or talk what is not acceptable in a civilized society. If someone tells them about what others think about him, particular negative, they promise to be careful in future.
Then there are people who speak their mind out least bothered about the feelings of others. They think it is better to speak in front of rather behind the person concerned. In personal life also they are not bothered about what others think about them. Their stock reply is ‘let them say’.
The ratio of the second category of individuals is on the increase. Have a look around and we find boys and girls dressed up in a way that was not acceptable a few years back. They talk loudly, they are indifferent if not rude to others and family values are no more sacrosanct. They do not vacate seats reserved for ladies or seniors or handicapped. They openly float traffic rules. There is frequent road rage, fights in discotheques. The worst part is they do not what others say.
People of the first category are considered impractical if not stupid.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Chitragupta Park is full of life particularly in the morning hours. Life has many colors which manifest differently for different people. Humans are endowed with tremendous amount of energy and no where it is seen better than in the Chitrgupata Park or any such other Parks.
Some of us have the gift of using our our resources for the benefit of the society and fellow creatures. Chitragupt Park is also indebted to such noble souls who devote their time, money and energy for the good of the other people and living beings. It is believed that good deeds of this life are rewarded in the next life. Our Karmas in this life decide our condition in next birth. All Hindus are made to believe in the cycle of birth and rebirth and the only way out to achieve Nirvana (freedom from this cycle) is through good deeds in this birth.
One such family or group of friends is engaged in the free distribution of petha (a fruit from the melon family) juice, green tea and Neem twigs. Petha juice is good for diabetics. So is green tea. Neem twigs are used as dental cleaners. Neem in its various forms is used as medicines and is considered a good blood purifier. The members of the group ladies and children included, come early in the morning in their USV with all the material and employ themselves in cutting the fruit , extracting the juice and offering it to the waiting public. They start at 6 a. m. and continue up to 8 a.m. tirelessly. Their proclaimed motto is “serving the seniors is the greatest worship”. Some members offer green tea. They put the Neem twigs in a container for the use of morning walkers. They distribute all these items free. They have however kept a donation box and those willing can drop some money in it but there is no demand.
There are other gentlemen also who bring Neem twigs. Brushing the teeth with Neem twigs is age old tradition in rural India is considered very higenic and effective dental cleaner. The Neem twigs have been replaced by modern tooth brushes and toothe paste but some people still use them.
One senior citizen couple has taken upon themselves to fill the earthen pots with water and keep around the park for birds to drink. The first thing when they enter the Park they collect the pots, fill them with fresh water and place them at different parts of the park.
A few noble souls bring grains for bird feed. Some bring food for the stay dogs. There is this desire to do well.
“Guru” (The Religious Preacher) is considered greater than God because it is through the blessings of Guru that one can know about God. This belief has turned millions of Indians in the pursuit of finding a suitable Guru who may help them to realize God and thereby Nirvana. There are thousands of Gurus to satisfy this cultural need. Such gatherings are known as Satsang (assembly of truth seekers)
Chitragupta Park does not have the benefit of the blessings of renowned Gurus but the as I said there is no dearth of Gurus. There is one such Guru, fondly called “Guruji” in Chitragupta Park too. He is about 75 years old but quite healthy and active for this age. His devotees come at about 5.30 am, spread the Ashana for the Guru and clothe sheets for themselves. Their Satsang starts with the Guru Mantra “Gurudev Namah” (salutation to Guru) and is followed by bhajans, mostly penned and composed to music by Guruji. Guruji arrives at about 6 am. And joins in the Bhajans for some time. The Satsang ends with the discourse by the Guruji on some topic of everyday life and how we should conduct ourselves. Guruji has a following of some 25/30 people. I have a feeling that the devotees offer some Dakshina(offerings) to Guruji in kind or cash.
At the corner of the park exactly parallel to the corner where the above Satsangies sit, there is this group of senior citizens who talk loudly. In North India, particularly Punjabis speak a language full of #@$%#%$#@ and this has now become the language of many. Even kids utter these words in normal communication. For a few of us not brought up in this culture, it is annoying and culturally shocking but for most it is just another way of expressing their love. This group starts with just such words and concludes with such words. They share adult jokes and do care a little who is listening. Once or twice I have seen Guruji asking them not to disturb his assembly. It does seem to have some effect as they are not that loud now.
It is however a contrast of colors where one group talks all what is pure and sublime and the other group talks what can be termed as vulgar. Both the colors coexist.
Cricket is a passion in India. All over the country there are cricket enthusiasts be in Metros, cities or villages. It is a sport of the masses now. No wonder, therefore, that Chitragupta Park too has the presence of so many cricket enthusiasts in the morning particularly school kids and young boys. On both sides of the Central Park, there are play grounds but they overflow to the central Park only to be hushed away by the Yogis and Yogins, Satsangies, and other morning walkers. There are bill boards all around notifying “Playing Cricket etc is not allowed in the Park” but the greens of the Park are too inviting for a game of Cricket and hence the violation of the notification.
In addition to the established rules of the game there are some local rules such as the boundary limitations, number of overs etc. The amusing rule however is the batting and balling line up among the kids. The owner of the bat has the right to bat first and the owner of the ball will ball first. It is rather a matter of discretion if the owner of the bat or ball can be given out. In extreme provocation they may walk away with the bat or the ball as the case may be. They call the shots. Hard ball is no no because it may damage the bat. Cricket bats are costly and must long last before the parents agree for a replacement. Cricket balls also do not come cheap and has all the chances of being lost in the thick bushes. There are some poor kids in the team who cannot afford the bat or the ball and therefore have to accept the placing at the far end of the field to stop runs. Their chance of balling or batting comes the last.
Difference of opinion about an out decision or a no ball may end into stoppage of the game itself if the player involved is the owner of the bat or the ball. Such difference may also end up in little fights. But kids will always be kids. Next day at the same time one can find them grouping for another game of Cricket. Unfortunately there have been a few cases of the fights gone violent and resulted into death too.
A short description of Chetragupta Park in the evening will be apt here before I close the subject. The Park is full of evening walkers, most of them being morning walkers also. The only difference is that this time instead of yoga sessions, there are cards or chess sessions. Some of the players come immediately after lunch and stay till sunset. They are engrossed in the play. Some of them play with stakes too. There are occasional fights too. Mostly it is friendly.
There are some old ladies singing bhajans.
Chitragupta Park mat mean different to different people. The one who come for a walk or yoga or satsang or gossip or cards or chess or philanthropy or simply drinking alcohol in the late evening when it is dark or those who use it as an office or who come simply to rest.
Chitragupta Park is full of life particularly in the morning hours. Life has many colors which manifest differently for different people. Humans are endowed with tremendous amount of energy and no where it is seen better than in the Chitrgupata Park or any such other Parks.
Some of us have the gift of using our our resources for the benefit of the society and fellow creatures. Chitragupt Park is also indebted to such noble souls who devote their time, money and energy for the good of the other people and living beings. It is believed that good deeds of this life are rewarded in the next life. Our Karmas in this life decide our condition in next birth. All Hindus are made to believe in the cycle of birth and rebirth and the only way out to achieve Nirvana (freedom from this cycle) is through good deeds in this birth.
One such family or group of friends is engaged in the free distribution of petha (a fruit from the melon family) juice, green tea and Neem twigs. Petha juice is good for diabetics. So is green tea. Neem twigs are used as dental cleaners. Neem in its various forms is used as medicines and is considered a good blood purifier. The members of the group ladies and children included, come early in the morning in their USV with all the material and employ themselves in cutting the fruit , extracting the juice and offering it to the waiting public. They start at 6 a. m. and continue up to 8 a.m. tirelessly. Their proclaimed motto is “serving the seniors is the greatest worship”. Some members offer green tea. They put the Neem twigs in a container for the use of morning walkers. They distribute all these items free. They have however kept a donation box and those willing can drop some money in it but there is no demand.
There are other gentlemen also who bring Neem twigs. Brushing the teeth with Neem twigs is age old tradition in rural India is considered very higenic and effective dental cleaner. The Neem twigs have been replaced by modern tooth brushes and toothe paste but some people still use them.
One senior citizen couple has taken upon themselves to fill the earthen pots with water and keep around the park for birds to drink. The first thing when they enter the Park they collect the pots, fill them with fresh water and place them at different parts of the park.
A few noble souls bring grains for bird feed. Some bring food for the stay dogs. There is this desire to do well.
“Guru” (The Religious Preacher) is considered greater than God because it is through the blessings of Guru that one can know about God. This belief has turned millions of Indians in the pursuit of finding a suitable Guru who may help them to realize God and thereby Nirvana. There are thousands of Gurus to satisfy this cultural need. Such gatherings are known as Satsang (assembly of truth seekers)
Chitragupta Park does not have the benefit of the blessings of renowned Gurus but the as I said there is no dearth of Gurus. There is one such Guru, fondly called “Guruji” in Chitragupta Park too. He is about 75 years old but quite healthy and active for this age. His devotees come at about 5.30 am, spread the Ashana for the Guru and clothe sheets for themselves. Their Satsang starts with the Guru Mantra “Gurudev Namah” (salutation to Guru) and is followed by bhajans, mostly penned and composed to music by Guruji. Guruji arrives at about 6 am. And joins in the Bhajans for some time. The Satsang ends with the discourse by the Guruji on some topic of everyday life and how we should conduct ourselves. Guruji has a following of some 25/30 people. I have a feeling that the devotees offer some Dakshina(offerings) to Guruji in kind or cash.
At the corner of the park exactly parallel to the corner where the above Satsangies sit, there is this group of senior citizens who talk loudly. In North India, particularly Punjabis speak a language full of #@$%#%$#@ and this has now become the language of many. Even kids utter these words in normal communication. For a few of us not brought up in this culture, it is annoying and culturally shocking but for most it is just another way of expressing their love. This group starts with just such words and concludes with such words. They share adult jokes and do care a little who is listening. Once or twice I have seen Guruji asking them not to disturb his assembly. It does seem to have some effect as they are not that loud now.
It is however a contrast of colors where one group talks all what is pure and sublime and the other group talks what can be termed as vulgar. Both the colors coexist.
Cricket is a passion in India. All over the country there are cricket enthusiasts be in Metros, cities or villages. It is a sport of the masses now. No wonder, therefore, that Chitragupta Park too has the presence of so many cricket enthusiasts in the morning particularly school kids and young boys. On both sides of the Central Park, there are play grounds but they overflow to the central Park only to be hushed away by the Yogis and Yogins, Satsangies, and other morning walkers. There are bill boards all around notifying “Playing Cricket etc is not allowed in the Park” but the greens of the Park are too inviting for a game of Cricket and hence the violation of the notification.
In addition to the established rules of the game there are some local rules such as the boundary limitations, number of overs etc. The amusing rule however is the batting and balling line up among the kids. The owner of the bat has the right to bat first and the owner of the ball will ball first. It is rather a matter of discretion if the owner of the bat or ball can be given out. In extreme provocation they may walk away with the bat or the ball as the case may be. They call the shots. Hard ball is no no because it may damage the bat. Cricket bats are costly and must long last before the parents agree for a replacement. Cricket balls also do not come cheap and has all the chances of being lost in the thick bushes. There are some poor kids in the team who cannot afford the bat or the ball and therefore have to accept the placing at the far end of the field to stop runs. Their chance of balling or batting comes the last.
Difference of opinion about an out decision or a no ball may end into stoppage of the game itself if the player involved is the owner of the bat or the ball. Such difference may also end up in little fights. But kids will always be kids. Next day at the same time one can find them grouping for another game of Cricket. Unfortunately there have been a few cases of the fights gone violent and resulted into death too.
A short description of Chetragupta Park in the evening will be apt here before I close the subject. The Park is full of evening walkers, most of them being morning walkers also. The only difference is that this time instead of yoga sessions, there are cards or chess sessions. Some of the players come immediately after lunch and stay till sunset. They are engrossed in the play. Some of them play with stakes too. There are occasional fights too. Mostly it is friendly.
There are some old ladies singing bhajans.
Chitragupta Park mat mean different to different people. The one who come for a walk or yoga or satsang or gossip or cards or chess or philanthropy or simply drinking alcohol in the late evening when it is dark or those who use it as an office or who come simply to rest.
The serene environment of Chitragupta Park in the morning is the perfect place for exercising both the body and the mind. There are a few regular groups performing various types of Ashanas(postures) and Pranayams(breathing exercises). Two of these groups have a gathering of over 50 practitioners on any given day. Then there are smaller groups or even individuals performing yogic exercises at different places in the Park.
Yoga exercises have become very popular these days. Thanks to Swami Ramdev. Ramkishan Yadav (date of birth unknown) popularly known as Swami Ramdev is an Indian. He is particularly known for his efforts in popularizing Yoga as it is enunciated in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. He is also one of the founders of the Divya Yog Mandir Trust headquartered in Haridwar that aims to popularize Yoga and offer Ayurvedic treatment
His camps are attended by a large number of people. Over 85 million people follow his yoga camps via TV channels and video. His yoga teaching sessions are for the masses and free for all. His stated principle in life is to be of help to everybody.
Yoga refers to physical and mental exercises. The Sanskrit word Yoga has many meanings and is derived from the Sanskrit root “yuj” meaning “to control” “to yoke” or “to unite”. It includes joining, uniting, union, conjunction, contemplation and absorption. Someone who practices yoga or follows the yoga philosophy to a high level of attainment is called a yogi or yogini.
There are many Yoga teaching organization in India but Swami Ramdev has made it simple and hence popular. Yoga includes various breathing exercises like “kapal Bhati” (exaling through the nostrils and pushing the stomach at the same time), “Anulom –Vilom” (inhaling through the right nostril and exaling from the left nostril and repeating the same through left nostril and exaling from the right nostril), “Bhramari” (closing the ear buds and humming like a bee). Yoga exercises with some medicines are suppose to cure some ailments like blood pressure, heart ailments, diabetes, obesity, asthma, back pains, etc.
Thousands of people have been trained in his organization and they in turn are conducting yoga classes in various parts of the country and abroad. There are at least five such yoga groups in Chitrgupa Park. In addition there are other Yoga centers conducting yoga classes in the Park.
Like Swami Ramdev’s organization all other organizations also popularize Aurvedic medicines produced or marketed by them. No wonder, therefore that there is always a subtle hint to buy these medicines for the treatment of various ailments.
Divya Yog Trust of Swami Ramdev runs an Aurvedic Hospital at Haridwar. All the medicines are produced by the trust. In less than ten years it has become one of the richest Trusts in India. Joining a Yoga Camp may cost anywhere between Rs 7000/- to Rs 11,00,000. Though the treatment at the Hospital is not very costly but overall cost including stay and food is quite high.
Coming to Yoga Groups of Chitragupta Park, there is no denying the fact that there are hundreds of yoga enthusiasts who religiously come early in the morning, take part in the yoga exercises and get healed.
The serene environment of Chitragupta Park in the morning is the perfect place for exercising both the body and the mind. There are a few regular groups performing various types of Ashanas(postures) and Pranayams(breathing exercises). Two of these groups have a gathering of over 50 practitioners on any given day. Then there are smaller groups or even individuals performing yogic exercises at different places in the Park.
Yoga exercises have become very popular these days. Thanks to Swami Ramdev. Ramkishan Yadav (date of birth unknown) popularly known as Swami Ramdev is an Indian. He is particularly known for his efforts in popularizing Yoga as it is enunciated in Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. He is also one of the founders of the Divya Yog Mandir Trust headquartered in Haridwar that aims to popularize Yoga and offer Ayurvedic treatment
His camps are attended by a large number of people. Over 85 million people follow his yoga camps via TV channels and video. His yoga teaching sessions are for the masses and free for all. His stated principle in life is to be of help to everybody.
Yoga refers to physical and mental exercises. The Sanskrit word Yoga has many meanings and is derived from the Sanskrit root “yuj” meaning “to control” “to yoke” or “to unite”. It includes joining, uniting, union, conjunction, contemplation and absorption. Someone who practices yoga or follows the yoga philosophy to a high level of attainment is called a yogi or yogini.
There are many Yoga teaching organization in India but Swami Ramdev has made it simple and hence popular. Yoga includes various breathing exercises like “kapal Bhati” (exaling through the nostrils and pushing the stomach at the same time), “Anulom –Vilom” (inhaling through the right nostril and exaling from the left nostril and repeating the same through left nostril and exaling from the right nostril), “Bhramari” (closing the ear buds and humming like a bee). Yoga exercises with some medicines are suppose to cure some ailments like blood pressure, heart ailments, diabetes, obesity, asthma, back pains, etc.
Thousands of people have been trained in his organization and they in turn are conducting yoga classes in various parts of the country and abroad. There are at least five such yoga groups in Chitrgupa Park. In addition there are other Yoga centers conducting yoga classes in the Park.
Like Swami Ramdev’s organization all other organizations also popularize Aurvedic medicines produced or marketed by them. No wonder, therefore that there is always a subtle hint to buy these medicines for the treatment of various ailments.
Divya Yog Trust of Swami Ramdev runs an Aurvedic Hospital at Haridwar. All the medicines are produced by the trust. In less than ten years it has become one of the richest Trusts in India. Joining a Yoga Camp may cost anywhere between Rs 7000/- to Rs 11,00,000. Though the treatment at the Hospital is not very costly but overall cost including stay and food is quite high.
Coming to Yoga Groups of Chitragupta Park, there is no denying the fact that there are hundreds of yoga enthusiasts who religiously come early in the morning, take part in the yoga exercises and get healed.
Adulthood probably snatches smile from the faces of people. The rigors of daily life take away the child in us and we forget the very concept of laughter. Months pass before we really have a hearty laugh. At best we twitch our lips at some joke or situation and that is all we remember about a laugh.
Who and when the concept of Laughter Clubs was introduced may be a point of debate but no one can deny the usefulness of such clubs. Laughter Clubs are said to have started in the USA (where else?) and spread all over the world. Generally a group of like minded people assemble at a place, preferably in the morning and form a circle. They start with some warming up exercises and then start laughing their hearts out. Various techniques have been adopted to make people laugh a bit naturally like telling some jokes, making comical faces, or doing anything that may inspire a laugh. With repeated efforts, at times people really laugh naturally but most of the time it looks more of an artificial laugh. In any case it is better than not laughing at all.
Laughter Yoga Clubs were started by Indian physician, Dr. Madan Kataria in 1995 with just five people. Today, the Laughter Movement is widely accepted and has become a global phenomenon with over 6000 clubs in 60 countries. Realizing the tremendous power of laughter and its efficacy as the best prescription for wellness, Laughter Clubs have brought smiles and laughter in the lives of many people suffering from physical and mental and emotional upsets.
Jokes cannot make you laugh every day. For one, you need a fresh joke everyday & for the other, one should be a humorous too. But the million-dollar question is how to laugh or who will make you laugh? LAUGHTER CLUB, Yes you can regenerate, recharges you with laughing by joining the Laughter Sessions. You cannot think anything while laughing. Because you can do it only one thing at a time either laughs or thinks. After laughing the muscles participate in laughing get inactive and others get activate. When you repeat this process again & again your mind muscles get relaxed thus break the stress. Laughter is a stress breaker.
Children are laughing for no reason, why? Because they do not have any inhibition. We can also laugh for no reason if we tried a little bit is it difficult? Let’s make our heart & soul as sweet & soft as child.
Chitrgupta Park has a few laughter clubs. In addition, Yoga centers too conclude their sessions by laughter exercise.
Adulthood probably snatches smile from the faces of people. The rigors of daily life take away the child in us and we forget the very concept of laughter. Months pass before we really have a hearty laugh. At best we twitch our lips at some joke or situation and that is all we remember about a laugh.
Who and when the concept of Laughter Clubs was introduced may be a point of debate but no one can deny the usefulness of such clubs. Laughter Clubs are said to have started in the USA (where else?) and spread all over the world. Generally a group of like minded people assemble at a place, preferably in the morning and form a circle. They start with some warming up exercises and then start laughing their hearts out. Various techniques have been adopted to make people laugh a bit naturally like telling some jokes, making comical faces, or doing anything that may inspire a laugh. With repeated efforts, at times people really laugh naturally but most of the time it looks more of an artificial laugh. In any case it is better than not laughing at all.
Laughter Yoga Clubs were started by Indian physician, Dr. Madan Kataria in 1995 with just five people. Today, the Laughter Movement is widely accepted and has become a global phenomenon with over 6000 clubs in 60 countries. Realizing the tremendous power of laughter and its efficacy as the best prescription for wellness, Laughter Clubs have brought smiles and laughter in the lives of many people suffering from physical and mental and emotional upsets.
Jokes cannot make you laugh every day. For one, you need a fresh joke everyday & for the other, one should be a humorous too. But the million-dollar question is how to laugh or who will make you laugh? LAUGHTER CLUB, Yes you can regenerate, recharges you with laughing by joining the Laughter Sessions. You cannot think anything while laughing. Because you can do it only one thing at a time either laughs or thinks. After laughing the muscles participate in laughing get inactive and others get activate. When you repeat this process again & again your mind muscles get relaxed thus break the stress. Laughter is a stress breaker.
Children are laughing for no reason, why? Because they do not have any inhibition. We can also laugh for no reason if we tried a little bit is it difficult? Let’s make our heart & soul as sweet & soft as child.
Chitrgupta Park has a few laughter clubs. In addition, Yoga centers too conclude their sessions by laughter exercise.
Delhi Development Authority (DDA) with its entire corruption-ridden image has done at least one thing right. Responsible for planned development of Delhi, it has left lot of breathing space in between the towers of concrete jungles. There are many big and small parks close to residential colonies for the use of the residents. District Park in Sector 14, closer to our housing –complex, is one of them.
It is also known as Chitragupta Park as some religious minded people of the area have built a small temple in the name of Lord Chitragupta, the God responsible for keeping record of the good or bad deeds of every individual on earth in the court of Lord Yama, the God of Death. Based on the record an individual is allotted a place in Heaven or Hell as the case may be. In official record, however it remains as District Park only.
The Park is well laid, green and full of blooming flowers dahlias in white, pink, red and roses in different colors. The trees start flowering in March/April and bounty of colors is a pleasing sight. Citizens of Delhi should be thankful to DDA for not only providing garden space in residential colonies but also maintaining them. There are people who pluck the flowers little realizing that flowers look better on the plants. The Park is in three parts. The central park has playgrounds on both sides. The walking trail encircles the central park and is about 1.5 km long.
The Koel seems to greet with ‘Ko-yu,ko-yu’ the moment one enters the Park. Perched on the tree- top, the black bird is distinctly visible. Birds stir up much before the daybreak. The first one probably is the crow. There are other common Indian birds in the park, like mynahs, sparrows, parrots, doves, bul bul, and pigeons.
There is a mythological story about crow. It lost one of its eyes in his daring pursuit of testing the might of Lord Rama.Crows are also considered as the souls of our departed relatives and are fed on the auspicious day of their Shradha ceremony. Crows, if crowing at your gate give indication of some visiting guest.
Crows are called scavengers because they are first to locate a dead bird or animal. It is therefore not surprising to see crows feasting on a dead pigeon or rat early in the morning.
I am much surprised at the enormous energy the squirrels have. These little creatures keep on running and chasing each other all the day, never tiring. The swift jumps they take over the tree branches and the fast retreat they make and climb the trees if chased by a dog, which happens quite often. Those three lines on their back are believed to be imprints of Lord Rama’s caressing fingers.
There are benches all around the park for the use of the visitors. People for their own convenience shift these benches so that they may sit in a group of 10 or more and gossip little realizing that there are visitors who can not sit on ground due to some medical problem and need the benches more than these people but then no body seems to care. The Park is open from 6 a. m. to 9 p. m. for all days of the week. Sometimes I see some wine/beer bottles thrown in the bushes which obviously means some people use the park for some entertainment also which is illegal.
The Park serves as promotional ground for health care products like water purifiers, herbal medicines, health juices, small excersising tools etc. Some times Insurance companies put up their stall to educate the seniors about medical insurance and solicite business. Some times there are stock brokers who try to seek business with attractive investment funds for seniors.
Then there are massagers who aim to make contact and visit your place for body massage. They claim to help in getting rid of back pain, neck or shoulder pain. The very fact that they return to the Park at frequent intervals suggests that they do get some clients and people do get benefited. Some seniors get sample treatment at the spot only free of cost.
The Park is also used for canvassing support during election times be if for city council or legislative assembly or national parliament. The candidates hire the services of street corner actors to propagate their manifesto.
Distribution of pamphlets of every type is a common sight. Religious gatherings, product launches, school uniforms, beauty parlors or whatever may attract the imagination of the distributor to exploit the opportunity.
This great orator also visits quite frequently. His one and only topic is the development of a particular constituency to which he probably belongs. He has grand ideas if funds are available. The poor fellow seems to have lost his balance of mind due to some mishap or medical reason which nobody knows and cares. In fact nobody listens to what he says. Nonetheless, he delivers his speech and leaves the park. His shabby upkeep and dress is an indication to the fact that even his family members, if any, have lost interest in him.
Probably nowhere else such variety can be found. The Park is great exhibition ground.
Delhi Development Authority (DDA) with its entire corruption-ridden image has done at least one thing right. Responsible for planned development of Delhi, it has left lot of breathing space in between the towers of concrete jungles. There are many big and small parks close to residential colonies for the use of the residents. District Park in Sector 14, closer to our housing –complex, is one of them.
It is also known as Chitragupta Park as some religious minded people of the area have built a small temple in the name of Lord Chitragupta, the God responsible for keeping record of the good or bad deeds of every individual on earth in the court of Lord Yama, the God of Death. Based on the record an individual is allotted a place in Heaven or Hell as the case may be. In official record, however it remains as District Park only.
The Park is well laid, green and full of blooming flowers dahlias in white, pink, red and roses in different colors. The trees start flowering in March/April and bounty of colors is a pleasing sight. Citizens of Delhi should be thankful to DDA for not only providing garden space in residential colonies but also maintaining them. There are people who pluck the flowers little realizing that flowers look better on the plants. The Park is in three parts. The central park has playgrounds on both sides. The walking trail encircles the central park and is about 1.5 km long.
The Koel seems to greet with ‘Ko-yu,ko-yu’ the moment one enters the Park. Perched on the tree- top, the black bird is distinctly visible. Birds stir up much before the daybreak. The first one probably is the crow. There are other common Indian birds in the park, like mynahs, sparrows, parrots, doves, bul bul, and pigeons.
There is a mythological story about crow. It lost one of its eyes in his daring pursuit of testing the might of Lord Rama.Crows are also considered as the souls of our departed relatives and are fed on the auspicious day of their Shradha ceremony. Crows, if crowing at your gate give indication of some visiting guest.
Crows are called scavengers because they are first to locate a dead bird or animal. It is therefore not surprising to see crows feasting on a dead pigeon or rat early in the morning.
I am much surprised at the enormous energy the squirrels have. These little creatures keep on running and chasing each other all the day, never tiring. The swift jumps they take over the tree branches and the fast retreat they make and climb the trees if chased by a dog, which happens quite often. Those three lines on their back are believed to be imprints of Lord Rama’s caressing fingers.
There are benches all around the park for the use of the visitors. People for their own convenience shift these benches so that they may sit in a group of 10 or more and gossip little realizing that there are visitors who can not sit on ground due to some medical problem and need the benches more than these people but then no body seems to care. The Park is open from 6 a. m. to 9 p. m. for all days of the week. Sometimes I see some wine/beer bottles thrown in the bushes which obviously means some people use the park for some entertainment also which is illegal.
The Park serves as promotional ground for health care products like water purifiers, herbal medicines, health juices, small excersising tools etc. Some times Insurance companies put up their stall to educate the seniors about medical insurance and solicite business. Some times there are stock brokers who try to seek business with attractive investment funds for seniors.
Then there are massagers who aim to make contact and visit your place for body massage. They claim to help in getting rid of back pain, neck or shoulder pain. The very fact that they return to the Park at frequent intervals suggests that they do get some clients and people do get benefited. Some seniors get sample treatment at the spot only free of cost.
The Park is also used for canvassing support during election times be if for city council or legislative assembly or national parliament. The candidates hire the services of street corner actors to propagate their manifesto.
Distribution of pamphlets of every type is a common sight. Religious gatherings, product launches, school uniforms, beauty parlors or whatever may attract the imagination of the distributor to exploit the opportunity.
This great orator also visits quite frequently. His one and only topic is the development of a particular constituency to which he probably belongs. He has grand ideas if funds are available. The poor fellow seems to have lost his balance of mind due to some mishap or medical reason which nobody knows and cares. In fact nobody listens to what he says. Nonetheless, he delivers his speech and leaves the park. His shabby upkeep and dress is an indication to the fact that even his family members, if any, have lost interest in him.
Probably nowhere else such variety can be found. The Park is great exhibition ground.
Walking is a wholesome exercise. Every part of the body gets the required exercise when we walk. Moreover it costs practically nothing. All what one has to do is to get up before sunrise, get fresh and walk in the fresh air. Walking any time is good but it is more comfortable in the morning when air is fresh. It is good for all specially for the persons suffering from heart ailments, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, breathing problems etc. Walking includes long strides, jogging and simply strolling.
District Park is abuzz with morning walkers by the time I enter. Some people come as early as 5 a. m. The park layout is very much conducive for walking. The walking trail is wide enough to accommodate 4 persons horizontally. It is however more comfortable if walkers walk in line. It is about 1.5km long trail encircling the main park. It’s short of a ring around the park.
The profile of morning walkers is rather complex mix of senior citizens, elderly in their forties, youths, teenagers, men, women, boys, girls and kids. Most of the walkers belong to the category of obese, mainly women trying to shed a few kilos. Again if my guess is correct most of the walkers are here because of their doctor’s advice. Why would one come out of the sweet, slumber sleep early in the morning when almost 99% people are still in bed particularly in winter?
Some walk in groups of 3 or 4 horizontally least caring that they are hindering the easy flow of other walkers. This particular group is always in serious discussions on some current event mostly, political or economic and speaks loudly. One of them seems to have solution to every problem the nation is facing be it infiltration or inflation
There is one music lover who sings the same old Hindi movie song of yester years. He has a melodious voice though. He walks at slow pace in tune with the song. I am sure if some one can spare time and implore him to sit and sing more such songs, he will happily agree. An artist needs audience. I have seen him sitting on a bench playing the same tune on his mouth organ in perfect harmony with the morning. He is good at mouth organ too. The song is “O! Dunia ke rakhwale” (O Savior of the world).
Then there are music lovers mostly young generations with their iPods or cell phones. There are multi taskers, particularly young girls who can listen to music, ear phones plugged to ears, talk with hands free devices and walk at a brisk speed too. There are boys too but they can either listen or speak. Then there are some who keep the speakers on at full volume probably for the benefit of all.
Our upbringing taught us to see God in one and all. This gentle man is the perfect example of a true follower. He wishes “Jai Sri Ram” to everyone with folded hands. Some respond, some do not. Some people believe that God’s name always on lips not only helps in this life but pays dividends in next life also. God bless him.
There are people, some times couples, who bring sugar mixed wheat flour and pour the same at some strategic points to attract ants. Perhaps feeding ants is something to do with religious faith. Some bring grains to feed the birds. Some fill the earthen pots with water for birds. There is always scope for our religious faith anywhere we go. Starting first thing in the morning is added satisfaction.
Unlike in the West, we Indians are unlikely to wish fellow morning walkers a ‘good morning’ unless formally introduced. Perhaps we are not as extrovert. We take time to open up.
There is no formal dress for morning walkers and cannot be. Men are in kurta-pajamas, jeans-t-shirts, sorts-Bermudas-t shirts, sleeping suites, pant-shirts and some in dhotis too. Women are in salwar-kamiz, sarees, jeans-tops and Bermudas-tops.
The messages printed on the t-shirts and tops are at time hilarious. One frail bodied old chap has the t-shirt “WHAT CAN YOU DO?” printed on it. “Devil Inside”, “Touch me not” “I am lost” etc make a good day.
All in all Chitrgupta Park is fun filled ground.
Walking is a wholesome exercise. Every part of the body gets the required exercise when we walk. Moreover it costs practically nothing. All what one has to do is to get up before sunrise, get fresh and walk in the fresh air. Walking any time is good but it is more comfortable in the morning when air is fresh. It is good for all specially for the persons suffering from heart ailments, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, breathing problems etc. Walking includes long strides, jogging and simply strolling.
District Park is abuzz with morning walkers by the time I enter. Some people come as early as 5 a. m. The park layout is very much conducive for walking. The walking trail is wide enough to accommodate 4 persons horizontally. It is however more comfortable if walkers walk in line. It is about 1.5km long trail encircling the main park. It’s short of a ring around the park.
The profile of morning walkers is rather complex mix of senior citizens, elderly in their forties, youths, teenagers, men, women, boys, girls and kids. Most of the walkers belong to the category of obese, mainly women trying to shed a few kilos. Again if my guess is correct most of the walkers are here because of their doctor’s advice. Why would one come out of the sweet, slumber sleep early in the morning when almost 99% people are still in bed particularly in winter?
Some walk in groups of 3 or 4 horizontally least caring that they are hindering the easy flow of other walkers. This particular group is always in serious discussions on some current event mostly, political or economic and speaks loudly. One of them seems to have solution to every problem the nation is facing be it infiltration or inflation
There is one music lover who sings the same old Hindi movie song of yester years. He has a melodious voice though. He walks at slow pace in tune with the song. I am sure if some one can spare time and implore him to sit and sing more such songs, he will happily agree. An artist needs audience. I have seen him sitting on a bench playing the same tune on his mouth organ in perfect harmony with the morning. He is good at mouth organ too. The song is “O! Dunia ke rakhwale” (O Savior of the world).
Then there are music lovers mostly young generations with their iPods or cell phones. There are multi taskers, particularly young girls who can listen to music, ear phones plugged to ears, talk with hands free devices and walk at a brisk speed too. There are boys too but they can either listen or speak. Then there are some who keep the speakers on at full volume probably for the benefit of all.
Our upbringing taught us to see God in one and all. This gentle man is the perfect example of a true follower. He wishes “Jai Sri Ram” to everyone with folded hands. Some respond, some do not. Some people believe that God’s name always on lips not only helps in this life but pays dividends in next life also. God bless him.
There are people, some times couples, who bring sugar mixed wheat flour and pour the same at some strategic points to attract ants. Perhaps feeding ants is something to do with religious faith. Some bring grains to feed the birds. Some fill the earthen pots with water for birds. There is always scope for our religious faith anywhere we go. Starting first thing in the morning is added satisfaction.
Unlike in the West, we Indians are unlikely to wish fellow morning walkers a ‘good morning’ unless formally introduced. Perhaps we are not as extrovert. We take time to open up.
There is no formal dress for morning walkers and cannot be. Men are in kurta-pajamas, jeans-t-shirts, sorts-Bermudas-t shirts, sleeping suites, pant-shirts and some in dhotis too. Women are in salwar-kamiz, sarees, jeans-tops and Bermudas-tops.
The messages printed on the t-shirts and tops are at time hilarious. One frail bodied old chap has the t-shirt “WHAT CAN YOU DO?” printed on it. “Devil Inside”, “Touch me not” “I am lost” etc make a good day.
All in all Chitrgupta Park is fun filled ground.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Myself, my wife Shakuntala and Shailesh’s parents Shashi and Shobha started for Rishikesh by car on 5th July at 5.30 a.m. It started raining heavily the moment we left the house of Hrishkesh . The journey up to Rishikesh proved very comfortable away from the hot and humid climate of Delhi, mostly because of the continuous rain. Reached Rishkesh at 11.30a.m., checked in at Divine Life Society, had our lunch at the Ashram, and left for Haridwar.
It was not raining anmore and we could conveniently visit Chandi Devi Temple by Cable Car. Could not go to Mansha Devi as the cable car was not operating and it was not easy for us to walk the steep path up to the MendIr. Instead we simply strolled around the Har Ki Pauri area and settled ourselves comfortably to watch the evening Ganga Arati.
One of the most famous and most visited sites of Haridwar, Har ki Pauri is considered as one of its five main holy sites. It is believed to be the sacred place where Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu, two great Hindu Gods, appeared in the Vedic era. This place is considered equivalent to the Dashashwamedh Ghat in Banaras, in religious terms. It is also said that Brahma, the Hindu God of Creation, performed a yagna at the Har ki Pauri. The ghat is also said to have the holy footprints of Lord Vishnu.
Har ki pauri is believed to be the exit point of the river Ganges from the mountains and its entry into the plains. A dip in the holy water of the ghat is said to relieve a person of all his sins. The place is surrounded by some ancient and some newly build temples. Throughout the year, religious rituals like 'upanayan' or the initiation ritual, 'mundan' or the head tonsuring ritual, 'asthi visarjan' or immersion of the ashes of the dead and 'shraddha' or prayers appeasing one's ancestors take place here.
Har ki pauri is always crowded with devotees and priests, offering prayers to the Sun God and the holy Ganges. This place is the perfect destination for people deeply in love with religion, philosophy and spiritualism. The auspicious fair of Hindus, the Kumbh mela, is held at Har ki Pauri, after every 3 years. This sacred ghat was built on the bank of Ganges, by King Vikramaditya, in the memory of his brother Bhartrihari. Har ki pauri is famous for Ganga Aarti, a holy ritual of offering prayers to the Ganges.
Ganga Aarti takes place on the ghat in the evening, after sunset. A group of Brahmans hold huge fire bowls in their hands and offer their holy mantras to river Ganges, Shiva - the Hindu God of destruction, Surya - the Sun God and the entire Universe. The devotees then offer flowers and earthen lamps - diyas - to river Ganges, in order to pay due regards to their ancestors in heaven. The scenario at Har ki pauri at the time of Ganga-Aarti is mesmerizing.
After Arat, had our dinner in the famous Chotiwala restaurant and back to Ashram around 9.30
We stayed in the Ashram for another three days. Our day started with Meditation in the Samadhi Mandir at 5.30 a.m., Shiva Puja and Arati at Vishwanath Temple between 6 and 7 a.m. . . . Breakfast at 7 a.m. , Chanting of Namo Narayan in Samadhi Mandir from 7.30 to 9 a.m., a little rest or moving around the nearby places like Lakshman Jhoola , Ram Jhoola, Swargashram, Geeta Bhawan, Parmarth Niketan etc. Lunch at 11.30 a.m and then rest upto 3 p.m. followed by tea t 3 p.m. Chanting of Hare Ram Hare Krishna at Bhajan Hall, Bhajans aty Guru Kutir at 5.45 to 6.45 p.m followed by Ganga Arati at 7p.m. , dinner at 7.30 and finally Satsang at Samadhi Mandir from 8 t0 9.30
Staying at the Ashram situated on the banks of River Ganga at Shivanandanagar is an experience. The atmoshphere is serene with calm and peace all around. For a while one forgets the chorus of every day life of the cities.
The Divine Life Society is a shining example of the creative aspect of the Divinity within man. It is a remarkable achievement of the Founder, His Holiness Sri Swami Sivananda, who from the year 1936, has built up the wonderful mansion of 'Divine Life' brick by brick, on the firm foundations of purity, integrity, nobility and magnanimity. The ideals of the Society are lofty, most practicable and within the reach of every human being, irrespective of position, caste, colour, country and creed.
The Institution caters to the cultural needs of all ranks of people, to whatever class they may belong. Each one can tap whatever suits him the best according to his stature and intellectual or spiritual attainments.
The holy river Ganga flows by the side of the Ashram, coming down from the icy regions of the Himalayas, carrying with her the message of seers and sages of the past and the present, thus in a way keeping intact the connect.
Returned to Delhi by bus on 9th July.
Myself, my wife Shakuntala and Shailesh’s parents Shashi and Shobha started for Rishikesh by car on 5th July at 5.30 a.m. It started raining heavily the moment we left the house of Hrishkesh . The journey up to Rishikesh proved very comfortable away from the hot and humid climate of Delhi, mostly because of the continuous rain. Reached Rishkesh at 11.30a.m., checked in at Divine Life Society, had our lunch at the Ashram, and left for Haridwar.
It was not raining anmore and we could conveniently visit Chandi Devi Temple by Cable Car. Could not go to Mansha Devi as the cable car was not operating and it was not easy for us to walk the steep path up to the MendIr. Instead we simply strolled around the Har Ki Pauri area and settled ourselves comfortably to watch the evening Ganga Arati.
One of the most famous and most visited sites of Haridwar, Har ki Pauri is considered as one of its five main holy sites. It is believed to be the sacred place where Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu, two great Hindu Gods, appeared in the Vedic era. This place is considered equivalent to the Dashashwamedh Ghat in Banaras, in religious terms. It is also said that Brahma, the Hindu God of Creation, performed a yagna at the Har ki Pauri. The ghat is also said to have the holy footprints of Lord Vishnu.
Har ki pauri is believed to be the exit point of the river Ganges from the mountains and its entry into the plains. A dip in the holy water of the ghat is said to relieve a person of all his sins. The place is surrounded by some ancient and some newly build temples. Throughout the year, religious rituals like 'upanayan' or the initiation ritual, 'mundan' or the head tonsuring ritual, 'asthi visarjan' or immersion of the ashes of the dead and 'shraddha' or prayers appeasing one's ancestors take place here.
Har ki pauri is always crowded with devotees and priests, offering prayers to the Sun God and the holy Ganges. This place is the perfect destination for people deeply in love with religion, philosophy and spiritualism. The auspicious fair of Hindus, the Kumbh mela, is held at Har ki Pauri, after every 3 years. This sacred ghat was built on the bank of Ganges, by King Vikramaditya, in the memory of his brother Bhartrihari. Har ki pauri is famous for Ganga Aarti, a holy ritual of offering prayers to the Ganges.
Ganga Aarti takes place on the ghat in the evening, after sunset. A group of Brahmans hold huge fire bowls in their hands and offer their holy mantras to river Ganges, Shiva - the Hindu God of destruction, Surya - the Sun God and the entire Universe. The devotees then offer flowers and earthen lamps - diyas - to river Ganges, in order to pay due regards to their ancestors in heaven. The scenario at Har ki pauri at the time of Ganga-Aarti is mesmerizing.
After Arat, had our dinner in the famous Chotiwala restaurant and back to Ashram around 9.30
We stayed in the Ashram for another three days. Our day started with Meditation in the Samadhi Mandir at 5.30 a.m., Shiva Puja and Arati at Vishwanath Temple between 6 and 7 a.m. . . . Breakfast at 7 a.m. , Chanting of Namo Narayan in Samadhi Mandir from 7.30 to 9 a.m., a little rest or moving around the nearby places like Lakshman Jhoola , Ram Jhoola, Swargashram, Geeta Bhawan, Parmarth Niketan etc. Lunch at 11.30 a.m and then rest upto 3 p.m. followed by tea t 3 p.m. Chanting of Hare Ram Hare Krishna at Bhajan Hall, Bhajans aty Guru Kutir at 5.45 to 6.45 p.m followed by Ganga Arati at 7p.m. , dinner at 7.30 and finally Satsang at Samadhi Mandir from 8 t0 9.30
Staying at the Ashram situated on the banks of River Ganga at Shivanandanagar is an experience. The atmoshphere is serene with calm and peace all around. For a while one forgets the chorus of every day life of the cities.
The Divine Life Society is a shining example of the creative aspect of the Divinity within man. It is a remarkable achievement of the Founder, His Holiness Sri Swami Sivananda, who from the year 1936, has built up the wonderful mansion of 'Divine Life' brick by brick, on the firm foundations of purity, integrity, nobility and magnanimity. The ideals of the Society are lofty, most practicable and within the reach of every human being, irrespective of position, caste, colour, country and creed.
The Institution caters to the cultural needs of all ranks of people, to whatever class they may belong. Each one can tap whatever suits him the best according to his stature and intellectual or spiritual attainments.
The holy river Ganga flows by the side of the Ashram, coming down from the icy regions of the Himalayas, carrying with her the message of seers and sages of the past and the present, thus in a way keeping intact the connect.
Returned to Delhi by bus on 9th July.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Well if rag pickers and morning walkers are around, neighborhood dogs cannot be far behind. Who can know this better than myself, the victim? I have been barked at. It is somehow not fair to call these dogs ‘stray dogs’. Stray dogs are one who are lost/abandoned and are not in a position to find their way back to their homes or dogs having no owners at all. With this definition in mind, there are very few stray dogs in Delhi and for that matter in India and we are not talking about them.
Neighborhood dogs in Delhi as in any other city or town or village in India belong to the locality or neighborhood they live and therefore their loyalty is for that particular locality. We Indians are a very religious race and see God in every living being. As per our religious scriptures there is birth after death. According to our Karmas (deeds) on this earth during our lifetime our fate is decided for the next birth. There are some 84,00,000 Yonies(living forms) and we may be any one of these in our next birth depending on our good or bad Karmas. Thus a saintly person may get Nirvana(freedom from the cycle of birth and death) and a non believer may take birth as a, should I say neighborhood dog? After the Pandavas had enjoyed the fruits of their conquest over the Kauravas, the day came for their final journey from this earth. Because of the pious life they had lived, they were entitled to walk directly into Heaven. Lord Indra however wanted to have one more test of their sincerity and followed them disguised as a dog. At the entrance of the Heaven, they were told that dogs were not allowed in Heaven. Yudhistra, the eldest and purist among Pandavas refused to enter Heaven without the dog that had followed them all the way from the earth. Indra appeared in his true form and blessed them for their compassion for the lowly dog. I think I have made the point clear that we love all living beings. It is too complicated and more over it is not the subject we talking about. So I will return to the subject.
As I was saying, dogs belong to the locality they live in. There is one more reason though. The residents of the locality take it upon themselves to feed these dogs. The left over is offered to these dogs and the loyalty quotient increases or decreases according to the quality of food they get from each household. Those who offer non –veg items get preferential treatment i.e. the dog sleeps in front of their house during the night. This however does not mean that their loyalty for other residents of the locality is any way less. They will chase away any intruder during the night and alert the residents by continuous barking. These dogs are God’s gift to the neighborhood.
The dogs close to the temple are more professional. They will ensure that the intruder is chased right up to the boundary of the temple. I think the sweets they regularly eat there do the trick. These poor fellows however do not know that their lives are being shortened by eating too much of sweets. One can easily recognize a dog fed on temple sweets by its receding hair. But then humans also not much cautious when it comes to sweets and become diabetic.
Chasing the intruder is moral obligation on neighborhood dogs. The intruder could be a fellow dog from other neighborhood, a rag picker or a morning walker. There is total socialism here. No difference between the rich and the poor. No difference between the humans and non-humans. It is the moral duty of the neighborhood dogs to act in unionism and not to leave the responsibility to someone in particular. Dogs of the neighborhood remain united all the times.
Another interesting trait is the clear demarcation of area. Dogs of one lane are responsible for that lane only. Responsibility of providing security to other lanes is that of the dogs of that lane. Dogs of one lane are not welcome in another lane. Dogs of other lanes are also treated as intruders and chased away.
Neighborhood dogs have the strange habit of chasing cars and scooters on the roads. If they cannot drive they at least can run side by side with the cars. Some scooterist kids as learners get scared, fall down and get hurt. This is bad.
There are anti social dogs among dogs too. They at times exceed their brief and bite the intruder particularly when he or she tries to run. Once bitten by dog makes one twice cautious. Who wants those 12 or 16 injections? For this reason the whole dog community is branded as menace and health hazard. Sometimes the Municipal Authorities employ dogcatchers to take them away. Some even suggest exporting them to some Asian countries where dog meat is not taboo. There is the scheme to sterile them to stop the uncontrolled growth. Some efforts have been made in this direction but it looks the mobility and migration factor among dogs is quite high and even dogs from neighboring states are also entering the Capital of India. So far it has not become an issue between Delhi and neighboring states but may be one day it becomes an election issue. Dogs will be happy that Governments can fall because of them.
There are some kind-hearted people who have sheltered these dogs. They provide them with food and Medicare also but then there are neighbors who object to it and complain that these dogs are a threat to their kids and guests. There are some court cases going on. Life is not easy any way.
There is no community structure in dogs’ world. Might is the right. Nor there seems to be any family bonds or ties. The mother dog nourishes the puppies for a month or two and thereafter they are left to fend for themselves. Father dog does not have any role except fathering them.
In common parlance ‘living a dog’s life’ or ‘dying like a dog’ are derogatory remarks. There are however some lucky breeds that get proper living, health care and even funeral provided by their owners. In case of neighborhood dogs, they are common property and like any other common property the taking care is of no body’s business.
Long live neighborhood dogs.
Well if rag pickers and morning walkers are around, neighborhood dogs cannot be far behind. Who can know this better than myself, the victim? I have been barked at. It is somehow not fair to call these dogs ‘stray dogs’. Stray dogs are one who are lost/abandoned and are not in a position to find their way back to their homes or dogs having no owners at all. With this definition in mind, there are very few stray dogs in Delhi and for that matter in India and we are not talking about them.
Neighborhood dogs in Delhi as in any other city or town or village in India belong to the locality or neighborhood they live and therefore their loyalty is for that particular locality. We Indians are a very religious race and see God in every living being. As per our religious scriptures there is birth after death. According to our Karmas (deeds) on this earth during our lifetime our fate is decided for the next birth. There are some 84,00,000 Yonies(living forms) and we may be any one of these in our next birth depending on our good or bad Karmas. Thus a saintly person may get Nirvana(freedom from the cycle of birth and death) and a non believer may take birth as a, should I say neighborhood dog? After the Pandavas had enjoyed the fruits of their conquest over the Kauravas, the day came for their final journey from this earth. Because of the pious life they had lived, they were entitled to walk directly into Heaven. Lord Indra however wanted to have one more test of their sincerity and followed them disguised as a dog. At the entrance of the Heaven, they were told that dogs were not allowed in Heaven. Yudhistra, the eldest and purist among Pandavas refused to enter Heaven without the dog that had followed them all the way from the earth. Indra appeared in his true form and blessed them for their compassion for the lowly dog. I think I have made the point clear that we love all living beings. It is too complicated and more over it is not the subject we talking about. So I will return to the subject.
As I was saying, dogs belong to the locality they live in. There is one more reason though. The residents of the locality take it upon themselves to feed these dogs. The left over is offered to these dogs and the loyalty quotient increases or decreases according to the quality of food they get from each household. Those who offer non –veg items get preferential treatment i.e. the dog sleeps in front of their house during the night. This however does not mean that their loyalty for other residents of the locality is any way less. They will chase away any intruder during the night and alert the residents by continuous barking. These dogs are God’s gift to the neighborhood.
The dogs close to the temple are more professional. They will ensure that the intruder is chased right up to the boundary of the temple. I think the sweets they regularly eat there do the trick. These poor fellows however do not know that their lives are being shortened by eating too much of sweets. One can easily recognize a dog fed on temple sweets by its receding hair. But then humans also not much cautious when it comes to sweets and become diabetic.
Chasing the intruder is moral obligation on neighborhood dogs. The intruder could be a fellow dog from other neighborhood, a rag picker or a morning walker. There is total socialism here. No difference between the rich and the poor. No difference between the humans and non-humans. It is the moral duty of the neighborhood dogs to act in unionism and not to leave the responsibility to someone in particular. Dogs of the neighborhood remain united all the times.
Another interesting trait is the clear demarcation of area. Dogs of one lane are responsible for that lane only. Responsibility of providing security to other lanes is that of the dogs of that lane. Dogs of one lane are not welcome in another lane. Dogs of other lanes are also treated as intruders and chased away.
Neighborhood dogs have the strange habit of chasing cars and scooters on the roads. If they cannot drive they at least can run side by side with the cars. Some scooterist kids as learners get scared, fall down and get hurt. This is bad.
There are anti social dogs among dogs too. They at times exceed their brief and bite the intruder particularly when he or she tries to run. Once bitten by dog makes one twice cautious. Who wants those 12 or 16 injections? For this reason the whole dog community is branded as menace and health hazard. Sometimes the Municipal Authorities employ dogcatchers to take them away. Some even suggest exporting them to some Asian countries where dog meat is not taboo. There is the scheme to sterile them to stop the uncontrolled growth. Some efforts have been made in this direction but it looks the mobility and migration factor among dogs is quite high and even dogs from neighboring states are also entering the Capital of India. So far it has not become an issue between Delhi and neighboring states but may be one day it becomes an election issue. Dogs will be happy that Governments can fall because of them.
There are some kind-hearted people who have sheltered these dogs. They provide them with food and Medicare also but then there are neighbors who object to it and complain that these dogs are a threat to their kids and guests. There are some court cases going on. Life is not easy any way.
There is no community structure in dogs’ world. Might is the right. Nor there seems to be any family bonds or ties. The mother dog nourishes the puppies for a month or two and thereafter they are left to fend for themselves. Father dog does not have any role except fathering them.
In common parlance ‘living a dog’s life’ or ‘dying like a dog’ are derogatory remarks. There are however some lucky breeds that get proper living, health care and even funeral provided by their owners. In case of neighborhood dogs, they are common property and like any other common property the taking care is of no body’s business.
Long live neighborhood dogs.
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
They are a usual sight in the morning. They believe in the old saying “early birds catch the worms”. They are probably on the streets even earlier than the street sweeper, Arjan Singh, and morning walkers. With their super size poly bag hanging over their shoulders, they cannot be missed. Sometimes they come in groups of two or three or sometimes alone. They collect anything of value in their assessment e.g. beer and wine bottles, beer and juice cans, glass and plastic bottles, cardboarboxes, poly bags and sheets, leather items and anything they can lay their hands on. The prized catch however is any steel or iron item, the bigger and larger the better.
Rag Pickers in Delhi increased after India Pakistan War of 1971. Just as in 1947 w Muslim demanded a separate country and the country was divided into two India and Pakistan (West East) and by the then rulers, the British, in the same way, Bengali Muslim in East Pakistan demanded a separate country and Bangladesh was created with the blessings of then Prime Minister of India Mrs. Indira Gandhi after the war of 1971 with Pakistan. The immediate provocation for war with Pakistan was the influx of some two million refugees who crossed over to India from East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). Many of these refugees stayed back and many more joined after that also, as India shares a very porous border with Bangladesh. These migrants are treated illegal but have somehow mingled with the social set up mainly because they speak one of our recognized languages, Bengali. Political reasons notwithstanding, the real problem is their poverty. They are engaged in all types of menial jobs like rickshaw pullers, daily wagers, domestic servants etc.
The rag pickers in a way help the Municipal authorities. In their absence, perhaps it will be upon the Local Government to dispose off this garbage. They collect all the garbage from the localities and deliver it to the scrap dealers who in turn pass it on to re-cyclists. The recycled products come back to consumers. It is a well- oiled business where the ultimate beneficiaries are the middlemen and businessmen.
The economic and social condition of these rag pickers remains pitiable. While the mornings are for rag picking, the days are for begging at the busy road crossings. The girl children are exploited and some of them land up in brothels. The grown ups’ main concern is to earn two meals worth of money.
They are entitled to no social security under various Government schemes because they are not the citizens of the country. Their country of origin, Bangladesh, does not accept them as its citizens. They were landless laborers and hence cannot submit any proof of citizenship. Attempts made by the Indian Authorities to deport them have proved futile so far. The fact is they do not want to return also. Those who have managed to obtain ration cards and voters’ cards are little more comfortable because they get food grains at subsidized rates. During election time they get some free bees. May be one day they will get citizenship also under some amnesty scheme. It looks illegal migration is universal.
They are a usual sight in the morning. They believe in the old saying “early birds catch the worms”. They are probably on the streets even earlier than the street sweeper, Arjan Singh, and morning walkers. With their super size poly bag hanging over their shoulders, they cannot be missed. Sometimes they come in groups of two or three or sometimes alone. They collect anything of value in their assessment e.g. beer and wine bottles, beer and juice cans, glass and plastic bottles, cardboarboxes, poly bags and sheets, leather items and anything they can lay their hands on. The prized catch however is any steel or iron item, the bigger and larger the better.
Rag Pickers in Delhi increased after India Pakistan War of 1971. Just as in 1947 w Muslim demanded a separate country and the country was divided into two India and Pakistan (West East) and by the then rulers, the British, in the same way, Bengali Muslim in East Pakistan demanded a separate country and Bangladesh was created with the blessings of then Prime Minister of India Mrs. Indira Gandhi after the war of 1971 with Pakistan. The immediate provocation for war with Pakistan was the influx of some two million refugees who crossed over to India from East Pakistan (now Bangladesh). Many of these refugees stayed back and many more joined after that also, as India shares a very porous border with Bangladesh. These migrants are treated illegal but have somehow mingled with the social set up mainly because they speak one of our recognized languages, Bengali. Political reasons notwithstanding, the real problem is their poverty. They are engaged in all types of menial jobs like rickshaw pullers, daily wagers, domestic servants etc.
The rag pickers in a way help the Municipal authorities. In their absence, perhaps it will be upon the Local Government to dispose off this garbage. They collect all the garbage from the localities and deliver it to the scrap dealers who in turn pass it on to re-cyclists. The recycled products come back to consumers. It is a well- oiled business where the ultimate beneficiaries are the middlemen and businessmen.
The economic and social condition of these rag pickers remains pitiable. While the mornings are for rag picking, the days are for begging at the busy road crossings. The girl children are exploited and some of them land up in brothels. The grown ups’ main concern is to earn two meals worth of money.
They are entitled to no social security under various Government schemes because they are not the citizens of the country. Their country of origin, Bangladesh, does not accept them as its citizens. They were landless laborers and hence cannot submit any proof of citizenship. Attempts made by the Indian Authorities to deport them have proved futile so far. The fact is they do not want to return also. Those who have managed to obtain ration cards and voters’ cards are little more comfortable because they get food grains at subsidized rates. During election time they get some free bees. May be one day they will get citizenship also under some amnesty scheme. It looks illegal migration is universal.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
At the corner of the crossing, there is this popular Indian fast food joint named ‘Ashu Bhature Wala’. About two years back, it opened in the name of Apni Rasoi, a vegetarian food restaurant. The restaurant shifted to some other nearby location and the owners opened a new fast food joint named Ashu Bhature Wala. The joint has become popular for Chhole Bhature, a north Indian delicacy. Early in the morning, I see the preparations going on. The aroma of spices can be smelled from 100 meters either direction. Doctors advise to shun such deep fried food but the invite is so alluring that even senior citizens like me cannot hold back.
The workers are in their banyan and under wears are in stark contrast when they present themselves later in the morning in the Ashu Bhature Wala uniform. They must be up much early in the morning say around 4 O’clock and can be seen working right up to 12 O’clock in the night. They go to sleep only after they have done the cleaning. During the afternoons, when there is not much rush, some of them may be resting by turn.
Some of the workers are below the age of 14. Law bans employing workers below 14 years of age. It is hardly followed and scarcely implemented. The authorities turn a blind eye or rather take a practical view of the situation. Thousands of children below the age of 14 work in factories, homes and other commercial establishments all over India. They are paid less, made to work long hours and generally exploited.
This is the age when these children should be at Schools. Free uniforms, books and lunch could not keep these children in schools. Parents give priority to what they can bring in cash rather than what they learn at School. The school drop rate is alarming. Efforts so far have not been in a position to make the difference in the life of these unfortunate children. Right to Education Act is a step in the right direction.
There is need both for skilled and unskilled workers. There is no denying the fact that higher education is not every body’s cup of tea. Basic education is essential for every one. The State should evolve a system where a minimum education up to 8th grade is imparted to each and every child before he/she ventures into any job. Thereafter there should be a system of imparting further education based on aptitude. Higher education should not be thrust upon.
I hope someday Ashu Bhature Wala will be in a position to hire workers with minimum education, pay them statutory wages, provide good working conditions and ensure the growth of these workers side by side its own growth which some one may like to call ‘inclusive growth’
At the corner of the crossing, there is this popular Indian fast food joint named ‘Ashu Bhature Wala’. About two years back, it opened in the name of Apni Rasoi, a vegetarian food restaurant. The restaurant shifted to some other nearby location and the owners opened a new fast food joint named Ashu Bhature Wala. The joint has become popular for Chhole Bhature, a north Indian delicacy. Early in the morning, I see the preparations going on. The aroma of spices can be smelled from 100 meters either direction. Doctors advise to shun such deep fried food but the invite is so alluring that even senior citizens like me cannot hold back.
The workers are in their banyan and under wears are in stark contrast when they present themselves later in the morning in the Ashu Bhature Wala uniform. They must be up much early in the morning say around 4 O’clock and can be seen working right up to 12 O’clock in the night. They go to sleep only after they have done the cleaning. During the afternoons, when there is not much rush, some of them may be resting by turn.
Some of the workers are below the age of 14. Law bans employing workers below 14 years of age. It is hardly followed and scarcely implemented. The authorities turn a blind eye or rather take a practical view of the situation. Thousands of children below the age of 14 work in factories, homes and other commercial establishments all over India. They are paid less, made to work long hours and generally exploited.
This is the age when these children should be at Schools. Free uniforms, books and lunch could not keep these children in schools. Parents give priority to what they can bring in cash rather than what they learn at School. The school drop rate is alarming. Efforts so far have not been in a position to make the difference in the life of these unfortunate children. Right to Education Act is a step in the right direction.
There is need both for skilled and unskilled workers. There is no denying the fact that higher education is not every body’s cup of tea. Basic education is essential for every one. The State should evolve a system where a minimum education up to 8th grade is imparted to each and every child before he/she ventures into any job. Thereafter there should be a system of imparting further education based on aptitude. Higher education should not be thrust upon.
I hope someday Ashu Bhature Wala will be in a position to hire workers with minimum education, pay them statutory wages, provide good working conditions and ensure the growth of these workers side by side its own growth which some one may like to call ‘inclusive growth’
Arjan Singh sweeps the 500-meter street in front of our complex. He is a Municipal employee. He is always on his job at 5 in the morning. By the time I go out at about 6 a. m. half of the street is clean of all the sundry garbage that includes plastic bags, pouches, leaves, papers mostly thrown by ‘we the people.’ Sweepers are expected to clean the streets before 6 a. m. so as not to inconvenience the public in general and morning walkers in particular.
Arjan singh, his mouth and nose covered by a thin clothe, a long broom in his hands is one of the handful of Municipal employees who take their job seriously. I have not seen him absent any day come winter or rains.
Employees of Municipal Corporation of Delhi(MCD)are infamous for the absenteeism. There have been reports of absentee employees and the figure is staggering. Some 50000 employees on the rolls of MCD in the health and horticulture departments exist on paper only They exist only in the pay register From top to bottom everybody takes his or her share from this loot. The fraud came in the notice of the Commissioner when he introduced Photo Smart Cards for all employees to record their attendance in office. There was a lot of hue and cry but he stood to his ground. He had probably sensed the malice. It was found that one employee was drawing salary for 10 to 15 people in different names. Such employee had in turn employed some proxy in his place to do the sweeping job for him and he himself was engaged in some other more profitable activity. This could not have been possible without the active support of the Inspector who was responsible to take the roll call and mark attendance of employees in his charge. The loot was possibly shared with the area councilor, the MLA and the MP. The Commissioner made it mandatory for each employee to have a photo identity Smart Card, mark his attendance at the local MCD office and his salary was sent by ECS transfer in his account in the Bank.
We were, however talking our Arjan Singh. He was definitely cut above all others. Never saw him absent. He would sweep the street, collect the garbage in his trolley and drop it the dumping site from where the MCD garbage truck would collect it.
There are about 20 vegetables and fruits vendors who line up the street in the evening. These vendors are legal in the sense that they are allowed to do their business from six in to ten in the evening. However it is totally up to the councilor to grant such permission. Since the numbers are limited, the poor vendors have no choice but to pay him his weekly ‘allowance’. The area police constable takes his cut too. Then there is the loan shark who finances these vendors for the vegetable cart costing some Rs 4000 in fixed expenses and another Rs 2000 for running the daily business. These vendors come from the rural Bihar with no money and therefore no choice but to borrow from this shark who charges interest @2.5 % per month payable every day along with loan installment. No wonder the vegetable retail prices are some three times of the wholesale prices. Arjan Singh comes into picture here for the simple reason that he has to clean the left over discarded and spoiled vegetables and fruits. It is for the vendors to clean the area before they leave but they seem to have collectively entered into an agreement with Arjan Singh to do the job for them and the remuneration is fixed in kind or cash. Arjan Singh finishes this job before he goes home in the night. This seems to be a clear and honest job and cannot be termed as taking advantage of his position in the street.
There are very few Arjan Singhs who do their job with dedication and honesty.
Arjan Singh sweeps the 500-meter street in front of our complex. He is a Municipal employee. He is always on his job at 5 in the morning. By the time I go out at about 6 a. m. half of the street is clean of all the sundry garbage that includes plastic bags, pouches, leaves, papers mostly thrown by ‘we the people.’ Sweepers are expected to clean the streets before 6 a. m. so as not to inconvenience the public in general and morning walkers in particular.
Arjan singh, his mouth and nose covered by a thin clothe, a long broom in his hands is one of the handful of Municipal employees who take their job seriously. I have not seen him absent any day come winter or rains.
Employees of Municipal Corporation of Delhi(MCD)are infamous for the absenteeism. There have been reports of absentee employees and the figure is staggering. Some 50000 employees on the rolls of MCD in the health and horticulture departments exist on paper only They exist only in the pay register From top to bottom everybody takes his or her share from this loot. The fraud came in the notice of the Commissioner when he introduced Photo Smart Cards for all employees to record their attendance in office. There was a lot of hue and cry but he stood to his ground. He had probably sensed the malice. It was found that one employee was drawing salary for 10 to 15 people in different names. Such employee had in turn employed some proxy in his place to do the sweeping job for him and he himself was engaged in some other more profitable activity. This could not have been possible without the active support of the Inspector who was responsible to take the roll call and mark attendance of employees in his charge. The loot was possibly shared with the area councilor, the MLA and the MP. The Commissioner made it mandatory for each employee to have a photo identity Smart Card, mark his attendance at the local MCD office and his salary was sent by ECS transfer in his account in the Bank.
We were, however talking our Arjan Singh. He was definitely cut above all others. Never saw him absent. He would sweep the street, collect the garbage in his trolley and drop it the dumping site from where the MCD garbage truck would collect it.
There are about 20 vegetables and fruits vendors who line up the street in the evening. These vendors are legal in the sense that they are allowed to do their business from six in to ten in the evening. However it is totally up to the councilor to grant such permission. Since the numbers are limited, the poor vendors have no choice but to pay him his weekly ‘allowance’. The area police constable takes his cut too. Then there is the loan shark who finances these vendors for the vegetable cart costing some Rs 4000 in fixed expenses and another Rs 2000 for running the daily business. These vendors come from the rural Bihar with no money and therefore no choice but to borrow from this shark who charges interest @2.5 % per month payable every day along with loan installment. No wonder the vegetable retail prices are some three times of the wholesale prices. Arjan Singh comes into picture here for the simple reason that he has to clean the left over discarded and spoiled vegetables and fruits. It is for the vendors to clean the area before they leave but they seem to have collectively entered into an agreement with Arjan Singh to do the job for them and the remuneration is fixed in kind or cash. Arjan Singh finishes this job before he goes home in the night. This seems to be a clear and honest job and cannot be termed as taking advantage of his position in the street.
There are very few Arjan Singhs who do their job with dedication and honesty.
Shyam Bahadur, the security guard at gate number six is a Nepali. Before joining the team of security guards in our housing complex some two years ago, he did odd jobs. He was with the neighbourhood grocery store and then with the take home eatery. Many times he came to our apartment for delivering grocery or some food. He is one of those thousands of Nepali citizens who cross over the open border into India for jobs as cooks, domestic servants, delivery boys, drivers, security guards, road building laborers, Lack of employment in their country drives them to India otherwise why they would leave their beautiful mountainous villages for the hot and humid climate of India. They can be seen all over India. It is pity that people have to migrate to other countries for lack of opportunities in their own country and that too for such lowly paid jobs.
For the few months of their arrival these simple village boys of the hills in the agegroup of 15 to 20 years seem to be taken with awe when they try to adjust themselves to the ways of we city folks. They are fearful, apprehensive, docile, timid, respectful and innocent looking humans who have been thrown into the hurly burly ways of complex environment. After a few years of grinding in the city, they transform beyond recognition and become the envy of the folks back home. This motivates others to follow suit.
Syam Bahadur was also like that. He would come with bowed head, talk meekly, deliver the grocery or food, collect payment and rush back for fear of his employer scolding him for being slow and lazy. In a few months he is more confident counting the payment carefully and expecting a tip after some time became sort of his dues for which he gives subtle hints like not returning the change.His dress ha also changed from the lose shirt and lose half pants to cheap but tight jeans and trendy t-shirts. We can feel his confident steps over the stairs, humming latest Hindi filmy songs and pressing the doorbell till we open the door.
Now he is a member of the security team in our housing complex. He should be around 20 years. He looks smart in the uniform. His salute particularly during festival times is absolutely in sink with the tips he expects. He is at gate number six from six in the morning to six in the evening when other security guard comes to relieve him. He is expected to open the gate for exiting / entering cars and scooters and close them thereafter. He is also expected to ensure that all visitors register their name and address and the apartment they wish to visit. He is alert while on duty and does not forget to wish the apartment owners and occupiers. He does not talk much. He is generally respectful to all except the intruders. He is very particular that the ferrywalas and kabaris enter the complex during appointed times only.
He visits his home village once in a year for two weeks because that is the maximum
leave a security guard can avail in a year as per our Resident Welfare Association Rules. He gets a salary of Rs 3000/ a month with no medical or retirement benefits. He should be in a position to save some of it after meeting his expenses. He augments his income by washing the cars of the residents.
Of late I observe some changes in him. His hair- style has changed. His off duty clothing is well cleaned and ironed. He smokes cigarettes, no more bidies. He has a cell phone now and his fingers dancing on its key- pads or listening to music. There are all weather smiles on his lips and his face is glowing.
For his convenience he keeps the half gate open so that he need not get up from his seat to open and close it. Visitors’ register lies open on the table. He simply signals visitors towards the register for making entries. He hardly gets up from his chair to salute any body. Most of the time he is either playing games on his cell phone or talking to someone or sending SMSs. There is something good happening in his life.
Sometimes some RWA functionary scolds him to be more attentive and keep the gate close all the time but that affects him for a few hours only. He is not his usual self any more. He certainly is in love.
I try to talk to him to know the secret but he is his usual self-answering in ‘yes’ and ‘no’. I do not proceed further.
He has asked for a month’s leave this summer. He is getting married. The secret is out. God bless him.
Shyam Bahadur, the security guard at gate number six is a Nepali. Before joining the team of security guards in our housing complex some two years ago, he did odd jobs. He was with the neighbourhood grocery store and then with the take home eatery. Many times he came to our apartment for delivering grocery or some food. He is one of those thousands of Nepali citizens who cross over the open border into India for jobs as cooks, domestic servants, delivery boys, drivers, security guards, road building laborers, Lack of employment in their country drives them to India otherwise why they would leave their beautiful mountainous villages for the hot and humid climate of India. They can be seen all over India. It is pity that people have to migrate to other countries for lack of opportunities in their own country and that too for such lowly paid jobs.
For the few months of their arrival these simple village boys of the hills in the agegroup of 15 to 20 years seem to be taken with awe when they try to adjust themselves to the ways of we city folks. They are fearful, apprehensive, docile, timid, respectful and innocent looking humans who have been thrown into the hurly burly ways of complex environment. After a few years of grinding in the city, they transform beyond recognition and become the envy of the folks back home. This motivates others to follow suit.
Syam Bahadur was also like that. He would come with bowed head, talk meekly, deliver the grocery or food, collect payment and rush back for fear of his employer scolding him for being slow and lazy. In a few months he is more confident counting the payment carefully and expecting a tip after some time became sort of his dues for which he gives subtle hints like not returning the change.His dress ha also changed from the lose shirt and lose half pants to cheap but tight jeans and trendy t-shirts. We can feel his confident steps over the stairs, humming latest Hindi filmy songs and pressing the doorbell till we open the door.
Now he is a member of the security team in our housing complex. He should be around 20 years. He looks smart in the uniform. His salute particularly during festival times is absolutely in sink with the tips he expects. He is at gate number six from six in the morning to six in the evening when other security guard comes to relieve him. He is expected to open the gate for exiting / entering cars and scooters and close them thereafter. He is also expected to ensure that all visitors register their name and address and the apartment they wish to visit. He is alert while on duty and does not forget to wish the apartment owners and occupiers. He does not talk much. He is generally respectful to all except the intruders. He is very particular that the ferrywalas and kabaris enter the complex during appointed times only.
He visits his home village once in a year for two weeks because that is the maximum
leave a security guard can avail in a year as per our Resident Welfare Association Rules. He gets a salary of Rs 3000/ a month with no medical or retirement benefits. He should be in a position to save some of it after meeting his expenses. He augments his income by washing the cars of the residents.
Of late I observe some changes in him. His hair- style has changed. His off duty clothing is well cleaned and ironed. He smokes cigarettes, no more bidies. He has a cell phone now and his fingers dancing on its key- pads or listening to music. There are all weather smiles on his lips and his face is glowing.
For his convenience he keeps the half gate open so that he need not get up from his seat to open and close it. Visitors’ register lies open on the table. He simply signals visitors towards the register for making entries. He hardly gets up from his chair to salute any body. Most of the time he is either playing games on his cell phone or talking to someone or sending SMSs. There is something good happening in his life.
Sometimes some RWA functionary scolds him to be more attentive and keep the gate close all the time but that affects him for a few hours only. He is not his usual self any more. He certainly is in love.
I try to talk to him to know the secret but he is his usual self-answering in ‘yes’ and ‘no’. I do not proceed further.
He has asked for a month’s leave this summer. He is getting married. The secret is out. God bless him.
He is at the foot of the stair- case of our apartment block from 9 p.m. to 7 a. m. During the day he keeps himself busy in the pursuits of living and loving. Ours is a four-story block with two apartments on each floor. We live on the second floor. I believe in the old saying of “early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” and therefore I am the first one to move out of my apartment for my daily routine i. e. morning walk. Thus I do not get to see Tiger in the evening but I am the first one to see him sleeping at the foot of the stair - case in the morning.
I call him by the name ‘Tiger’ given by me. I am not sure if anyone else knows our secret. At least I have not told anyone and I am sure he cannot do it except of course within his own community. He instantly recognizes me the moment I call him by the given name and seems to like it.
Our day starts with my coming down the stairs and he greeting me with his habitual grrrrrrrr, grrrrrr, grrrrrrr. This is the only way he knows of assuring the apartment owners that he is performing his duties as a loyal friend. It is his job to show some attitude when he senses someone crossing the marked area. He is particular at showing his loyalty by barking once or twice during the night also. It is also his duty to be equally friendly once he realizes that the intruder is no one but a friend like yours faithfully and therefore with a few woooons, he goes back to sleep.
Another selfless and job he does is rather annoying. I am not sure that he does it but then who else? We apartment owners keep our kitchen garbage outside our main doors early in the morning so that the garbage picker may pick the same without disturbing us. After my departure for my morning walks and he having been already disturbed, he takes upon himself to examine each garbage bag lying outside our doors. He rips them apart spreading the contents all around for thorough check up. At times he gets some meat or chicken bones and that is the only remuneration he gets for his time and efforts. Keen observers can say with guarantee what was cooking in each apartment. By the time I return from my morning walks, he is gone. Some people do not appreciate this and have tried to whisk him away but like a lost and found case he is back at the foot of the stairs in the evening.
I do not see Tiger these days. The garbage bags are also intact. Discrete enquiries have yielded no trace of him. For the last 6-7 years he has been at this spot every day and now he is not there. It is possible he has found greener pastures. It is possible he has met his mate and has migrated. It is possible he has been captured by the Municipal stray dog -catchers. It is also possible he is no more. Whatever, he keeps on lingering on in my memory. The spot under the staircase is empty. Grrrrrrrs and wooooooons are missing. There are many stray dogs in the locality but no one has occupied his spot. Tiger never asked for any favors. He fended for himself. He wandered for company. Come night and he was back at his spot.
If he is alive, I am sure he will be back at his spot someday.
He is at the foot of the stair- case of our apartment block from 9 p.m. to 7 a. m. During the day he keeps himself busy in the pursuits of living and loving. Ours is a four-story block with two apartments on each floor. We live on the second floor. I believe in the old saying of “early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise” and therefore I am the first one to move out of my apartment for my daily routine i. e. morning walk. Thus I do not get to see Tiger in the evening but I am the first one to see him sleeping at the foot of the stair - case in the morning.
I call him by the name ‘Tiger’ given by me. I am not sure if anyone else knows our secret. At least I have not told anyone and I am sure he cannot do it except of course within his own community. He instantly recognizes me the moment I call him by the given name and seems to like it.
Our day starts with my coming down the stairs and he greeting me with his habitual grrrrrrrr, grrrrrr, grrrrrrr. This is the only way he knows of assuring the apartment owners that he is performing his duties as a loyal friend. It is his job to show some attitude when he senses someone crossing the marked area. He is particular at showing his loyalty by barking once or twice during the night also. It is also his duty to be equally friendly once he realizes that the intruder is no one but a friend like yours faithfully and therefore with a few woooons, he goes back to sleep.
Another selfless and job he does is rather annoying. I am not sure that he does it but then who else? We apartment owners keep our kitchen garbage outside our main doors early in the morning so that the garbage picker may pick the same without disturbing us. After my departure for my morning walks and he having been already disturbed, he takes upon himself to examine each garbage bag lying outside our doors. He rips them apart spreading the contents all around for thorough check up. At times he gets some meat or chicken bones and that is the only remuneration he gets for his time and efforts. Keen observers can say with guarantee what was cooking in each apartment. By the time I return from my morning walks, he is gone. Some people do not appreciate this and have tried to whisk him away but like a lost and found case he is back at the foot of the stairs in the evening.
I do not see Tiger these days. The garbage bags are also intact. Discrete enquiries have yielded no trace of him. For the last 6-7 years he has been at this spot every day and now he is not there. It is possible he has found greener pastures. It is possible he has met his mate and has migrated. It is possible he has been captured by the Municipal stray dog -catchers. It is also possible he is no more. Whatever, he keeps on lingering on in my memory. The spot under the staircase is empty. Grrrrrrrs and wooooooons are missing. There are many stray dogs in the locality but no one has occupied his spot. Tiger never asked for any favors. He fended for himself. He wandered for company. Come night and he was back at his spot.
If he is alive, I am sure he will be back at his spot someday.
I am ready for my morning walk at 6.00 a. m. every day of the week, month and year. Only chilling cold, heavy fog or heavy rains may force me to stay indoors but such mornings are not many in the calendar. I was not a regular morning walker some 20 years back. There were so many excuses for not getting up early in the morning and go for a walk. There were late nights. There were early work schedules. There were official tours to different cities. In fact there were all possible alibis.
The morning routine changed more by force than by choice. A MI and doctors’ advise to change the life style put me onto the roads in the mornings. I say roads because at some places on my touring days I had no choice but to complete this daily ritual on the roads close to the hotel I was staying with, as there was no Park nearby. Sometimes the ritual was completed in the room itself. Fortunately close to the place of our residence there were Parks around. I am an avid morning walker now. I get up at 5.30 in the morning and after freshening up ready to breathe in fresh air.
With the passage of time this ritual became a habit and then nature. Today I can say this habit has done me a lot of good. Not only have I survived the post MRI trauma but also it has given me confidence which is most important. I would not say that only morning walk has done it, as there have been regular medical check ups, medicines, healthy foods, family support and cooperation of office colleagues. Nor would I say that I am perfect embodiment of a changed man because I still indulge in some forbidden foods and drinks. I would say I am more disciplined now then some 20 years back. At 69 today, I am entitled to some liberties and I enjoy them. I try to ensure is that no one is inconvenienced by me or my morning walks.
During the course of my morning walks, there are some observations worth sharing and recording lest I forget them or may be I will love to go through them some times in future and amuse myself on my literary skills ?
Here we go.
I am ready for my morning walk at 6.00 a. m. every day of the week, month and year. Only chilling cold, heavy fog or heavy rains may force me to stay indoors but such mornings are not many in the calendar. I was not a regular morning walker some 20 years back. There were so many excuses for not getting up early in the morning and go for a walk. There were late nights. There were early work schedules. There were official tours to different cities. In fact there were all possible alibis.
The morning routine changed more by force than by choice. A MI and doctors’ advise to change the life style put me onto the roads in the mornings. I say roads because at some places on my touring days I had no choice but to complete this daily ritual on the roads close to the hotel I was staying with, as there was no Park nearby. Sometimes the ritual was completed in the room itself. Fortunately close to the place of our residence there were Parks around. I am an avid morning walker now. I get up at 5.30 in the morning and after freshening up ready to breathe in fresh air.
With the passage of time this ritual became a habit and then nature. Today I can say this habit has done me a lot of good. Not only have I survived the post MRI trauma but also it has given me confidence which is most important. I would not say that only morning walk has done it, as there have been regular medical check ups, medicines, healthy foods, family support and cooperation of office colleagues. Nor would I say that I am perfect embodiment of a changed man because I still indulge in some forbidden foods and drinks. I would say I am more disciplined now then some 20 years back. At 69 today, I am entitled to some liberties and I enjoy them. I try to ensure is that no one is inconvenienced by me or my morning walks.
During the course of my morning walks, there are some observations worth sharing and recording lest I forget them or may be I will love to go through them some times in future and amuse myself on my literary skills ?
Here we go.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
“He is just 21 months old but already a ‘superstar.’ Khushi as his owner Jeetender Singh calls him , is by far the costliest goat selling in Delhi on the eve of Bakr-Eid. According to singh, Khushi has a buyer willing to pay a staggering Rs 21 lakh for him. Singh, however is holding out for Rs 51 lakh.
What makes Khushi so special? It’s the natural pattern in white on the black goat’s body that resembles the number 786 in Arabic –considered sacred by Muslims across the world. That is not all , there is another marking that looks like the crescent moon, which again is a sacred symbol for Muslims. The owner claims the goat was born with the markings.
Singh . a dairy farmer from Rajasthan, had named the goat Khushi , little knowing what happiness the goat could bring him. Khushi was six months old when he decided to sell it to a Muslim butcher. He was on the verge of killing it when he noticed the number 786 . Then he saw the holy moon, on the other side of the goat's back.He refused to kill the anima land left. Since then Singh has been bringing up the goat with utmost care.
Last year he got a offer of Rs 5.15 lakhs. This year he has got an offer of Rs 21 lakh. He will negotiate and sell it.” Times of India , Delhi.
The above news item has almost created a stir. Who could be the buyer? Would he kill it this year or keep a sacred gift from Allah. How Singh has been keeping such a precious goat ? Did he hire some security?.
Faith is a very curious aspect of human life. Here is a case of God bringing the goat in Singh’s family and parting it to a devote Muslim. Both are happy. Singh for the money he got and the buyer the gift he could offer.
What makes Khushi so special? It’s the natural pattern in white on the black goat’s body that resembles the number 786 in Arabic –considered sacred by Muslims across the world. That is not all , there is another marking that looks like the crescent moon, which again is a sacred symbol for Muslims. The owner claims the goat was born with the markings.
Singh . a dairy farmer from Rajasthan, had named the goat Khushi , little knowing what happiness the goat could bring him. Khushi was six months old when he decided to sell it to a Muslim butcher. He was on the verge of killing it when he noticed the number 786 . Then he saw the holy moon, on the other side of the goat's back.He refused to kill the anima land left. Since then Singh has been bringing up the goat with utmost care.
Last year he got a offer of Rs 5.15 lakhs. This year he has got an offer of Rs 21 lakh. He will negotiate and sell it.” Times of India , Delhi.
The above news item has almost created a stir. Who could be the buyer? Would he kill it this year or keep a sacred gift from Allah. How Singh has been keeping such a precious goat ? Did he hire some security?.
Faith is a very curious aspect of human life. Here is a case of God bringing the goat in Singh’s family and parting it to a devote Muslim. Both are happy. Singh for the money he got and the buyer the gift he could offer.
It was all the more difficult when one has to go to a new school, just like today .His parents had moved to a new town. He was taken out from his school, the only school he knew and liked. Not only the school but the friends he had made, the teachers, the playground, the beautiful surroundings……….
He did not feel going to new school, in a strange new town. He just hated everything. But he had no choice as well. First day in the school was on expected lines. The school is no good, the teachers were no good, and the fellow classmates were no good. Even the playground and the toy room were no good either .He knew, nothing will be good. Some of his classmates were plain stupid.
And the day passed. More days passed. He could never know when he made new friends, started feeling fondness for his class teacher. Strange! The new school looked better than the old school. Even the new town was far more to his liking… until one day.
He was now in his 5ht grade. Very soon, at the end of the term, he will be promoted to 6th grade and become a part of the High school student group. He will no more be called a student of the junior section
High school was serious business. What he liked most was the grace, respect and authority the Principal commanded. Whenever, he had the chance to see, listen or talk to him, he would feel overwhelmed. His parents would often ask him what he would like to be when he grows up as an adult. He was never so sure but, now, he knew what he wanted to be.
On each page of his books, notebooks, even on the walls of his room, he wrote the letter ‘P’. Books were his best friends.
After completing his graduation, he trained as a teacher and started teaching in the same school where he was once a High school student.After a few years , on the basis of his merits and hard work and his popularity among the students and teachers, the school management decided to appoint him as the PRINCIPAL of the school!
Dreams do come true! So dream and dream big!
It was all the more difficult when one has to go to a new school, just like today .His parents had moved to a new town. He was taken out from his school, the only school he knew and liked. Not only the school but the friends he had made, the teachers, the playground, the beautiful surroundings……….
He did not feel going to new school, in a strange new town. He just hated everything. But he had no choice as well. First day in the school was on expected lines. The school is no good, the teachers were no good, and the fellow classmates were no good. Even the playground and the toy room were no good either .He knew, nothing will be good. Some of his classmates were plain stupid.
And the day passed. More days passed. He could never know when he made new friends, started feeling fondness for his class teacher. Strange! The new school looked better than the old school. Even the new town was far more to his liking… until one day.
He was now in his 5ht grade. Very soon, at the end of the term, he will be promoted to 6th grade and become a part of the High school student group. He will no more be called a student of the junior section
High school was serious business. What he liked most was the grace, respect and authority the Principal commanded. Whenever, he had the chance to see, listen or talk to him, he would feel overwhelmed. His parents would often ask him what he would like to be when he grows up as an adult. He was never so sure but, now, he knew what he wanted to be.
On each page of his books, notebooks, even on the walls of his room, he wrote the letter ‘P’. Books were his best friends.
After completing his graduation, he trained as a teacher and started teaching in the same school where he was once a High school student.After a few years , on the basis of his merits and hard work and his popularity among the students and teachers, the school management decided to appoint him as the PRINCIPAL of the school!
Dreams do come true! So dream and dream big!
Ms Mayawati , Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh , the most populous state in India is news again. It looks Mayawati courts controversies and openly likes them. She was garlanded with a 60 kgs garland made of fresh Rs .1000 Indian currencies notes. The Income Tax Department estimates the use of over 500 bundles of notes each with 100 notes and weighing 120 grams. The total value of the garland comes to Rs 5,00,00, 00, 000 (500X 100X 100X1000). She was criticized by politicians, media and general public and as in a confrontation mode she got herself garlanded by a very colorful garland made up of all denominations of Indian currency valuing Rs 21,00,000. Behanji ( as she is affectionately called by her party men)permitting, her party men will hence forth garland her with currency notes only. Several political leaders have got themselves weighed in gold, silver, coins in the past and all such collections have reportedly gone to party funds. There seems to be nothing improper here if it was not so n the past.
Earlier she was in news for erecting huge statues of herself and her mentor Mr. Kansi Ram, (the Founder of Bahujan Samaj Party) in parks specially earmarked for this purpose. One can see hundreds of statues of herself and Kansi Ram with her Party symbol, elephant, in Lucknow the state capital and Noida (an Industrial hub) close to Delhi, the capital of India. Other political parties too have got roads and bridges, institutions, towns, hospitals, airports etc after the names of their past or present leaders. Here also, Mayawati is only doing the obvious.
Her love for diamonds, ladies bags, salwar suits, palatial houses, is also well known. Nothing strange as that is what the wealth for.
She rules the party with iron hands, so does Jayalaitha of AIDMK, Mamta Bannerjee of TRIMUL CONGRESS, and Sonia Gandhi of Congress.
A scheduled cast (cobbler) by birth, born in a poor family goes to become a qualified lawyer, works as a teacher, is spotted by Mr. Kansi Ram and brought within the inner circle of BSP. Within no time, not only she controls the mentor but through him the party too.Kansi Ram in his own lifetime hands over the party reigns in her hands and in his last days becomes totally dependant on her, to the extent that his close family members are not permitted to meet him .
To understand her, we will have to go back to the times when persons belonging to schedule casts like Cobblers, scavengers, smiths, watermen, et el (Mr. M. K. Gandhi called them Harijans i. e. God’s own children in his endevour to eliminate untouchability) were considered untouchables by the upper cast Brahmins, Vaishyas, Khatriyas.
In my childhood, I have seen these people getting punished for drawing water from the village water wells or taps. In school their children had to sit in a separate line a little far from the upper cast children. Whenever cattle died in the village, they were called to drag it and dump outside the limits of the village and no remuneration was ever paid. There was no question of inviting them to any village function. Even during Ramlila Plays, they were to sit separately. They were supposed to give right of way to upper cast. They were supposed to pay respect and bow to even children of upper cast people. They were not supposed to touch while accepting food or any other item from the upper cast.
When I came to the town for my further studies, I saw these Bhangies(scavengers) cleaning the dry latrines and carrying the waste over their heads for which they got pittance. Unsociability was less prevalent in the cities.
Sixty-seven years down the line, a lot has changed. Thanks to the democratic set up of the country, every political party has tried to woo this vote bank. This little change is due to the necessity of gaining political power and not because of any change of heart. Unsociability is now criminal offence. There is reservation for them in Parliament and state Assemblies, Government jobs, Education and various other fields. There are influential leaders, pleaders, officials and educationists from these casts. It is sight to see upper caste people lining up for the Darshan(audience) of Behanji.
The hypocrisy does not end here. It is only for the economically and politically powerful people of these casts who gain credence in the hands of the upper caste people. It looks money is a great leveler.
Conditions in the villages are far from satisfactory. Traditionally, lower cast people were denied entry in the temples, wells, and houses. The same is still true.
Viewed in this background, there is a huge possibility that Mayawati is on Vendetta. She and her family members seem to have suffered in the hands of upper cast people. We heard about Raj Hat, Triya Hat and Bal Hat (Obstinate King, woman, child) meaning if the King or woman or child bents upon asking or something, there is no limit to what they would not do.
Mayawati has proved that she can win power, she can amass wealth, she can force the upper cast to bow before her, she can disobey the courts, and she can hire and fire any official. In short she can do anything she wants. The dalits, the downtrodden, the cursed, the marginalized, the lowest of the low casts … all see themselves in her. They believe one day their own lot will change as that of Mayawati and one day they too will have power, wealth and whatever.
Will this happen? Will Mayawati be ready to drop political opportunism in favor of the upliftment of the erstwhile untouchables? Time will only tell.
H. P. Lakhera
Delhi, March 20, 2010
Ms Mayawati , Chief Minister, Uttar Pradesh , the most populous state in India is news again. It looks Mayawati courts controversies and openly likes them. She was garlanded with a 60 kgs garland made of fresh Rs .1000 Indian currencies notes. The Income Tax Department estimates the use of over 500 bundles of notes each with 100 notes and weighing 120 grams. The total value of the garland comes to Rs 5,00,00, 00, 000 (500X 100X 100X1000). She was criticized by politicians, media and general public and as in a confrontation mode she got herself garlanded by a very colorful garland made up of all denominations of Indian currency valuing Rs 21,00,000. Behanji ( as she is affectionately called by her party men)permitting, her party men will hence forth garland her with currency notes only. Several political leaders have got themselves weighed in gold, silver, coins in the past and all such collections have reportedly gone to party funds. There seems to be nothing improper here if it was not so n the past.
Earlier she was in news for erecting huge statues of herself and her mentor Mr. Kansi Ram, (the Founder of Bahujan Samaj Party) in parks specially earmarked for this purpose. One can see hundreds of statues of herself and Kansi Ram with her Party symbol, elephant, in Lucknow the state capital and Noida (an Industrial hub) close to Delhi, the capital of India. Other political parties too have got roads and bridges, institutions, towns, hospitals, airports etc after the names of their past or present leaders. Here also, Mayawati is only doing the obvious.
Her love for diamonds, ladies bags, salwar suits, palatial houses, is also well known. Nothing strange as that is what the wealth for.
She rules the party with iron hands, so does Jayalaitha of AIDMK, Mamta Bannerjee of TRIMUL CONGRESS, and Sonia Gandhi of Congress.
A scheduled cast (cobbler) by birth, born in a poor family goes to become a qualified lawyer, works as a teacher, is spotted by Mr. Kansi Ram and brought within the inner circle of BSP. Within no time, not only she controls the mentor but through him the party too.Kansi Ram in his own lifetime hands over the party reigns in her hands and in his last days becomes totally dependant on her, to the extent that his close family members are not permitted to meet him .
To understand her, we will have to go back to the times when persons belonging to schedule casts like Cobblers, scavengers, smiths, watermen, et el (Mr. M. K. Gandhi called them Harijans i. e. God’s own children in his endevour to eliminate untouchability) were considered untouchables by the upper cast Brahmins, Vaishyas, Khatriyas.
In my childhood, I have seen these people getting punished for drawing water from the village water wells or taps. In school their children had to sit in a separate line a little far from the upper cast children. Whenever cattle died in the village, they were called to drag it and dump outside the limits of the village and no remuneration was ever paid. There was no question of inviting them to any village function. Even during Ramlila Plays, they were to sit separately. They were supposed to give right of way to upper cast. They were supposed to pay respect and bow to even children of upper cast people. They were not supposed to touch while accepting food or any other item from the upper cast.
When I came to the town for my further studies, I saw these Bhangies(scavengers) cleaning the dry latrines and carrying the waste over their heads for which they got pittance. Unsociability was less prevalent in the cities.
Sixty-seven years down the line, a lot has changed. Thanks to the democratic set up of the country, every political party has tried to woo this vote bank. This little change is due to the necessity of gaining political power and not because of any change of heart. Unsociability is now criminal offence. There is reservation for them in Parliament and state Assemblies, Government jobs, Education and various other fields. There are influential leaders, pleaders, officials and educationists from these casts. It is sight to see upper caste people lining up for the Darshan(audience) of Behanji.
The hypocrisy does not end here. It is only for the economically and politically powerful people of these casts who gain credence in the hands of the upper caste people. It looks money is a great leveler.
Conditions in the villages are far from satisfactory. Traditionally, lower cast people were denied entry in the temples, wells, and houses. The same is still true.
Viewed in this background, there is a huge possibility that Mayawati is on Vendetta. She and her family members seem to have suffered in the hands of upper cast people. We heard about Raj Hat, Triya Hat and Bal Hat (Obstinate King, woman, child) meaning if the King or woman or child bents upon asking or something, there is no limit to what they would not do.
Mayawati has proved that she can win power, she can amass wealth, she can force the upper cast to bow before her, she can disobey the courts, and she can hire and fire any official. In short she can do anything she wants. The dalits, the downtrodden, the cursed, the marginalized, the lowest of the low casts … all see themselves in her. They believe one day their own lot will change as that of Mayawati and one day they too will have power, wealth and whatever.
Will this happen? Will Mayawati be ready to drop political opportunism in favor of the upliftment of the erstwhile untouchables? Time will only tell.
H. P. Lakhera
Delhi, March 20, 2010
Electronic media is getting flake for many wrong counts and it is itself to blame for this bad publicity. The so-called ‘Breaking News’ is nothing but fancy idea of the newscaster aiming at increasing the TRP of the channel. “Exclusive on this channel” also means nothing but self-deception.
The electronic media is flooded with News Channels. There are National Channels, Regional Channels and there are language channels. On a rough estimate there are over 300 News Channels in India. There is a mad -mad world outside ready to pounce on you in every trade and business. Media is also a business and it cannot isolate itself from the tough ways of business world. The only difference is that it tries to create a façade around itself in the guise of public good.
There are channels reporting on crimes as if the incident happened before the eyes of the reporter. They ‘reconstruct’ the happenings, which even an eyewitness cannot do. Details of weapons used, modes operandi and motive are explained in such manner that may put the official investigators to utter shame. Let there be a murder, rape or suicide and reporters of all news channels will throng the area making it difficult for the law enforcing agencies to do their job. Live telecast will be shown for the whole day and few more days till something new comes up. Public memories being short, past incidents lose the brightness and thrill within no time.
These incidents are reconstructed and portrayed in such ghastly manner and telecast into the drawing rooms of unsuspecting families. Since nothing excites more that the spicy news, children become the easy victims. There is already hell of a lot of violence on the Internet and now we have this on the telly also. It is difficult to say how much it is responsible for the crimes in the streets as not only electronic media but also even the films are propagating the myth of violence as a justification for social justice.
It is feared that the live telecast of the terrorist attack on Mumbai, India on 26.11.2008 and the police action by the various News Channels gave a better operational advantage to the handlers of the terrorists sitting in Pakistan to guide their foot solders on the ground. The News Channels were telecasting live the movements of the Task Force, the Commandos, bit by bit. No wonder it took almost 36 hours to bring the situation under control and capture one terrorist alive.
All this is done in the name of freedom of speech and expression. Anything against and it is termed as gagging the press and the media. They are free to print and telecast any news without naming the source and they cannot be brought o books for wrong reporting and worst still for defamation. They can do character assassination at will and lose nothing but earn a lot by way of increased TRPs.
It is pathetic to watch a reporter asking a mother of the slain boy “ Mam, how do you feel” or a drawning man “would you like to say something”. I would think there is total lack of trained reporters with an understanding of human feelings.
Time was when news was presented as ‘news’ and not as ‘views’ of the reporters.
Views of the News Paper and its Management were expressed in the Editorial columns. The electronic media has gone many steps further. They not only express the views but also try to put words in the mouth of the people they interview.
Take for example the reporting on the close door meetings of political leaders. The leaders are still in meeting and the reporter outside is explaining the talks going on inside as if he has the script in his hands or as if he physically present inside listening to the talks going on. This is termed as ‘ breaking news’ ‘only on this channel’ ‘exclusive’ and what not.
We all need a free Press and Media for truth to come out and this cannot be denied. Without a free Press and Media we will be ignorant. Present day society owes a lot to the vigilant media but at the same time is the victim of their follies.
The answer therefore is self-regulation and a code of conduct by the press and media, of the press and media and for the press and media.
Electronic media is getting flake for many wrong counts and it is itself to blame for this bad publicity. The so-called ‘Breaking News’ is nothing but fancy idea of the newscaster aiming at increasing the TRP of the channel. “Exclusive on this channel” also means nothing but self-deception.
The electronic media is flooded with News Channels. There are National Channels, Regional Channels and there are language channels. On a rough estimate there are over 300 News Channels in India. There is a mad -mad world outside ready to pounce on you in every trade and business. Media is also a business and it cannot isolate itself from the tough ways of business world. The only difference is that it tries to create a façade around itself in the guise of public good.
There are channels reporting on crimes as if the incident happened before the eyes of the reporter. They ‘reconstruct’ the happenings, which even an eyewitness cannot do. Details of weapons used, modes operandi and motive are explained in such manner that may put the official investigators to utter shame. Let there be a murder, rape or suicide and reporters of all news channels will throng the area making it difficult for the law enforcing agencies to do their job. Live telecast will be shown for the whole day and few more days till something new comes up. Public memories being short, past incidents lose the brightness and thrill within no time.
These incidents are reconstructed and portrayed in such ghastly manner and telecast into the drawing rooms of unsuspecting families. Since nothing excites more that the spicy news, children become the easy victims. There is already hell of a lot of violence on the Internet and now we have this on the telly also. It is difficult to say how much it is responsible for the crimes in the streets as not only electronic media but also even the films are propagating the myth of violence as a justification for social justice.
It is feared that the live telecast of the terrorist attack on Mumbai, India on 26.11.2008 and the police action by the various News Channels gave a better operational advantage to the handlers of the terrorists sitting in Pakistan to guide their foot solders on the ground. The News Channels were telecasting live the movements of the Task Force, the Commandos, bit by bit. No wonder it took almost 36 hours to bring the situation under control and capture one terrorist alive.
All this is done in the name of freedom of speech and expression. Anything against and it is termed as gagging the press and the media. They are free to print and telecast any news without naming the source and they cannot be brought o books for wrong reporting and worst still for defamation. They can do character assassination at will and lose nothing but earn a lot by way of increased TRPs.
It is pathetic to watch a reporter asking a mother of the slain boy “ Mam, how do you feel” or a drawning man “would you like to say something”. I would think there is total lack of trained reporters with an understanding of human feelings.
Time was when news was presented as ‘news’ and not as ‘views’ of the reporters.
Views of the News Paper and its Management were expressed in the Editorial columns. The electronic media has gone many steps further. They not only express the views but also try to put words in the mouth of the people they interview.
Take for example the reporting on the close door meetings of political leaders. The leaders are still in meeting and the reporter outside is explaining the talks going on inside as if he has the script in his hands or as if he physically present inside listening to the talks going on. This is termed as ‘ breaking news’ ‘only on this channel’ ‘exclusive’ and what not.
We all need a free Press and Media for truth to come out and this cannot be denied. Without a free Press and Media we will be ignorant. Present day society owes a lot to the vigilant media but at the same time is the victim of their follies.
The answer therefore is self-regulation and a code of conduct by the press and media, of the press and media and for the press and media.
Most of us drink cups of tea everyday but not many of us know how tea is processed in a tea factory before it reaches us in a tin or a pack. During my recent visit to the “God’s own country” Kerala in south India, I had the opportunity of visiting various tea gardens in the hills of Munnar and Thekkady , I could not resist the temptation of knowing first hand all about tea and the only way to do this was to visit a Tea Factory. Most of the tea factories in this part of the country arrange for paid visits and we visited one such factory of The Tropical Plantations Limited at their Periyar Connemara Estate. There were lot of visitors like us, some from as far as Germany and France.
The guide, a very amiable person knowing English and French in equal measure took us to the auditorium and gave a presentation about the Company in general and Tea Processing in particular. There are different processes of tea making. This factory follows CTC (Crushing, tearing and Curling) process. The other is leaf twisting process. The salient features are:-
1. Plant life could be more than 300 years.
2. About 4300 plants are planted per acre.
3. Harvesting is done by cutting /plucking or both. Harvesting is done for a few weeks in a year. Fresh leaves are only harvested. The older the plant, the better is the tea. Old leaves are not plucked and used for tea making. The harvested leaves are then taken to the factory for processing.
4. The process starts with withering (moisture evaporation about 20%), shredding, crushing, fermentation, ball breaking, drying, cleaning, grading (grains and dust), winnowing, final cleaning and packing. The rates vary according to the grades.
5. The recovery rate is just 24 % i.e. if 100 kg of leave reach the factory for processing only 24 kg is final product.
6. The correct way to prepare tea is to first boil the water, put 2.5 grams of tea for a cup, wait for 5 minute and add sugar and milk to taste.
I do not claim to have learnt all about tea manufacturing but these are the basics. It is a pleasure to walk through the tea gardens, the green spread all over.
We also visited coffee plantations, rubber plantations, spice gardens, and must admit that the hills, forests, rivers, lakes, canals, back waters, beaches and last but not the least the people of Kerala are all enchanting. No wonder they call “God’s Own Country”
Hari Lakhera Delhi, Feb 5, 20
Most of us drink cups of tea everyday but not many of us know how tea is processed in a tea factory before it reaches us in a tin or a pack. During my recent visit to the “God’s own country” Kerala in south India, I had the opportunity of visiting various tea gardens in the hills of Munnar and Thekkady , I could not resist the temptation of knowing first hand all about tea and the only way to do this was to visit a Tea Factory. Most of the tea factories in this part of the country arrange for paid visits and we visited one such factory of The Tropical Plantations Limited at their Periyar Connemara Estate. There were lot of visitors like us, some from as far as Germany and France.
The guide, a very amiable person knowing English and French in equal measure took us to the auditorium and gave a presentation about the Company in general and Tea Processing in particular. There are different processes of tea making. This factory follows CTC (Crushing, tearing and Curling) process. The other is leaf twisting process. The salient features are:-
1. Plant life could be more than 300 years.
2. About 4300 plants are planted per acre.
3. Harvesting is done by cutting /plucking or both. Harvesting is done for a few weeks in a year. Fresh leaves are only harvested. The older the plant, the better is the tea. Old leaves are not plucked and used for tea making. The harvested leaves are then taken to the factory for processing.
4. The process starts with withering (moisture evaporation about 20%), shredding, crushing, fermentation, ball breaking, drying, cleaning, grading (grains and dust), winnowing, final cleaning and packing. The rates vary according to the grades.
5. The recovery rate is just 24 % i.e. if 100 kg of leave reach the factory for processing only 24 kg is final product.
6. The correct way to prepare tea is to first boil the water, put 2.5 grams of tea for a cup, wait for 5 minute and add sugar and milk to taste.
I do not claim to have learnt all about tea manufacturing but these are the basics. It is a pleasure to walk through the tea gardens, the green spread all over.
We also visited coffee plantations, rubber plantations, spice gardens, and must admit that the hills, forests, rivers, lakes, canals, back waters, beaches and last but not the least the people of Kerala are all enchanting. No wonder they call “God’s Own Country”
Hari Lakhera Delhi, Feb 5, 20
It is said that some people are born great and on some greatness is thrust upon. Without going into the merits and demerits of this saying, I would like to state that some people are destined to be great. We all have been fortunate enough to have opportunities big or small but we let them pass. If at all we took advantage of the opportunities, that was for our personal good and not for the good of the humanity at large. I will proceed with some examples and then summarise how some people are destined to be great. By this I do not mean to imply that they were picked up by the Almighty. God gave us birth and with this the pains, the conflicts and finally death. Between birth and death, we all go through some pains and conflicts. The whole journey is the sum total of the good things we did or could not do.
1. Hypocrate;
There are so many stories about Hipocrate, the great Greek Physician and many of them ture. There is no denying the fact that Hypocratic Oath has influenced the very concept of professional ethics for doctors. All doctors swear by this oath at the passing out convocation. It is said that Hipocrate’s father, Heraclides, himself a physician, suddenly fell ill and collapsed in the street in the middle of the night while returning from a theatre. Hypocrate, a teenager at that time was clueless. He ran to the nearest physician he knew and implored him to help him. This physician not willing to come out of the comfort of his house asked Hypocrate to go elsewhere. Fortunately, his father, meantime, regained his cosciousness and all was well. This however left a very strong impression in his mind and he vowed to attend to all such calls immediately when he himself becomes a physician. As a result, we have Hypocratic oath.
2.Sir Issac Newton;
Newton was not a bright student. He was called “back bencher” as he always sat on the last bench in the class. Sitting in his garden one day, he saw an apple fall down from the tree in front of him. There was nothing new about it but Newton wondered why the apple did not go up and why it came down on the ground. Was there some attraction on the ground that things that are thrown up come down? The Law of Gravity was born. Issac Newton became the renowned scientist as the world know him today.
3.Gautam Budha.
Young Prince Sidharth is taken on a conducted tour of the capital . On way for the first time in his life he saw aged people. He was told all have to be old and aged one day. Then he saw a group of people crying and following some thing being carried by four people on their soulders . He was told some one had died and those people following were family or friends and that we all have to die one day. Young Sidharth is overwhelmed by thought of the inevitable….. the sickness, old age, and finally death. He renounced the world in search of Nirvana. Years of search for the truth and the final realisation came in his life. The enlightened one was called Budha.
4.Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi
Born in Gujrat, India, Bar at Law from England, moved to South Africa for Legal Practice …. Just a common man’s journey! He is thrown out from a First Class compartment , though with a valid ticket, on the platform of some obscure town in South Africa as the fellow white traveler could not tolerate a colored man traveling with a white man! Gandhi had seen and heard about racial discrimination but was perhaps for the first time the victim. This was the begining of the long fight for equality which ended with the Independence of his own country in 1947 from the British Rule.
Hisory is abound with such stories .What is it that a tiny spark spreads a big fire? Day in and day out we come across many such happenings around us and we simply we walk by. Are therefore some people destined to change the course of history for the good or bad. I think so. They good ones were different because:
*All great people had very humble beginning. They were focused, resolute and persevering in their efforts.
*They had very little to gain from their struggle and every thing to lose.
*Their struggle was for the humanity at large and nothing to do with cast, creed, color or nationality.
*They had no enemosity or hatred for the persons or group they were fighting against.
*They were not attached with the result of their struggle and they were not afraid of failures.
*For them nothing was bigger than the cause not even their family or friends.
*Their conviction was so great that people joined them of their own.
*They could carry with all criticism and had the capacity to endure hardships.
Humanity will always be indebted to these many great souls. They came from all casts, creeds, and nationalities and enriched the whole world. Some of them like Budha became living God in their life time and are worshiped like God. God therefore is within us , among us.
It is said that some people are born great and on some greatness is thrust upon. Without going into the merits and demerits of this saying, I would like to state that some people are destined to be great. We all have been fortunate enough to have opportunities big or small but we let them pass. If at all we took advantage of the opportunities, that was for our personal good and not for the good of the humanity at large. I will proceed with some examples and then summarise how some people are destined to be great. By this I do not mean to imply that they were picked up by the Almighty. God gave us birth and with this the pains, the conflicts and finally death. Between birth and death, we all go through some pains and conflicts. The whole journey is the sum total of the good things we did or could not do.
1. Hypocrate;
There are so many stories about Hipocrate, the great Greek Physician and many of them ture. There is no denying the fact that Hypocratic Oath has influenced the very concept of professional ethics for doctors. All doctors swear by this oath at the passing out convocation. It is said that Hipocrate’s father, Heraclides, himself a physician, suddenly fell ill and collapsed in the street in the middle of the night while returning from a theatre. Hypocrate, a teenager at that time was clueless. He ran to the nearest physician he knew and implored him to help him. This physician not willing to come out of the comfort of his house asked Hypocrate to go elsewhere. Fortunately, his father, meantime, regained his cosciousness and all was well. This however left a very strong impression in his mind and he vowed to attend to all such calls immediately when he himself becomes a physician. As a result, we have Hypocratic oath.
2.Sir Issac Newton;
Newton was not a bright student. He was called “back bencher” as he always sat on the last bench in the class. Sitting in his garden one day, he saw an apple fall down from the tree in front of him. There was nothing new about it but Newton wondered why the apple did not go up and why it came down on the ground. Was there some attraction on the ground that things that are thrown up come down? The Law of Gravity was born. Issac Newton became the renowned scientist as the world know him today.
3.Gautam Budha.
Young Prince Sidharth is taken on a conducted tour of the capital . On way for the first time in his life he saw aged people. He was told all have to be old and aged one day. Then he saw a group of people crying and following some thing being carried by four people on their soulders . He was told some one had died and those people following were family or friends and that we all have to die one day. Young Sidharth is overwhelmed by thought of the inevitable….. the sickness, old age, and finally death. He renounced the world in search of Nirvana. Years of search for the truth and the final realisation came in his life. The enlightened one was called Budha.
4.Mohan Das Karam Chand Gandhi
Born in Gujrat, India, Bar at Law from England, moved to South Africa for Legal Practice …. Just a common man’s journey! He is thrown out from a First Class compartment , though with a valid ticket, on the platform of some obscure town in South Africa as the fellow white traveler could not tolerate a colored man traveling with a white man! Gandhi had seen and heard about racial discrimination but was perhaps for the first time the victim. This was the begining of the long fight for equality which ended with the Independence of his own country in 1947 from the British Rule.
Hisory is abound with such stories .What is it that a tiny spark spreads a big fire? Day in and day out we come across many such happenings around us and we simply we walk by. Are therefore some people destined to change the course of history for the good or bad. I think so. They good ones were different because:
*All great people had very humble beginning. They were focused, resolute and persevering in their efforts.
*They had very little to gain from their struggle and every thing to lose.
*Their struggle was for the humanity at large and nothing to do with cast, creed, color or nationality.
*They had no enemosity or hatred for the persons or group they were fighting against.
*They were not attached with the result of their struggle and they were not afraid of failures.
*For them nothing was bigger than the cause not even their family or friends.
*Their conviction was so great that people joined them of their own.
*They could carry with all criticism and had the capacity to endure hardships.
Humanity will always be indebted to these many great souls. They came from all casts, creeds, and nationalities and enriched the whole world. Some of them like Budha became living God in their life time and are worshiped like God. God therefore is within us , among us.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Honesty is defined as “state or quality of being honest (free from fraud, upright, just, sincere, candid, virtuous) integrity, candor, truth.” While describing some one or ourselves as honest we forget that it is rather impossible to be truly honest.
One of my friend, a Chartered Accountant, successful a that, once told me that he keeps some cash in the open drawers or on kitchen self which is not only handy while paying certain bills or asking the servant to get something from the market but also for testing the integrity of the servant. His theory is, given a chance we are all dishonest. It may be difficult for a person to break open a locker but it will be quite easy for him to pinch some money or jewellery lying unguarded. Honest people do not take advantage of situations whatever may be the gains.
The issue is the perpetual fight between mind and soul. Inner self forbids doing what is not good, mind looks into the practical aspect of life. In most cases mind wins. Perhaps present day materialistic life justifies such issues. May be these are not the issues at all.
Let us start from the beginning of our adult hood as the childhood can be spared for reasons of lack of experience or understanding of various aspects of honest life. Grabbing out of turn or unjustified benefits be it not standing in the Queue or backdoor entries for our personal or official gains, being part of some fraud, reaching office late or leaving early on false pretexts, remaining politically correct in the face of injustice to a fellow worker, pinching office stationary, submitting inflated tour bills, accepting or expecting gifts from suppliers, bribing the system for speeding up our official work in order to gain a few points of performance awards. There can be hundreds of examples of our working life when we did not really look honest.
Outside our working life, situation is no better. We do not follow the traffic rules, do not t pay our taxes and become a part of the corrupt system. The glaring example is the avoidance of stamp duty by undervaluing the property purchased. It is well known that the builders ask for 50% cash. Many a time receipt is not taken for purchases to avoid sales tax. Every time the excuse is others too are doing it and if we do not fall in line we will not survive.
Is then remaining honest in present day society really impossible. Should we therefore change the definition of honesty? Should bribery be legalized? Should some premium be charged legally on out of turn allotment of tickets, passports, and many other such things in the same way as Tatkal Railway Ticket or Passport or cooking gas connection?
Is it rather true that we are dishonest because we are human? I do not think animals have the concept of honesty. They have only one rule, might is right. Since physical might be able to have started street violence we invented financial or intellectual might to score over others. With the process of time people with financial or intellectual might got their tools sharpened and became more and more successful.
It looks honesty is for preaching others and not for self- practicing. It seems true because in spite of centuries of preaching society is struggling with fraud, untruths, and injustice. It is something like a notice board in front a juice center proclaiming “drinking strictly prohibited” but you can find people mixing their drinks with the juice supplied by the center right in front of the shop and enjoying in full glare of all standing around. The notice board is more of an invitation to buy juice to mix with drinks. By describing what is considered dishonest and stay away from such practices, the opposite seems to be happening. People are learning more tricks to be smart.
Honesty is defined as “state or quality of being honest (free from fraud, upright, just, sincere, candid, virtuous) integrity, candor, truth.” While describing some one or ourselves as honest we forget that it is rather impossible to be truly honest.
One of my friend, a Chartered Accountant, successful a that, once told me that he keeps some cash in the open drawers or on kitchen self which is not only handy while paying certain bills or asking the servant to get something from the market but also for testing the integrity of the servant. His theory is, given a chance we are all dishonest. It may be difficult for a person to break open a locker but it will be quite easy for him to pinch some money or jewellery lying unguarded. Honest people do not take advantage of situations whatever may be the gains.
The issue is the perpetual fight between mind and soul. Inner self forbids doing what is not good, mind looks into the practical aspect of life. In most cases mind wins. Perhaps present day materialistic life justifies such issues. May be these are not the issues at all.
Let us start from the beginning of our adult hood as the childhood can be spared for reasons of lack of experience or understanding of various aspects of honest life. Grabbing out of turn or unjustified benefits be it not standing in the Queue or backdoor entries for our personal or official gains, being part of some fraud, reaching office late or leaving early on false pretexts, remaining politically correct in the face of injustice to a fellow worker, pinching office stationary, submitting inflated tour bills, accepting or expecting gifts from suppliers, bribing the system for speeding up our official work in order to gain a few points of performance awards. There can be hundreds of examples of our working life when we did not really look honest.
Outside our working life, situation is no better. We do not follow the traffic rules, do not t pay our taxes and become a part of the corrupt system. The glaring example is the avoidance of stamp duty by undervaluing the property purchased. It is well known that the builders ask for 50% cash. Many a time receipt is not taken for purchases to avoid sales tax. Every time the excuse is others too are doing it and if we do not fall in line we will not survive.
Is then remaining honest in present day society really impossible. Should we therefore change the definition of honesty? Should bribery be legalized? Should some premium be charged legally on out of turn allotment of tickets, passports, and many other such things in the same way as Tatkal Railway Ticket or Passport or cooking gas connection?
Is it rather true that we are dishonest because we are human? I do not think animals have the concept of honesty. They have only one rule, might is right. Since physical might be able to have started street violence we invented financial or intellectual might to score over others. With the process of time people with financial or intellectual might got their tools sharpened and became more and more successful.
It looks honesty is for preaching others and not for self- practicing. It seems true because in spite of centuries of preaching society is struggling with fraud, untruths, and injustice. It is something like a notice board in front a juice center proclaiming “drinking strictly prohibited” but you can find people mixing their drinks with the juice supplied by the center right in front of the shop and enjoying in full glare of all standing around. The notice board is more of an invitation to buy juice to mix with drinks. By describing what is considered dishonest and stay away from such practices, the opposite seems to be happening. People are learning more tricks to be smart.
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